
Don’t do pregnant women

"Wow! Mrs June Dickson Arthur is in my room!" Jayden said staring at June who was sitting on his bed.

"What do you mean by that !" She replied getting upset

"I can see you want me now... do you miss my dick that bad!" He teased.

"Stop playing around with me Jayden I'm in a hurry!" She replied getting annoyed

"I didn't call you here sweetheart and what should I be past with" he smirked

"Fine... I really want you now!" She said , embarrassed for saying that

"What do you mean by that!" He said pretending not to know what she meant.

"Why are you acting strangely Jayden... you always demand it forcefully and when I'm freely given it to you , you are pretending not to know what I mean!"

"Calm down sweetheart and who said I want to fuck you " he smiled

"What! You literally said that some few minutes ago"

"Oh that... I was just playing around... I don't fuck pregnant women " he laughed . June was hurt by his words and reaction but refused to react.

"Wow...!" She was speechless.

"Yes June! So with all due respect, can you leave my house " he said closing his palms in front of his face.

"Go to hell!" She said took her bag and left. Jayden smirked and took his phone, checking if there was a message from his bank.

"How do I look?" Eve said turning around in her dress.

"My heart is racing after seeing you so I think you really look beautiful!" Tina replied

"Be serious for once Tina!" She laughed

"I'm serious Eve ... you look gorgeous.. even with your bump the dress looks pretty on you"

"It's because I'm pretty!" She complimented herself

"I know that " she smiled and helped her put on a little mascara.

"Hello Jayden!" Nora smiled

"Hello Nora it's nice to see you again " he said and kissed the back of her palm.

"You are flattering me ain't you scared of my husband!" She teased.

"Well I didn't intend to but what I'm certain about is how beautiful you are !" He commented

"Silly boy come in !" She laughed and offered him a seat.

"I will go and get Eve" Nora said

"No need to ... just direct me to her room"

"Okay ... over there, first room on your left" she replied and he bowed lightly. Nora smiled and nodded in admiration.

Jayden stood behind her gate and watched the two ladies giggling and making fun of each other. He was trapped by Eve's beauty and found himself staring at her and smiling. His heart raced when Tina took off her hairpin causing her hair to fall down to her shoulder. "Wow..!" He said wondering why she was so perfect.

"I will fetch you a glass of water " Tina said and he hid . He waited till she was out of sight and dashed into the room. Eve was busily searching for her wrist watch in the drawer so didn't notice when he walked in . He slowly approached her and covered her eyes with his palms. "Tina!" She said but was dumbfounded when she realized the hands were larger and more masculine.

"Who are you!" She said and pulled his hands away.

"Jayden!" "Yes! Surprised!" He smiled taking her aback.

"Well just a little " she blushed .

"Are you ready?" He asked

"Yes " she smiled getting up.

"Hey Jayden!" Tina greeted

"Hello Tina... how are you?" He replied

"I'm not okay... I'm jealous " she said feigning jealousy.

"You don't have to .. I will take you out next time!" Eve teases and hugged her.

"Take care of her " she said to Dickson and he nodded.

"How much money do I need to invest... I can't afford to lose this contract!" Dickson said to some of his business partners.

"Yeah losing that deal will be a great loss to your business Dickson but the money they are requesting is huge " one of his men said

"I know but have you considered the profit... we are hitting millions of dollars and you are worried about about some few pounds!" Dickson said opening his safe. He was going for his cheque book but he realized some of the money he kept yesterday was gone.

"How!" He said but remained calm in the presence of his guest.

"This is the money they are asking for, cash out and send me feedback!" He said handling them the cheque. He saw them out and came back shouting for June and the workers in the house.

"What's going on son!" Mrs Arthur walked out

"What's wrong Dickson why are you shouting!" June said

"Which one of you have been to my study today!" He said to his workers.

"I've not been there sir" the cleaner replied and the others said same.

"How can they enter , have you forgotten you locked the door!" Mrs Arthur interrupted.

"I never lock the study !" He replied angrily.

"Well I saw your mom in the study " June said and he turned to look at her.

"Is she telling the truth mom?"

"Oh yeah I went there ... I went for the files your dad asked for!" She replied

"Did you by any means open my safe?"

"No! Why would I do that!"

"Lies! She opened it!" June interrupted

"That's my mom you are referring to June!" He shouted angrily

"Are you okay June?" Mrs Arthur said

"Why are you pretending mother in law ... did I not come to meet you in the office with the safe opened "

"Is that true mom?"

"Yes son but believe me I didn't open that safe!"

"Then who did ... me?" June shouted angrily

"I wouldn't be surprised!" She replied

"June doesn't know the password mom" he said

"So do you think I'm lying?" Mrs Arthur said feeling disappointed

"I'm not saying you are lying I'm just stating a point "

"I told you I didn't open that safe... wether you will believe your wife or me is not my problem " she said and left.

"Are you sure of what you are saying June?" He approached her and stared directly into her eyes.

"Yes babe " she replied, her heart racing.

"Okay... get dress we are going out to eat ... if you don't mind wear that blue dress I got you!" He said and walked away

"Blue dress!" Her heart skipped a beat.