

"Eve!"Tina, Nora and Carl walked inside the ward.

"Mom!" She smiled and hugged her.

"I'm sorry for causing so much troubles " she said

"It's okay dear " Nora smiled and rubbed her hands on her tummy

"So why did you make us believe our angel is no longer in there" Tina said pointing to her belly.

"Well ... I wanted to surprise you " she scratched her neck.

"What made you change your mind?" Nora asked

"Well this is what happened " she said

* * *

"I will turn on the TV so you can relax " the doctor said to Eve who was already in the lithotomy position

"Okay " she smiled and focused on the television as the doctor got her instrument ready.

"Are you ready ?" The doctor asked

"Yes !" She replied as she focused on the news.

"June!" She exclaimed and got up all of a sudden

"What's happening Eve I have to inject you!" The doctor exclaimed worriedly.

"Can you wait a little doc that's y best friend in the wedding dress" she said

"Oh so your best friend is Mr Dickson's wife and why did you not attend the wedding?" She asked

"Dickson was my fiancé doc and I can't believe June is the woman everyone is talking about "

"Your best friend is marrying your fiancé wow !"

"I don't think I can continue with the abortion doc I'm really sorry " she pleaded

"It's fine dear I'm happy you changed your mind " she replied hugging her

"I have to go " Eve said and left the room

***flashback over

"Wow that was close!" Tina exclaimed

"Yes Tina and I will forever be grateful to the doctor for turning on the television " she replied

"I'm so happy to hear my grandchild wasn't tortured " Carl said and hugged her.

"Are you going to ignore me on our wedding night Dickson?" June asked.

"I'm not ignoring you I'm just tired " he said laying on the sofa.

"Fine I won't disturb you but can you come and sleep beside me on the bed " she said

"I don't know why you are overreacting June ... have you forgotten we made a deal?" He said furiously

"I've not forgotten this whole wedding is a contract Dickson... I clearly remember no need to keep reminding me ! I know you still love Eve but have you thought of my feelings... I've given my whole life to you completely because of your stupid revenge don't you think I also deserve to be treated with a little dignity!" She replied angrily

"I respect you a lot June and I really appreciate what you did for me but I can't have sex with you "

"Why ? Because I'm not her ?"

"No need bringing her in our conversation... I just don't want to use you !

"And who said you are using me Dickson! Have you forgotten you are the love of my life... have you forgotten so soon our childhood memories... have you forgotten how we planned on getting married and raising our kids together!" She said sobbing

"Calm down June please!" He moved towards her.

"I won't Dickson not until you make me feel like a woman "she replied


"No buts..." she said and locked her lips on his. He wanted to kiss her back , to feel her body with his hands, to taste her but he pulled away.

"I can't do this to you ! " he said and left.

3 months later.

"We have less than an hour left Tina please hurry up with the packing " Eve said rubbing her hands on her bump.

"I'm almost done just a second!" She replied carrying the last box inside the car.

"I hope we are able to sell all these dresses " Eve said worriedly to her mom.

"You will dear ... you've worked hard on these clothings and they are really nice " she encouraged her .

"Thank you so much mom" she said and hugged her. "Can we go miss?" Tina teased , sitting behind the steering wheel. Tina decided to stop working with Maxwell and help Eve in her small fashion business since things weren't going well in the company ever since Eve resigned. She enjoyed working with her even though she wasn't making much money as she was when she was working with Maxwell.

"So where are we heading today marketing manager?" Eve teased.

"The historical center!" She exclaimed

"Where they are organizing the exhibition?"she asked

"Yes ... a friend of mine is part of the organizers and he says we can bring our items to the exhibition center "

"Wow ... then I think we can make more sales today " she smiled

They arrived at the exhibition center 15 minutes before time. Tina's friend helped them set up their placed and helped them organize the clothings . They didn't finish setting up when they attracted buyers to themselves. People admired their clothing and in no time, they had already sold half of their items.

"I will be needing you here more frequently!" Tina's friend said to Eve

"I'm pleased to here that " she smiled as she sat down.

"We will get a lot of money baby" Eve said as she rubbed her hands on her belly.

"Hello beautiful!" Someone whispered in her ears, startling her.

"Oh I'm really sorry!" He said when he realized he has scared her.

"It's okay ... can I help you?" She asked.

"Well I saw you from afar and I felt I should approach you " he replied

"Really!" She smiled wondering how she can be attractive to someone in her state.

"I'm Jayden!" He said, removing his sunglasses.

"Jayden? You look familiar and your name also sounds familiar " she said trying to remember where she had seen such a handsome face.

"Do I need to remind you " he smiled


"Well we met at June's place " he said causing her expression to change

"Oh yeah I remember now! So what do you want from me?" She asked

"I heard what she did to you so I understand your sudden change in attitude towards me" he said

"Well I don't know you and I don't know about your relationship with her but I don't care to know either as you can see I'm very busy and if you don't mind I would like to excuse myself " she said, getting up to leave

"No Eve wait! " he held her hands, turning her around. Eve stared at him and wondered why he still found him attractive.

"I have no business with June... she was just a neighbor " he explained

"Why are you explaining things to me... I told you I don't care !" She replied, trying to free her hands.

"I know you don't know me and my reaction seems strange but as I told you earlier, I know you and there is a lot I have to tell you ... can I have your contact if you don't mind?" He asked

"You are strange Jayden and I'm sorry I can't give you my contact " she replied and walked out on him. He stared at her as she left and slowly placed on his sunglasses,smirking.

"Who was that?" Tina asked

"No need to worry about him" she said as she watched him leave.

"He is hot though!" Tina teased.

"Yeah I know but I feel uneasy around him" she replied.