
Shifter Adventure

"Yeah, were doing this" "Shut it" "You can and go eff yourself ahole" "screw u too"

Supreme_Commamder · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Speedy time! and OH NO and buying time!

After the battle and training more men, he had set them to be on patrol to be able to hunt any small creature or any hostile crap while the village grow in size and get the workers to work and yes he is paying them with gold but he needed meat soon, [Meat Farm] which cost around 70 wood, 60 stone, 10 metal and 60 gold and needs some animals which is required to have hunters but he needs an [Hunter Lodge] which cost 100 wood and 90 stone which is expensive but he would get meat from and its possible to get some tamed animals while he can buy some eart animals which he will after this meat farm is done and he might need to return back to the HQ as time is weird in the void that they reside in.

"Alright, is there any way to increase production?" WC asked the 5 people that he picked that would be the advisor of the king

"Milord, maybe we can increase pay?" Judas suggesting as he is the first advisor of the emperor which was WC

"We don't have enough gold, to make it so, we might need to expand out the village to create some small town that would be specializes on some things to make a bit gold" The treasurer, James said while looking at his clipboard

"Well, we need more men to able to expand" High General of Imperial army and his name is Bob, quiet underwhelming actually hahaha(WC:" Oh God why")

(Also, I got a name for your empire)

(WC:"... just tell me already)


(WC:"Interesting, this is a first, wait)


"Well, my liege, we might able to get some more people if build more homes and it would add more people while the one here would start making babies" Johnathan said before looking at WC who was nodding

"Alright, we start building some homes to get more people and we need to educate our people soon enough, so we can research some stuff" WC said before drinking a cup of coffee that he has conveniently

"That would be wise, sir but still this might take a awhile to do, should we sped up time?"another advisor asked WC

"Alright speed it up it is" WC said before pulling out a pocket watch and he press he button? anyways everything suddenly sped up by 3 times then normal as 10 times is not on his mind yet.

WC saw everything going fast, People working, collecting materials and many other activities as he sigh and looked at the roof because the author is lazy to update this story and he needs some motivation but anyways (Shut up) he check his resoruce now.

Things went up most of them being 1000 and thanked the shifters that the tree regrow and then he felt ringing appearing as he suddenly put the speed to one times

'Milord! There is an invasion of monster happening!' The telepathy he had put with his units yelled

'Damn it, Which monster are we dealing here? And how many?' WC asked the squad leader

'Sir around 6,000 Monster ranging from small goblins to large Dire wolf and a single lich'

[System Alert]

(Uh oh DEFEND:"So, you have encounter a large attacking force, Beat all of them and start reclaiming this place for agresh and lead your people to glory"

First mission:Defeat all monster


Second mission:Do not take any casualties


Third mission:Build up defence

(Build up walls and Towers)

Fourth mission:Kill the lich


Bonus Mission: Limit the use of your ability


First reward: Holy crap that is a lot of exp and Loyalty of the people increase by 80%

Second reward:Fertility rate increase by 60% and Holy crap that is some good Materials (Metal 5000, Wood 4000, Gold 3000, Food 13000, Magic Ore 500, Stone 5000 and Rare Metal 400)

Third reward:Building time for any defensive or troop production increase by 10x times more, Increase all building HP and All Output of resource are increase by 80%

Fourth Reward:@#$!&^*$@

Bonus reward: Get a National Spirit And Get 5 random heroes summon cube)












'The fck?' WC brain just short-circuit as the rewards are amazing and all of them are PERMANT and the 5 summon are extremely beneficial to him as summon a single hero with his system is expensive and he need alot of stuff plus all of them are immortal and each hero have buffs, 'Wait this sounds like one of hose shtty mobile ads now'

(WC:"Author! the hell are you trying to pull this off?!")

(Shut it WC)

'this is weird, why is the fourth one glitched?' WC thoughts qere interrupted as he gets another notification

[New mission update]

(Buying time!:Looks like your in a large pickle as 6k monster are invading your settlement and now you need to buy an insta army! hope you have enough gold for this, heheheheheh)

First Mission:Buy any Insta Army

First Reward:Permant added to your population, Fighting spirit, Defense Spirit)

'Neat, Fighting and defense spirit gives out great buff and this will be fun but first which one should I buy first?'


{Death Warriors}

|They do not care about their life|



|This is basically just people with equipment that makes them go banzai and go boom, boom|



|basically? tanks just tanks|


{Mechanized Boiss}

|Uses Armor vehicles and have infantry in it|



|basically? Flamethrower soldiers|

And many more of them

'Hmmmm, which one should I buy?' He had alot of option but the best best bet would be heavy machines guns or flamethrower as machine guns can mow down these monster but it cost ammo and its expensive but worth it, while flamethrower can burn large amount of monster until they have fire resistance and then he suddenly pressed the buy button and then suddenly outside, 300 Soldiers appeared wearing heavy armor with Machine guns

[Mission complete]

(Buying time!:Looks like your in a large pickle as 6k monster are invading your settlement and now you need to buy an insta army! hope you have enough gold for this, heheheheheh)

First Mission:Buy any Insta Army

First Reward:Permant added to your population, Fighting spirit, Defense Spirit)

[Giving rewards]






[Giving rewards]

[National Fighting force]

<We will fight to the end, No matter what>

|+30% Attack, +20% on every single soldier, effective weaponry and increase attack speed , -10% Supply consumption when attacking, +50% Training decrease and better quality and generals assign to any army will have higher chance to have their attack increase|

'HAHAHA, this so amazing!' He was now very excited and happy of this amazing buff

[Defensive Spirit]

<We will hold the line, no matter what the cost is>

|+30% Defence, +20% increase in defence of soldiers and armor, -10% on consuming supplies while being on the defensive and EXP gain is much more faster and Generals will get more defensive stats|

'Oh lord, these are effing amazing!

---------------------[Scene Change]--------------------

10 women who were interrogating 2 shifter who were tied up and looked a bit beat up but still alive

"WE WILL NEVER TELL YOU WH**E!" Shifter CF yelled before being smacked by a very hard stick

"This is going nowhere" the Brown hair one muttered

"Because you haven't used enough torture Hera" The other perked up with a sadistic smile on her

The two shifter didn't bulge as they have god and ANIME on their side and something else but let's just say, they'll be talking soon enough.

{5 minutes later}

"I WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING!" Shifter CF pleaded as he saw his favorite drink be violated by such monster as he was having noodles coming out of his mouth because of these b*tches ruining coffee

"See, ladies torture is always the option!"

well this is certainly interesting to say

(CF:"Shut up!! YOU STUPID BI-")

(No cursing)

CF was currently telling everything they need to know about the shifter and among useless things that the shifter do

"well, thank you for that but I must end you" She replied while pulling a knife and then screams were heard outside and the people who walked past just decided to move on.

{Back to WC}

"umu, I need more defeneses" WC muttered while looking at the settlement who was setting up a wooden wall with watch towers and stuff.

Sorry about not making any chapters, Webnovel didn't let me write any stuff whenever I tried to tap my book and write and then boom kicked

Supreme_Commamdercreators' thoughts