
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Curing Boredom

(Third-person POV)

A day later, the Justice League's conference room buzzed with anticipation as Batman stepped up to deliver his report. The room fell silent, all eyes on him.

"The Temple where Golem resides has been located," Batman began, his voice steady and authoritative. A holographic map flickered to life above the table, highlighting the temple's position deep in the jungle. "We have confirmed the presence of several traps and formidable enemies within. Expect heavy resistance."

He continued to detail the nature of the foes they would face inside the temple, describing the Lihzahrds and Flying Snakes, as well as the towering Golem itself. The holographic images shifted to display each enemy in turn, the heroes around the table absorbing the information with grim determination.

"A line-up has been decided for the assault," Batman announced. "Katsuo, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter will be part of the team. I will monitor the operation from the Watchtower. Flash and Superman will remain in garrison to respond to any other threats that may arise."

Katsuo grinned at the inclusion. "About time we got some fun," he quipped, earning a few chuckles from the others. Wonder Woman gave him a knowing smile, while Green Lantern simply shook his head with a smirk.

"Finally, some real action," Green Lantern said. "I was getting bored of patrolling the skies."

"Next, we need to discuss the plan for Skeletron Prime," Batman continued, his tone turning even more serious. "This mechanical monstrosity will require precise coordination to defeat. Each of you will be briefed on your specific roles once the operation is imminent."

Katsuo couldn't resist. "So, who's bringing the oil can for this one?"

Wonder Woman laughed softly. "Let's hope it's not me. My armor is shiny enough without grease stains."

He moved on to the next agenda item, the search for Plantera's Bulb. "We've received reports that Plantera's Bulb has been found inside the jungle, which interestingly enough has grown underground. This subterranean jungle is teeming with flora and fauna, some of which are highly dangerous. Exercise extreme caution when navigating this environment."

Martian Manhunter raised an eyebrow. "A jungle underground. Nature never ceases to amaze."

Katsuo nodded. "Just like my last girlfriend. She was full of surprises too."

"Focus, Katsuo," Batman interjected.

Batman moved on to the final topics. "We must also prepare for the Lunatic Cultist and the ensuing Lunar Events. These will be unlike anything we've faced before, culminating in a battle against the Moon Lord."

Katsuo couldn't help but chuckle at the nickname. "Big Boi Squidward himself, huh? This is going to be interesting."

"Jokes aside," Batman said, "the Moon Lord represents an existential threat. Defeating him will require everything we've got. Make sure you're all ready."

As the meeting progressed, the discussions grew more detailed, each hero contributing their insights and strategies. The plan for each phase was meticulously laid out, ensuring that every possible scenario was accounted for.

By the end of the meeting, the team felt a mix of apprehension and readiness. The battles ahead would be some of the most challenging they had ever faced, but with careful planning and coordination, they were confident in their chances.

As they dispersed, Batman lingered behind, reviewing the data once more. Katsuo approached him, still grinning.

"You know, Bats, if this superhero thing doesn't work out, you could always join a reality TV show. 'World's Toughest Planner,' or something."

Batman gave a rare chuckle. "I'll keep that in mind. Just make sure you're ready for what's coming."

"Oh, I'm ready," Katsuo said, his grin widening. "I just hope these guys are ready for me."

With a nod, Batman turned back to his work, updating the Knightfall Protocol with a few more notes. He had a feeling that the upcoming encounters would test them all to their limits, especially Katsuo.

He hoped that the young warrior would find a way to balance his thirst for battle with the need for control, for the sake of their mission and his own future.





(Katsuo POV)

Hanging out in the Young Justice "crib," the atmosphere was relaxed and filled with the sounds of friendly banter and shuffling cards. Everyone had gathered around the table for a casual game, taking a much-needed break from their missions.

"I raise you two," Aqualad said, pushing a couple of chips into the pot.

"Fold," Wonder Girl muttered, leaning back in her chair with a hint of a smile.

Beast Boy grinned. "I'm all in!"

Katsuo looked at his cards and then at his pile of chips. "Call."

As the round progressed, Katsuo decided to bring up something that had been on his mind. "You know, I've been thinking about a cool superhero name. You guys have any suggestions?"

The Young Justice team looked at each other, intrigued by the question.

"How about 'Thunder Samurai'?" Aqualad suggested, leaning back in his chair. "You know, 'cause of your lightning and sword skills."

"Eh, sounds a bit too much like a wrestling name," Katsuo replied, shaking his head.

Wonder Girl tapped her chin thoughtfully. "How about 'Stormblade'?"

"Not bad, but I'm not sure if it fits," Katsuo said, considering it.

Beast Boy perked up, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "What about 'Lightning Ninja'? You know, quick, deadly, and full of sparks!"

Katsuo laughed. "I like where you're going with that, but I don't want people thinking I'm sneaking around in the shadows all the time."

Miss Martian, who had been listening quietly, smiled brightly. "What about 'Blitzblade'? It sounds powerful and swift, like your fighting style."

Katsuo raised an eyebrow, mulling it over. "Blitzblade, huh? I kinda like that. What do you guys think?"

Aqualad nodded in approval. "Blitzblade has a nice ring to it. It's unique and suits your abilities."

Beast Boy gave a thumbs up. "Yeah, dude! Blitzblade is totally cool!"

Artemis shrugged. "It works."

"Blitzblade it is, then," Katsuo said, grinning as he laid down his cards. "Now, prepare to face the wrath of Blitzblade in this game!"

The group laughed, the mood light and cheerful. It was moments like these that made their bond stronger, giving them a sense of normalcy amidst their extraordinary lives. As they continued playing, the name "Blitzblade" seemed to fit perfectly, marking the beginning of a new chapter for Katsuo.





Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was 6:20, and boredom was starting to creep in. With a visible sigh, I decided to browse my interface, hoping to find something to alleviate the monotony and, more importantly, occupy my "itchy" hands.

After a while of searching, an idea struck me. I searched for a "truffle worm" in its Terraria variant, aiming to summon the mighty Duke Fishron. And what do you know? It was priced at 30,000 points. Well then, time to cure this boredom, right?


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