
Shifter Adventure

"Yeah, were doing this" "Shut it" "You can and go eff yourself ahole" "screw u too"

Supreme_Commamder · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Info For the System

So a lore dump on the system in chapter 2 which is now released


RTS is the system own by WC or wildcard the system involved around real time strategy games, like CNC, World of warcraft and many more, for him he asked one of the shifter that can make systems if he needs too

Shifter MS:"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, I am taking this show, I am the one who literally made his system"

Hey, hey get out of you son of a bitch, this is my Book!

MS:"No, You literally made us and you made us to have 4th wall breaking properties, Like a certain merc with the mouth"

Thou thy shalt state name as thy mouse is watching

MS:"Alright, no talking about those 2 but back on track, as I was saying, while yes I can make system but those required shit ton of paperwork from the higher ups to get approved on each project as gamer in every fanfic that you see or story all of them have overpowered on them"

Ah yes, I always loved some of them

MS:"But, since WC system is more oriented on building, army creation, research, resource, leveling up system, Quest that he will get at random times or on important, while he can buy heroes, he needs an alter to do so and while he can use the <Store> like every gamer, its more on resources and instant deployment depending on age he is in but since that fcking bastard made it so, he has mixed of melee and guns into trying to make a certain 40k game but since game workshop might sue our asses, he had to lower it down to ww2 and medieval style and the instant army consisted of 400 soldiers, having 100 melee fighters, 200 are archers and 30 are machine gunner, 20 are rocket units and the rest are support and they'll disappeared depending on the time of battle unless used garrison support which i highly recommend on not using"

I can agree, do not use them in any garrison unless its a defense battle

MS:"Yes, but continuing from there, this is the basic and cheapest one. we have multiple instant army that we can use, ranging from full on guns only or medieval only, to tanks and mechanized to horse and stuff, air force is exclusive until he gets into the industrial age, as currently he is just the medieval age but with guns since he choose a perk that make him have one, the topic on perk is just some sort of passive ability, each one has it perks but I will not be going there yet, that is and I will be ending this as I am going to sleep"

oh God damn it, but this what MS looks like, MS is a Caucasian man with Japanese heritage in him, he has black and blue eyes, stood around 5'11 and that is basically it as I am lazy so see ya folks and I will be going a qna once this thing set off


Update, settlers has the same ability as the civilization series, create city? boom a large ass city appeared as another function