
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

Two months passed, marking my fourth month in this world and my longest mission yet. The aftermath of my fight with the Justice League brought some noticeable changes.

First was Diana asking for a sparring session. I accepted, of course. Who wouldn't want to spar with Wonder Woman?

"Ready to get your butt kicked?" she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

"We'll see about that," I replied, smirking. The sparring sessions were intense and enlightening, pushing my limits and honing my skills further.

Secondly, there was an increased "request" for my participation in "small missions" or side quests, as I liked to call them. Batman always had a task for me, whether it was handling rogue metahumans or tracking down elusive villains.

"You seem eager to keep me busy," I noted to Batman during one of our briefings.

"Just making sure you're integrated into our operations," he replied, his expression unreadable.

Thirdly, and most shockingly, I now had a cat. A Maine Coon I named Tom. Batman gifted him to me, which was unexpected.

"A cat, Bruce?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Studies show pets can help reduce stress and bloodlust," he said matter-of-factly. Tom quickly became a constant companion, his presence oddly soothing.

I also decided to cut my hair, opting for a clean buzz cut that gave me a no-nonsense look. Intimidating, aren't I?

The young justice team's attitude had also subtly changed. They seemed more vigilant around me, which I found amusing.

"Guys, I'm not a maniac," I laughed during a card game.

Beast Boy shrugged, "Hey, better safe than sorry, right?"

Wonder Girl added, "Your aura does have a tendency to spike during fights. It's... unsettling."

"Unsettling?" I teased. "Or impressive?"

"Why not both?" Aqualad said with a grin.

Miss Martian chimed in, "Just remember, we're a team. No solo acts without backup."

I chuckled, "Don't worry, M'gann. I've learned my lesson."

"Have you?" Artemis teased. "Because from what we heard, you soloed Skeletron Prime."

"Yeah, that was epic!" Nightwing exclaimed, eyes wide. "But seriously, don't scare us like that again."

"Scare you?" I raised an eyebrow. "I thought you guys were heroes."

"We are," Nightwing said, smirking. "But we still have a sense of self-preservation."

Lastly, there was increased surveillance towards Plantera's Bulb. Batman had us monitoring its growth and changes constantly.

"It's almost time to kill this overgrown plant, no?" I mused, glancing at the latest data on the bulb.

Batman nodded, "We need to be prepared. Plantera won't be an easy fight."

With these changes, I continued to train, participate in missions, and prepare for the inevitable battles ahead. Despite the increased scrutiny, I found a strange sense of belonging here. And with Tom by my side, I felt a small semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos.





I now lay on the couch, thinking about my upcoming fight with Plantera. I browse my interface for a flamethrower or something similar, but upon seeing my current points of 69,000, my mood fell. Noticing this, Tom, who was sprawled on my stomach, purred, trying to comfort me.

Then a thought came to mind. Isn't lightning a deviant form of fire? I sat up, suddenly energized, and contacted Batman.

"Hey, Bats, can I use the training room?" I asked, this routine having become the norm. Since my incident with the Justice League, I had to report to Batman for training room access. It was quite understandable really; I mean, I almost made them meet death.

Batman's voice came through the comm, "Granted. Just make sure not to blow it up this time."

I chuckled, "No promises."

Entering the training room, I summarized my skill set. Judgement Cut, Rapid Slash, my favorite Shunpo, Summoned Swords, and lastly Earth and Lightning manipulation. I wondered if I could possibly learn fire by the end of this.

Could I coat my body with fire and electricity simultaneously? I grinned at the thought. Could I also imbue my Summoned Swords with elemental properties to add more spunk to them? The possibilities were exciting.





In the training room, I started with lightning manipulation, focusing on generating heat. The idea was to create enough friction in the air to spark a flame. I visualized the process, feeling the electricity crackle around my fingers. Slowly, the sparks intensified, growing hotter.

"Focus," I muttered to myself, concentrating on the sensation. A small flame flickered to life at my fingertips, and I couldn't help but grin.

"Now, let's take it up a notch."

I expanded the flame, wrapping it around my hand, then my arm. The heat was intense, but my control over lightning helped me manage it. Next, I attempted to combine it with electricity, channeling both elements simultaneously. The room was filled with crackling energy and flickering flames.

"Alright, time to coat my Summoned Swords."

I summoned the ethereal blades, concentrating on imbuing them with both fire and electricity. The swords glowed with an intense energy, crackling with power.

"Looks like I'm ready for some fireworks," I said, satisfied with my progress.



After a few hours of rigorous training, I felt more prepared. My new techniques would be a surprise for Plantera, and anyone else who dared to face me. I wiped the sweat from my brow and headed back to the living quarters, eager to share my progress.



Back at the living quarters, I flopped onto the couch, exhausted but exhilarated. Tom jumped up, curling up next to me. I scratched behind his ears, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"Ready to face an overgrown plant, Tom?" I asked, chuckling as he purred in response.

With my new techniques in hand, I felt confident that Plantera didn't stand a chance. And who knows? Maybe I'd earn enough points for that flamethrower after all.





Determined to hone my new techniques further, I headed back to the training room the next day. Batman, ever watchful, monitored my progress from the control room.

"What's on the agenda today?" he asked over the intercom.

"I'm going to perfect this fire and lightning combo," I replied. "And maybe experiment with some earth manipulation to see if I can incorporate it into my fighting style."

"Just don't blow anything up," Batman said dryly.

I laughed, "I'll try my best."





I began with basic drills, channeling lightning through my body to ensure my control was precise. Once I was confident, I added fire, visualizing the energy sparking into flames. It was a delicate balance, but I managed to maintain both elements, wrapping them around my arms and legs.

"Okay, time to move," I muttered.

I practiced Shunpo, my high-speed movement technique, while maintaining the fire and lightning combo. The room was a blur of motion and light as I zipped around, leaving trails of crackling energy and heat in my wake. It was exhilarating and challenging, but each attempt brought more control.

"Let's up the ante," I said, summoning my ethereal swords.

I focused on coating the Summoned Swords with the combined elements. The blades glowed with an intense, almost blinding energy, flickering between flames and lightning. I swung them experimentally, marveling at the raw power they emitted.

"Not bad," I said, impressed with myself. "But can I do more?"

Next, I turned to earth manipulation. I'd already mastered basic techniques, like creating barriers and launching projectiles, but I wanted to integrate it more seamlessly into my combat style.

I began by creating a small platform of rock beneath my feet, lifting myself off the ground. I hovered there, maintaining my balance while still channeling fire and lightning. It was tricky, but I managed to stabilize.

"Now, let's move."

I combined Shunpo with earth manipulation, creating platforms and walls as I moved, using them to change direction or shield myself. It added a new layer to my mobility and defense, making me even more unpredictable in a fight.

For the grand finale, I practiced combining all my elements: fire, lightning, and earth. I created a whirlwind of flames and electricity, hurling rocks through the storm. The room was a chaotic blend of elements, but I controlled it all with precision.





Hours later, drenched in sweat and panting from exertion, I finally stopped. The training room was a mess, but I felt more prepared than ever.

"How was that, Bats?" I asked, wiping my brow.

"Impressive," Batman replied, a hint of approval in his voice. "Just remember, control is key. Don't let the power go to your head."

I smirked, "Don't worry, I've got it covered."

Feeling accomplished, I headed back to the living quarters. Tom greeted me with a purr, and I flopped onto the couch, exhausted but satisfied.

As I scratched behind Tom's ears, I couldn't help but think about the upcoming fight with Plantera. With my new techniques, I was ready to take on anything this world threw at me.

Tom is a good boi. Also that "69" isn't an innuendo.

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