
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs

Ba Dum Tss

(Katsuo POV)

As the weeks passed by in this new world, I found myself itching for more action. I had already proven myself capable in battles against formidable foes, and the desire to test my limits further burned within me.

But despite my eagerness, Batman remained cautious, advising against summoning Skeletron Prime, one of the world's most dangerous adversaries.

I couldn't hide my frustration. The thought of holding back, of not pushing myself to the edge, grated against my very being. "Why are we waiting?" I demanded, the frustration evident in my voice. "I'm ready for the challenge."

But Batman's expression remained stoic, his resolve unyielding. "Patience, Katsuo," he said firmly. "We need to be strategic about this. Rushing into battle without a plan is a surefire way to get ourselves killed."

I grumbled under my breath, but I knew he was right. I may have the power and the skill, but I lacked the experience and the foresight that Batman possessed in abundance. Reluctantly, I conceded, knowing that my time would come soon enough.

In the meantime, I needed an outlet for my frustration, a way to channel my energy and release the tension that simmered beneath the surface. And so, I turned to Batman with a request.

"Do you have a drum kit?" I asked, a glimmer of excitement in my eyes. "And a room where I can play to my heart's content?"

To my surprise, Batman nodded, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Follow me," he said, leading the way through the labyrinthine corridors of the Batcave.

We arrived at a nondescript door, which Batman opened to reveal a spacious room filled with various musical instruments. In one corner stood a drum kit, its polished surfaces gleaming in the soft light.

"It's all yours," Batman said, gesturing towards the drums with a nod of approval. "Play as much as you like."

A grin spread across my face as I took in the sight before me. Without hesitation, I made my way to the drum kit, the familiar thrill of anticipation coursing through my veins.

As I settled behind the drum set, I closed my eyes and let the rhythm take over, losing myself in the primal beat of the drums. With each strike, I felt the tension melt away, replaced by a sense of freedom and exhilaration.

For hours, I played with abandon, lost in the music and the moment. And as the echoes of the drums reverberated through the room, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I would always find solace in the power of music.





(Third-person POV)

Batman leaned back in his chair, eyes scanning the information now displayed on the Batcomputer's screen. Katsuo's profile had been updated, his threat level marked one rank higher. The young warrior's strength was both an asset and a liability, and the balance between those two would determine the safety of those around him.

He tapped a few keys, bringing up surveillance footage of Katsuo's recent activities. The relentless energy with which he had taken on the blood moon's monstrosities, the fervor in his eyes during each battle—it was clear that Katsuo thrived on the chaos and carnage. But that same fervor could easily tip into recklessness, something Batman knew all too well.

"Alfred," Batman called out, his voice steady yet laced with concern.

The ever-faithful butler appeared almost instantly, a calm presence in the storm of Batman's thoughts. "Yes, Master Bruce?"

"Keep a closer eye on Katsuo," Batman instructed. "I've elevated his threat level. His power is... formidable, but his struggle for control is worrying. We need to ensure he doesn't cross a line."

"Understood, sir," Alfred replied, his expression thoughtful. "Do you believe he's at risk of losing control?"

Batman sighed, his gaze returning to the screen. "It's not about if, Alfred. It's about when. He's strong, but he's not yet seasoned. The pressure of constant battle, the bloodlust... it can break even the best of us. We need to be prepared."

As Alfred left to carry out his orders, Batman turned his attention back to the Batcomputer. He began drafting a series of contingency plans, scenarios where Katsuo's power might spiral out of control. Each plan was meticulously detailed, accounting for various outcomes and responses.

Meanwhile, in the training room, Katsuo was unleashing his frustrations on the drum kit. The rhythmic pounding of the drums echoed through the Batcave, a stark contrast to the silent tension that hung in the air. Katsuo's energy was raw and untamed, a reflection of the inner turmoil Batman feared might one day consume him.

Hours later, Batman found himself standing outside the training room, listening to the furious beat of the drums. He knocked softly before entering, finding Katsuo drenched in sweat but looking more at ease than he had in days.

"Feeling better?" Batman asked, his voice cutting through the lingering echoes of the drums.

Katsuo looked up, a grin tugging at his lips. "Yeah, actually. Thanks for the drums. I needed that."

Batman nodded, though his expression remained serious. "I understand your frustration, Katsuo. But we need to be strategic about this. Rushing into battles without a plan can lead to disaster."

Katsuo's grin faded, replaced by a look of understanding. "I get it, Batman. It's just... hard, you know? Sitting around, waiting. I need to do something."

"You are doing something," Batman said firmly. "You're training, preparing yourself. Patience is just as important as strength. Remember that."

As they stood there, the weight of the conversation settled between them, a reminder of the delicate balance they both had to maintain. For now, Katsuo had found a way to channel his energy, but the road ahead was still uncertain. And Batman knew that he would need to keep a close watch, guiding the young warrior through the darkness that threatened to engulf him.

Returning to his console, Batman updated his files one last time for the night. The "Knightfall Protocol" now included several new layers of precautionary measures and alerts, all designed to keep tabs on

Katsuo's activities and mental state. It was a necessary step, but one that weighed heavily on Batman's conscience. He hoped it would never be needed, but in their line of work, hope was a luxury they could rarely afford.

Ba Dum Tss

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