

"Thank you !" She said as Jayden held her hand and helped her out of the car.

"The pleasure is all mine " he smiled and led her to one of the expensive restaurants in town. He had already booked a table so they were led by one of the workers to their table. They sat facing each other and she blushed when he winked at her.

"What would you like to drink? " He asked handing her the menu.

"Cocktail is fine... I can't take in hard liquor due to my pregnancy " she replied

"Yeah I forgot our princess " he teased and she smiled. He called the waiter and gave him their order .

"So what do you do Mr. Jayden " Eve asked looking around the fancy restaurant.

"Well I'm an architect!" He replied looking her directly in the eye

"That's a nice profession " she replied

"Yeah I can help design your dream house!" He smiled

"Of course I will count on you " she replied

"So have you thought about my proposal!" He held her hands

"Ermm yes " she smiled

"Really!" He said excitedly

"Yeah I've considered your friendship... we can be friends for now!" She smiled.

"I wasn't expecting this reply but I really appreciate you giving me a chance in your life"

"Honestly Jayden "she squeezed his palm, "I haven't gotten over Dickson yet but I'm ready to give myself a chance but I don't want to enter into any relationship until I deliver... hope you understand "

"You don't have to worry Eve ... I've been able to wait all these years why can't I wait for some few months " he replied smiling

"Thanks !" She smiled and they were soon interrupted by the waiter. He served them their order and left afterwards.

"I asked you to wear the blue dress June, what happened?" Dickson asked as he drove.

"Well that dress didn't look nice on me so I decided to wear this besides you know I hate blue!" She replied hurting his feelings

"Really... you should have told me you didn't like the gift earlier " he replied

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings Dickson I really like the dress ... the problem is ... it doesn't look good on me " she replied

"Fine... we are already here , no need to argue about this " he said and got out of the car. He helped her out and they walked to their table.

They were in the same restaurant as Jayden and Eve and their table was after theirs. Dickson sat down and his eyes met with that of Eve's . His heart skipped a beat , causing him to drop his keys.

"Are you okay?" June asked staring in his direction but Eve quickly lowered her head.

"I'm fine.. I thought I saw someone I knew " he replied.

"It's normal " she smiled and handed him his keys. Dickson kept making eye contact with Eve and she tried as much as possible to avoid them. Seeing Dickson was affecting her date but she wasn't ready to leave.

"You seem uncomfortable... can I get you something?" Jayden asked.

"No Jay I think it's because of the noodles.. it's kinda spicy " She feigned a smile

"This place is beautiful " June said but he didn't mind her.

"Dickson!" She raised her voice

"What did you say?"he asked

"What are you really looking at !" She said and turned around. Her gaze met with Eve who was smiling and talking to someone.

"Oh so it's her !" She replied angrily

"I wasn't looking at her June " he lied.

"Of course you weren't looking at her but do you mind us changing seat?" She replied angrily


"No Dickson, I prefer your seat " she replied and got up. He didn't hesitate and changed seats with her . Eve stared at her and shook her head . She didn't hate her, she was just disgusted to her . "The dress!" She thought looking closely at Eve's dress.

"Nah it can't be with her ... or did Jayden sell it ?" She thought. "And who is she with?" She thought

"Excuse me I will be right back!" Jayden said excusing himself

"Sure !" Eve smiled and continued to eat

"Jayden!" June thought out loud.

"What did you say?" Dickson asked

"Nothing... excuse me " she said, getting up and heading towards Jayden who walked out of the restaurant. Dickson watched till she was out of sight and quickly moved towards Eve.

"What do you want?" Eve asked.

"Can we talk?" He asked

"As you can see I'm with someone... it's not appropriate for us to be seen together besides you are a married man"

"I know Eve but if I should be honest I have no feelings for June.. i still love you " he said, his eyes teary

"That should be your concern Mr. Dickson not mine" she replied avoiding eye contact.

"I'm ready to forgive you Eve ... I'm ready to forget how you betrayed me and I'm ready to father your child just tell me you are sorry and everything will be fine!" He said

"What!" Eve exclaimed, looking at him disgustingly.

"I should apologize to you ! For what ! I did no wrong to you Dickson and honestly you are so pathetic... what nerves you've got and who said my child and I needed you ... I hate you Dickson and I hate you more now!" She replied

"Get out of my sight I don't want to call security on you !" She said

"I will leave but I want to know if this baby is mine" he replied pleadingly.

"No !" She said firmly

"So it was true!" He replied disappointed and left. Eve tried as much as possible not ruin her makeup but her heart was full with pain and her tears wouldn't hold in. She quickly rushed to the washroom and cried all her pain out. "I hate you Dickson!" She said and dried her tears

"Jayden!" June called out

"June? Are you stalking me?" He said

"Why would I do that ... I want to know what you are doing here?" She replied

"Do you have to ask me that ? Are you my mom or what !" He replied angrily

"Who are you with!" She exclaimed

"That's not your concern..."

"You are with Eve ... what are you up to!"

"I can be with who ever I want okay!" He replied getting irritated

"I don't care but why is she wearing my dress... I thought you said you wanted to keep it for me!" She shouted angrily

"Keep it for you !" He laughed "I wanted to give it to my girl June and that's what I did !" He smirked

"Don't tell me all the money was spent on her too!"

"If yes , what can you do about it!"

"You are such an idiot!" She replied and walked out on him.

"Where did you go June... we have to leave!" Dickson said harshly

"But we haven't eaten yet " she replied

"We can eat at another place, I can't stand the atmosphere here!" He said glaring at Eve .

"Me neither!" June replied, eyed her and they left.

"I'm sorry!" Dickson said to Jayden. He smiled and winked at June. "It's cool man!" He tapped him by the shoulder and walked on.

"Sorry, I had a call from my parents " Jayden said, sitting down

"It's okay no need to apologize " she replied

"Why are your eyes red" Jayden leaned closer to her , taking her hands in his.

"Well... something feel on my eye" she said

"Really..let me check it for you!" He said touching her face

"It's fine, it's gone !" She replied

"If you say so " he said bringing his face closer to hers as his hand still rested on her cheeks.

"Can we eat!" Eve said breaking the awkwardness.

"Yeah sure !" He smiled getting back to his senses. She blushed, noticing how uneasy she made him feel.