
Shifter Adventure

"Yeah, were doing this" "Shut it" "You can and go eff yourself ahole" "screw u too"

Supreme_Commamder · Fantasy
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Christmas Time boisss!

In the night before Christmas

"SHUT UP! WERE TRYING TO RUSH EVERYTHING HERE!" Shifter 1 yelled at the narrator

Oh come on let me have this

"FCK YOU, YOU NEVER UPDATED THIS IN FEW WEEKS NOW!"shifter FD yelled with a candy cane spear

Okay fine just do your own things

"Lets goo!!! now do we have everything?"Shifter 1 asked the rest of the shifter who were setting up decorations, Christmas trees and the likes as the in the kitchen shifter 6 and 8 were ordering shifters to cook their feast

"THIS CHICKEN IS RAW YA EFFING DONKEY!" Shifter 6 yelled at the shifter cook who was whimpering before replied while yelling "YES CHEF!" and then moving away

"sheesh, HURRY IT UP EVERYONE WE HAVE 20 HOURS LEFT BEFORE CHRISTMAS!" Shifter 8 reminding the cooks who given him a respond of ' AYE!' and things were going overdrive

Next was couple of shifters along with 4 and 9 busy dealing with present to the renegade shifters and this was tiring as they had to deal with the families of shifters and their children

"KEEP PUMPING AND KEEP MAKING THOSE TOYS AND SHT BECAUSE WERE DEALING WITH HALF BREEDS AND THE FLOCKS OF OTHER SHIFTERS!"Shifter 4 yelled while reminding that their will alot of it and Every single shifter groan at this because his was going to be tiring and hard but they need to do this fast and a shifter known as Fast Clocks looked around and he had eye bags and they were dark as hell before dropping a clocking making everything 10 times faster then normal

"THAMKS CLOCKS!" every single shifter in here thanked he clock shifter who gave them a thumbs up before moving again

'This is tiring as hell, I want to sleep but I gonna keep moving just to see my kids' Clocks thoughed reminding himself that he gas childs that he need to see and he didn't want them to be as a shifter as this job was tiring and hectic and even death if its possible but no they cannot be killed by anything they just respawn and the perma deaths one are from unknown causes that they haven't figure it out yet

Now where is WC in this? currently he was chilling in his room just eating some chips before his doors was crashed through by couple of little rascal around 5 that he called his own blood and all of them keep yelling "DADDY!" over and over before jumping into his chest as he promptly choked on his chips and started to cough hard before it stopped and he shifted out and then appearing again as his 5 youngest dropped and were giggling because it was fun

"okay kids, What is it this time?" WC asked his adorable youngest all responded at the same time "ANGRY" that promptly made him froze because next thing you know his wall was open up by other 5 but instead of children ranging from 3-7 its now 15-18 3 males and 2 females while the youngest were 3 females and 2 male

"Dad! They destroyed our stuff!" One of them yelled complaining before pointing at the 5 who were hiding behind their father and that made him sigh

"Look, adam you do realize that this place will magically repair any destroyed items" WC reminding his oldest son that their stuff would repair back to normal and that made all 5 teenagers froze at that and forgotten about this but still they were still angry at their younger siblings

"Alright, what did they destroyed to.make you so angry?" WC asked one of his oldest children and all of his children had divinity on them and it was radiating alot and each one is different and yes all of them were goddesses dont ask how

"They destroyed the stuff that you gave us when we were children!" This one was Christos and this is the son of Hera and yes its the same hera from greek but in a different universe and said gifts were weaponry but All of his wife's denied his as sfrom giving them Sci-Fi advance weapons and he op-ed for something basic, like a teddy bear and some other stuff he forgotten because god damn it he hated it

"Alright, You know what to do to kids, apologize to your older siblings" WC ordered his youngest in a stern matter to apologize on what they did to their stuff

-----------------------{LINE BREAK MF!}--------------


anyways moving on, things are now coming around every single place is decorated and everything is in set as all of the shifter were lazying around waiting for the time to strike and they till have 5 hours and all of them looked each other then nodded to one other as they have 5 hours of fun to do!

and things went shit as they suddenly disappeared and everything was still in place actually they just move to the boys rooms which was a sercet place hidden place where they can do some boys stuffs like rowing and joining in, throwing rocks and throwing perfect ice on the ground posing balloons with a laser and many other as this was relaxing and yes they were watching some funny clips of their adventure and some satisfying stuff WC was busy throwing rocks into a large lake and it was satisfying to watch it

"Ahhh, this feel amazing ain't it bois?" WC asked in a high like tone and all of the respond were 'AYE' from the boiss and then when he looked at the time it already passed 5 and he can hear some voice already and every single shifter froze before scrambling to greet the guest and stuff and the ones who has family had to go to them and get them here and many more things

------------------------{Line Break}-----------------------

"Alright since the author is a lazy piece of crap and want to finish this lets have a PHOTO NOW EVERYONE GET IN PLACE!" Shifter 1 said and then yelling as every single person did what they were told as he disappeared and then reappearing with the others as the camera flash taking the picture of every single regenades and their family in the photo happy and a word saying 'MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!'

Kinda had to rush this and merry Christmas everyone and have a good holiday

Supreme_Commamdercreators' thoughts