
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

A week had passed since my last intense training session, and now the day had finally arrived. D-Day. The excitement coursing through my veins was almost palpable. Dressed in my enchanted Crimson Armor, with my Adamantine Tachi slung at my waist, and my Threaded Cane in my left hand, I took a moment to look at myself in the mirror. The man staring back at me was ruggedly handsome, his buzz cut accentuating his strong jawline and piercing pale olive eyes. I couldn't help but grin.

With anticipation bubbling inside me, I headed to the briefing room where the original seven Justice League members were gathered alongside numerous other heroes: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Atom, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Hawkgirl, Zatanna, and Firestorm, among others.

My gaze particularly paused at Black Canary. I sauntered over, a playful smirk on my face. "Hey Canary, if we survive this, how about we grab dinner? I promise I'm more charming off the battlefield."

Black Canary chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "We'll see about that, Katsuo. Maybe if you prove yourself today."

I placed a hand over my heart in mock hurt. "Ouch, straight to the heart. I'll be sure to impress you then."

Before I could respond, Batman's stern voice cut through the room. "Enough, Katsuo. Focus on the mission."

I nodded, turning my attention to Batman as he began the debriefing. "Today's mission is critical. We're going after Plantera. This will be a multi-phase operation, with several teams handling different aspects. Katsuo, you'll be part of the strike team along with Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Aquaman."

As Batman continued outlining the mission details, I couldn't help but wonder why the rest of these heroes hadn't joined the fight when I had "attacked" the Justice League. The question nagged at me, so I made a mental note to ask Batman later.





Once the briefing was over, I approached Batman. "Hey Bats, got a minute?"

Batman nodded, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What is it, Katsuo?"

"I was just wondering why all these heroes didn't join the fight when I, you know, went a little wild and attacked you guys," I asked, trying to keep my tone light but genuinely curious.

Batman sighed, crossing his arms. "We have protocols in place. Not everyone was available or in a position to respond immediately. Plus, containing you without causing unnecessary harm required specific tactics. It wasn't about underestimating you; it was about minimizing collateral damage."

I nodded thoughtfully. "Makes sense, I guess. Thanks for clearing that up."

Batman gave a curt nod. "Focus on the task at hand. We need your head in the game."

I grinned. "Don't worry, Bats. I'm ready."





As we geared up and headed towards our destination, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation and determination. Each hero was focused, ready for the challenge ahead. This was it – the moment we'd been preparing for.

Standing near the entrance to the underground jungle, Wonder Woman glanced at me. "Katsuo, you seem particularly eager. Any special reason?"

I shrugged, adjusting my grip on the Threaded Cane. "I've been itching for a good fight. Plus, I've got a bit of a reputation to uphold, you know?"

Green Lantern chuckled. "You mean the reputation of being a one-man army? Yeah, we've heard the stories."

Aquaman clapped me on the shoulder. "Just make sure you leave some of the action for us, alright?"

Martian Manhunter added, "Remember, we're a team. Let's work together and ensure everyone's safety."

I nodded, a genuine smile on my face. "Of course, J'onn. Teamwork makes the dream work."

With a final nod from Batman, we descended into the jungle, ready to face whatever horrors awaited us. The anticipation was thick, but so was the camaraderie. Today, we would face Plantera and whatever else this twisted world had to offer. And I was more than ready to unleash my full potential.





As we descended deeper into the underground jungle towards Plantera's Bulb, we encountered a veritable zoo of jungle mobs.

Overgrown trappers tried to ensnare us with their deadly vines, massive hornets buzzed around us like angry drones, and giant tortoises spun towards us with their deadly whirling shell attacks.

Spiked slimes bounced menacingly, and jungle creepy crawlers scuttled everywhere.

But the worst? Those damn bees. Weak, but annoyingly persistent. And don't get me started on the fish – more aggressive than piranhas, and even Aquaman couldn't control them.

We also had a run-in with a giant moth that tried to blind us with its dust.





Back at the Watchtower, Batman monitored my performance with growing concern. Black Canary and Zatanna watched with interest, the former impressed by my combat prowess, while the latter was intrigued by my "magic."

"He's something else, isn't he?" Black Canary remarked, watching as I dispatched enemies with swift, lethal precision.

Zatanna nodded, her eyes glued to the screen. "Indeed. His manipulation of elements is fascinating. Batman, how does he do it?"

Batman kept his gaze on the screen. "Katsuo has unique abilities, likely from his world-hopping and the trials he's faced. His skills in earth and lightning manipulation are natural to him, augmented by his equipment and training."

Black Canary whistled. "You think he can keep this up?"

"He'll have to," Batman replied. "The threats we face require someone of his... particular skill set. But it's his control that worries me."





Back in the underground jungle, we finally arrived at Plantera's Bulb. We quickly set up a makeshift arena – a suggestion from Batman, executed with my earth manipulation. With the arena ready, we "popped" the bulb.

The underground jungle rumbled ominously as Plantera began to emerge. For this fight, I decided to use my Threaded Cane. Because why not? I summoned my swords, clad my body, Threaded Cane, and summoned swords with both lightning and fire properties, and readied for battle.

"Get ready, team," Wonder Woman called out. "This is going to be a tough one."

Green Lantern created a shield around us as the giant, plant-like monstrosity emerged. "I've got our defenses. Katsuo, you lead the charge."

Grinning, I stepped forward. "Let's dance, Plantera."

As Plantera lunged, I activated my Shunpo, darting in and out of reach. I swung my Threaded Cane, its fire and lightning enhancements sizzling through the air. The summoned swords whirled around me, striking Plantera from all sides.

"Keep it distracted!" Martian Manhunter yelled, his telepathic powers trying to probe for a weakness.

Aquaman and Wonder Woman charged in, attacking from the sides. Green Lantern's constructs battered Plantera, while Martian Manhunter used his intangibility to avoid its attacks and deliver precise blows.

"Seriously, why do we always get the weird jobs?" Green Lantern grumbled, blocking a barrage of spiked seeds.

"Because we're the best, obviously," I quipped, summoning another wave of swords.

I focused my energy, channeling both lightning and fire into a single, devastating attack. "Summoned Swords, go!" The ethereal blades slashed at Plantera, tearing through its thick vines.

Despite its size and strength, Plantera couldn't keep up with our coordinated assault. My elemental attacks weakened it, and the combined might of the Justice League wore it down. With a final, powerful strike from my Threaded Cane, Plantera let out a monstrous roar and collapsed, defeated. And it also dropped a key.

Breathing heavily, I looked around at my teammates. "Well, that was fun."

Wonder Woman smiled, patting my shoulder. "Good work, Katsuo. You were incredible out there."

"Just doing my job," I replied with a grin. "Now, what's next?"





Back at the Watchtower, Batman noted my proficiency in fighting and the added power of earth manipulation, as well as my restraint in not using Rapid Slash as much. The contingency against me was becoming more detailed.

"He didn't lose control this time," Black Canary observed.

"Let's hope it stays that way," Batman said quietly, his concern evident.

Zatanna turned to Batman. "What's the plan if he does?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Batman replied. "For now, we monitor, support, and prepare."

With that, the Justice League continued to watch and strategize, knowing that their unconventional ally was both a powerful asset and a potential wild card.

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