
Betrayed by her best friend

"So are you seriously going to get this abortion " Nora said as she put her stuffs in the car.

"Yes mom I am "

"But hunny have you thought of your dad and I "

"I have mom ... I know you don't like this idea but that's what's good for us " she replied, entering the car.

"It's good for you dear not us" Nora replied sadly

"Don't worry mom I will be back before you realize " she said and sped off.

Eve arrived at the clinic 30 minutes before her appointment time. She saw the doctor who was going to perform the operation and she asked her to relax for a while. She called June since she told her she would accompany her. At first she thought she could go through it on her own but she realized she needed her more than ever.

"I'm really sorry Eve but an emergency came up , hope you can go through it without me"she replied when she answered the call.

"Oh it's fine " she replied disappointed in her.

"I hope you can understand me Eve and please don't change your mind for anything " she said

"I understand you girl and don't worry I won't change my mind " she said and hanged up.

She stared at the women around her who were also going to abort their babies. Some of them were even having a bump but they still didn't care."I'm sorry baby" Eve rubbed her hands on her belly.

"Are you scared ?" One lady approached her.

"A little " she smiled

"Is this your first time?" She asked

"Yes "

"Then it's normal dear ... you will be okay your subsequent appointments " she replied proudly and Eve stared at her in disgust

"I doubt I will have subsequent abortions" she replied feeling annoyed.

"If you say so " she teased and walked away.

"Look at this one " she rolled her eyes

June stepped out of the car and was met by Mr. Arthur, Dickson's father.

"You look gorgeous " he complimented.

"Thank you " she said and embraced him.

"Can we" he said offering her his arm

"Yes " she smiled and locked her arms in his as they walked up the alter .

"Miss Eve!" The doctor called.

"Yes " she got up and her heart started racing . The doctor nodded and she knew it was her turn. She said a word of prayer and entered the operation room.

"So you will change into one of these and lie down on the bed " the doctor said

"Okay " she replied and went ahead to change. Her phone rung as she was changing but she ignored it.

"Pick up the phone Eve!" Tina said anxiously as she stared at June and Dickson on the alter.

"Tina..." she read but refused to pick it up

"Mrs . Arthur it's Tina is Eve still at home?"she asked her on phone

"No dear she left an hour ago.. what's wrong you sound upset"

"Yes it's June... she is the woman Dickson is marrying... we have to stop Eve from aborting the baby" she rattled

"June! Are you serious!"she was shocked

"I know June mom ... you can watch the news if you doubt it" Tina said

" I will be on my way to the clinic maybe I can stop her" she said and hanged up

"I will turn on the TV , it will help you relax " the doctor said to Eve who was now lying on the bed in a lithotomy position.

"Okay " she smiled.

"Are you ready " the doctor said grabbing her instruments.

"Yes she replied firmly

Tina drove as fast as she could to the extent of ignoring the policemen by on the road. She knew she was in trouble but she didn't care . All she was worried about was Eve and the baby she was carrying. She couldn't believe Eve was been betrayed by her best friend, the same friend who encouraged her to have the abortion. "No wonder she kept insisting on her having an abortion " she thought out loud as she parked her car at the parking lot of the clinic.

"Eve! Eve! " Tina kept on shouting as she climbed the stairs. She was in such a hurry that she sprained an ankle yet she didn't care . She kept on limping still she was in the waiting room. As she searched through the crowd looking for her , it dawned on her she might be in the operation room. She limped towards the room but didn't get close enough when Eve got out . "Eve!" Tina's heart broke when she saw her. She was wearing the clothing for the abortion and tears was streaming down her face "Eve!" She said and rushed forward to hug her, ignoring the pain she felt

"I'm really sorry Eve I should have convinced you enough " she said as she cried

"I'm sorry for not listening to you Tina... I didn't know it was all a trap ... my best friend set me up... she is marrying him Tina!" She cried and held onto her as tight as she could

"I'm so sorry!" Tina wept like a baby as she hugged her. The doctor came out and tapped Eve on the back, consoling her.

"Eve!" Nora rushed in

"Mom!" She run into her arms

"I'm really sorry my dear ... I couldn't protect you " she cried looking at her outfit

"Everything is gone mom!" She replied

"I'm so sorry " Nora hugged her again

"It's like doctor Smith was really fast with this one ... it's barely 20 minutes since she got in but she is out " some of the women gossiped among themselves.

"Let's go , your dad is waiting for us at home " Nora said to Eve.

" I will come with you !" Tina said holding her hands

"Thanks for being here " Eve replied appreciating her efforts.

Eve rushed into the room her parents prepared for her baby . She broke down in tears as she picked up one of the toys. Tina sat beside her and embraced her as she wept.

"She was my best friend Tina ... I've known her since high school, I never dreamt of her doing such a thing to me" she sobbed.

"I know Eve" she consoled her

"So was Dickson the reason why she wanted me to get rid of my baby so badly and how come I never got a hint "

"It's because you trusted her so much Eve .. don't blame yourself so much "

"Wait ! " she said getting up all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" Tina asked getting worried

"I think I know why Dickson claimed the baby isn't his " she replied


"Because June told him Tina ... everything is clear now. June was the first person aside my parents who knew about my pregnancy and it was the same day I was going to inform Dickson. She was at his company so I should have sensed something was fishy and Dickson called her when she slept at my place... how come I was so dumb!" She said feeling foolish

"I never trusted that girl "

"Come with me !" Eve said grabbing her car keys

"Where are we going!" Tina exclaimed while following her.

"I'm attending the wedding " she replied.