

"Look at me Eve , you can do it ... try harder" Jayden held her hands, encouraging her.

"I can't Jay I'm tired" she replied in tears

"You have to Eve , the baby is almost here " one of the midwives said

"Look at me Eve " he said and she turned slowly at him. " Now breath in ... out ... in... out" he repeated and she did as he said.

"Now push!" He exclaimed and she pushed with all her strength.

The cry of the baby was heard on the veranda. "She has done it Nora" Tina exclaimed and hugged her.

"Yes dear !" She smiled and they waited impatiently for the news.

"Chloe!" Eve held her blood soaked baby in her arms and smiled beautifully . Jayden leaned in and kissed her forehead. She smiled in appreciation and gave the baby to the midwife to be washed.

"You can excuse us now Jayden and thank you so much for your support " the nurse said and he nodded in agreement. Jayden walked out and was met by Nora and Tina.

"A girl!" He smiled and hugged them

"I knew it!" Tina exclaimed happily

"How is Eve ?" Nora asked concerned

"She is fine mom just tired " he replied

"That's good and thank you for bringing her here on time " Nora said and hugged her

Jayden and Eve have been on the friends zone for the past three months. They were cool with each other and Eve was slowly opening up to him. She was in his car to buy some stuffs for her unborn child when she went into labor.

"How are you doing now?" Jayden asked sitting beside her as she breastfeed her baby

"I'm fine just can't stop staring at her she is so pretty " she smiled

"Yeah she looks exactly like you" he said and their gaze met each other. Eve leaned in and kissed him slightly on the lips, taking him by surprise. His heart raced and was dumbfounded by her reaction.

"What was that?" He smiled

"Do I even know!" She blushed and return her attention to the baby .

"How is my wife and unborn child doing " Dickson said leaning in and kissing June.

"I'm fine darling just tired" he smiled and continued to fold her dress.

"Then you rest and visit your mom tomorrow " he replied

"No Dickson... mom said it's urgent and you know I've not visited her since we got married " she held his hands

"I know but we were just working things out and I don't want you to leave now " he squeezed her hands

"I'm so happy you feel sad about me leaving... I love you " she said and kissed him.

"Do you want me to drop you off?"

"It's fine honey I will drive myself "

"Are you sure ?" He asked

"Yes!" She nodded smiling. Dickson saw her off and wrote a cheque of the amount of money she requested. June looked at the cheque and smiled."He is going to be happy when he sees this " he smiled and drove along the road leading to Jayden's house.

"Welcome home baby Chloe!!!" Tina exclaimed when Jayden and Eve got home. She and Nora had come earlier to prepare them a surprise. It was a surprise party involving some family members and friends.

"OMG mom!" Eve exclaimed surprised

"This was the least we could do my dear ... you deserve more than this!" She said.

"But you are going to wake up my baby girl " Jayden said swaying her in his arms.

"It's just a dinner party Jay!" Tina teased and took Chloe from him. He smiled and watched as she was took to her crib .

"Sit with me !" Eve pulled him along to the table . They sat down and Nora served them their meal. Dinner was fun with silly conversation and jokes about her labor and other stuffs.

"Have more of this!" Jayden said pouring her more milk

"Oh Jay I'm okay " she smiled

"Nah just another glass please.. for me!" He smiled

"I drunk the first glass for Chloe and this time around for you ... what if I refuse " she blushed

"Then you will be my girlfriend!" He replied to her surprise. She quickly took the glass of milk and drunk it at a goal.

"I knew it will work!" He smiled , concentrating on his food.

"I drunk it not because I didn't like your condition but because i wanted to drink it for you" she replied shyly.

"What do you mean!" He exclaimed drawing attention to them.

"Come with me!" She said and walked outside with him.

"What did you mean back there Eve?" Jayden asked impatiently

"Be patient!" Eve held his hands and smiled.

"My heart is racing Eve ... I'm nervous " he said.

"Sshhshhhhh...!" She said and placed a finger on his lips. She moved closer to him and stared at his nervous face ones again. She took his arms and wrapped it around her waist, bringing her closer to him. Jayden pulled her closer touching his nose with hers . She smiled and peeped at his lips then back to his face. She put her arms around his neck."Thank you for being there for me " she said and reached up to kiss him. He didn't stop her . He has been dreaming of this day for a very long time. He kissed her back, it was deep but a little bit rough. He wanted her so bad , his body was crying out to take her . Her lips tasted so sweet, her body felt amazing even though she had just delivered. He had her pushed up against the wall, with his hands on the wall on both sides of her he ravished her lips with intense urgency. Then just as he was about to lose control he pulled away. He knew he couldn't go far cause she was still sore.

"I'm sorry!" He said

"No need Jay ... I agree to be your girlfriend " she smiled

"Really Eve!" He gasped

"Yes!" She whispered .

"Yes!!" He exclaimed and hugged her.

"Thank you " he said and kissed her forehead.

"Jayden!!" June shouted, standing in front of his gate. She has tried the doorbell several times and he was also not picking her calls. It was already late and there was nowhere she could go . "Where could she be?" She paced around, tapping her phone in her palm. Jayden has been cold to her for the past three months and she couldn't understand the reason. He neither called to ask for money nor did he call for sex but she found herself thinking about him always. The last time she saw him was at the restaurant with Eve . She was really upset seeing them together but she believed he was wooing her for his revenge. After waiting for an hour and he wasn't coming, she went to an eatery which was closer to his apartment. She had lied to her husband about visiting her mom so there was no way she could go back besides she really wanted to see him. June was heading towards her car after eating when she saw Jayden's car driving towards his house. She waved but he didn't notice her and kept on driving. She walked hurriedly towards him before he could close the gate. "Jayden!" She shouted. Jayden stared at her and wondered what she was doing around at that time of the night.

"June!" "What do you want here?"