

"Congratulations!" People ushered in and congratulated Dickson and June. They were standing together, taking photographs and also answering some questions the press had for them.

"Miss June, I heard Miss Eve is your best friend so how do you feel marrying the man who left your best friend on the alter?" One reporter asked.

"Ermmm I'm sorry but I think this question isn't necessary " she replied clinging to Dickson.

"Of course it is necessary June... we all want to know!" Eve mounted the platform. The paparazzi surrounded them as soon as Eve showed up. The press also climbed up ready with their questions.

"Miss Eve we thought you wouldn't show up...Miss Eve how do you feel about June! ... Miss Eve do you still love Mr Dickson!" They kept pestering her with their questions.

"I will answer all of you but ain't you interested in what June has to say " she replied and they all nodded in agreement.

"Eve!" Dickson tried approaching her but she blocked him with her hands.

"I will get to you Dickson let June answer me!" She said trying so hard not to break down.

"I don't have any answer for you Eve ... you snatched Dickson from me but he is mine now " she replied not ashamed of herself.

"You have no shame June... was that the reason why you told Dickson our baby wasn't his huh?"

"But of course the baby isn't his!" She replied proudly

"You are a whore!" She said and Eve landed a slap on her face.

"How dare you!" June tried to pounce on her but Dickson pulled her away.

"Why do you hit my wife when everything she is saying is the truth!" Dickson said to her.

"You are disgusting Dickson... I can't believe you trust her more than me but trust me you will look for me one day but you won't find me!" Eve replied and he laughed.

"Look for you ! In your dreams... I loved you that's why I didn't let the press know about your betrayal but since you have no shame, now the whole world is going to know the prostitute you are!" Dickson said

"And how are you going to do that Mr Dickson... when and how did I betray you and as a matter of fact you are the only man who has seen my nakedness yet you dare not to accept our child and even agree with this ungrateful being that I'm a whore" she said looking at June in disgust.

"Lies! Lies! Lies!! When will you ever stop lying Eve .. your pretense is enough... I've had enough of you ! Now you want proof right... you want me to humiliate you in front of the whole world when you know perfectly well what you did!"

"I did nothing wrong Dickson and I'm not scared of you !"

"Fine ! Get me the pictures in my safe James " Dickson said to his best man and June smiled , feeling victorious.

"What pictures is he talking about!" The press murmured among themselves.

"What pictures Eve?" Tina asked.

"I don't know Tina but I also want to see it " she replied.

"So Eve ... do you still insist you never cheated on me !" Dickson said holding the pictures.

"I've never cheated you D" she said and he laughed.

"Since she continues to lie you can all take a look at this!" He said and handed the pictures to the press and also handed some to her .

Eve stared at the pictures, not believing what she was seeing. The lady in the picture was indeed her but she didn't know the guy. She was half naked and a guy who was also naked laid beside her . "How!" She said unable to hold her tears in . Tina stared at her then at the pictures. "It's not you right?" She said to her.

"Miss Eve !" The press turned to look at her. They were asking her questions but she was not processing any of their questions. She held the picture in her hands, her hands shaking and her heart trembling. She felt the whole world was collapsing around her. She raised her head and stared at Dickson. " I know nothing about this!" She whispered and everything went black .

"How dare you Dickson!"Carl held Dickson by the collar.

"How dare you humiliate my daughter... you did it the last time, I spared you but I swear I'm going to kill you this time " Carl said continuing to strangle him.

"No sir please stop ! Carl please stop!" Nora and Tina calmed him down. Dickson straightened his collar and said to him. "You should be thanking me rather "

"That's enough Dickson! You can leave now and thank you so much for bringing my daughter to the hospital which wasn't even necessary for you to ... Tina could have drove her!" Nora said

"Well I brought her here and I will wait till I know she his fine " he said

"Eve doesn't need your sympathy Dickson besides your beautiful wife is waiting for you !" Tina said.

The doctor came out after a while, smiling at them. "You brought her here right... are you her husband?" The doctor asked Dickson.

"No ! I'm her friend you can talk to me! He doesn't know her , he is just a Good Samaritan " Tina interrupted even before he could respond.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought he was " the doctor said

"It's okay doctor how is my child?" Nora asked.

"She is fine mom ... it was just a slight shock and it's good you brought her on time " he replied

"So is she completely out of danger?" Dickson asked concerned

"Yes but you should advise her to eat well or her baby will suffer " he said.

"Baby ! " Nora , Carl and Tina exclaimed.

"Well yeah .. did you not know she is pregnant?" The doctor asked surprised

"But she had an abortion " they said

"An abortion? Why would she do that?" Dickson asked confused

"Well then she might have lied to you ... there has been no such thing done " the doctor said and excused himself.

"Wow!" Nora exclaimed and hugged her husband.

"Why are you still here leave !" Tina said to Dickson.

"I will but why did you think Eve had an abortion?" He asked worriedly

"Because your wife pestered her to and since you also didn't accept the pregnancy she considered her advice and why do you even care" she replied

"June but why would she suggest that to her"

"You should be asking her not me... if you would excuse me I will go and check up on her" she said and walked out on him

"We've been waiting for you ... where have you been?"Mrs Arthur asked.

"It's fine mom I'm back now" he said upset.

"Where is June?" He asked

"She called off the reception I think she is in her room " she replied

"It's good she called it off" he replied and headed towards her room

"Will you open the door" he banged on the door

"Why should I Dickson! I don't want to talk to you !"

"Of course you have to talk to me please open the door!" He said still banging on it

"What do you want to say... sorry... after leaving me and following Eve " she replied from inside

"I'm not here to say sorry June I want you to answer my questions "

"Then leave cause I have no answers for you!" She replied

"Of course you do !" He said and break the door open, breathing profusely.

"Dickson!" She said, startled by his appearance.

"I just need answers June and don't dare to lie to me !" He shouted angrily

"What do you want?" She asked feeling nervous

"Did you ask Eve to get an abortion " he said

"An abortion... me ?"

"Don't you dare lie to me !"

"Fine I did " she replied

"Why!"he shouted

"Because... nothing!"she shouted

"Nothing... Are you sure ... and are you sure the baby she is carrying isn't mine?" He asked

"You should know that yourself Dickson, she cheated you !"

"That doesn't answer my damn question June... is the baby mine or not!"

"I don't know!" She exclaimed

"You don't know " he was taken aback

"Then why did you send me that text !"

"Because... because she told me it isn't yours " she replied

"Lies! Lies ! " he screamed

"I'm not .. believe me babe" she said moving towards her

"Well I don't and if I find out the baby she is carrying is mine consider yourself dead" he said and walked out on her.