

"Welcome sweetheart " Jayden opened the door for her.

"What do you want from me Jayden" June said stepping inside his living room

"Will you calm down babe ... Have a seat" he said and sat her on the sofa.

"You still look pretty " he whispered, bringing his tongue near her earlobe

"Stop it " she said hesitant to stop him

"Sshhshhh" he said holding her hand with his hand while the other one explored her chest

"You don't have to tie me up" June said when he brought her hands to her back

"I know babe ... you can't refuse me but that's how I want it to be"

"Fine if that's what you want but don't come after me after this "

"I promise " he said and carried her to his bedroom

Dickson left his office after the incident with Eve . He was finding it difficult to concentrate on his work so he asked Gloria to take over all his meetings and left . He drove to a nearby club and satisfied himself to a few shots of tequila.

"Do you recognize him" Lucy one of the dancers at the club said to her fellow friend

"I don't him but I know he is hot"

"Not only is he hot Rachael he is also rich ... he is the famous Dickson, the oldest child of the Arthur's"

"Are you serious Lucy ...what will such a personality be doing in our wretched club "

"That's exactly what I'm wondering but I'm sure he doesn't want anybody to notice him"

"Maybe but do you think we should approach him?" Rachael asked

"I don't know about you hun but I'm sure I'm not letting him pass" she replied and swayed her hips to his side

"Hello..you seem lonely " Lucy said and sat opposite Dickson

"I'm not lonely beautiful I just want to be alone "

"Alone? In this club you must be kidding me"

"I'm not ..Eve I love you " he said

"Excuse me?"Lucy said confused

"I said I love you Eve and I want you now " he said trying to grab her by the waist

"I'm not Eve and I can see you are drunk "She said pulling away from his grip

"No Eve please don't leave me " Dickson said holding onto her tighter

"What's going on here Lucy?" The manager asked

"I don't know sir but he thinks I'm his so called Eve"

"Mr. Dickson can you let go off her?" The manager asked politely and he turned to look at him

"Can I get your cell I will be able to call Eve for you " he said and he nodded like an obedient child

"Your Face ID" he said and brought the phone to his face.

After unlocking the phone , he searched for Eve's contact but there was no contact like that on his list.

"Just call anybody on his phone " Lucy said and he called his best friend.

James arrived at the club in no time and drove Dickson home. He had to park his own car at a safe place and drove him in his. The drive to his apartment was a tough one since he kept talking about Eve . James stared at how wretched his friend was and hated Eve more. He used to admire her a lot and thought of her as his younger sister but after the betrayal he felt as if he was the one betrayed . James arrived at the range and was welcomed by Mrs Arthur.

"James? Where is Dickson " she asked worriedly

"He is fine mom just drunk "

"Drunk? Since when did he start drinking "

"Don't worry mom he is fine he just needs rest" James said helping him out from the car

"I will get the security to help you to his room" Mrs Arthur said and left

Dickson dozed off right after his head touched his bed . Mrs Arthur stared at his son as he slept soundly like an infant

"Thank you so much son" she said to James

"No need mom I would like to take my leave "

"Alright I will see you to the gate " she said and followed him downstairs

"Who is calling sweetheart?" Jayden asked

"It's none of your business " June said covering her body with a cloth

"Okay " he smirked and stared at her as she received the call

"Where are you June?" Mrs Arthur said

"I'm on my way home mom" she replied signaling to Jayden not to make a sound

"Hurry up dear cause the storm will soon be in "

"I've heard you and is Dickson home?"

"Yes so please don't be late " she replied and hanged up

"Your sweet mother in law I guess "Jayden teased

"That's none of your business " she replied and he held her firmly on the neck

"If you dare say those words to me you are you to regret it for the rest of your life " he said chocking her

"Let go off me bastard"June tried to loosen his grip. He stared at the scared look in his eyes then laughed.

"I'm sorry sweetheart " he let go off her neck and smirked

" I hate you idiot " she said and got up to get dressed

June sat in her car and sped off. The wind was seriously blowing and the clouds were becoming heavier and darker. The storm was fast approaching and she knew she will be in trouble if she didn't reach the range on time. It started drizzling and there was soon a heavy downpour. June stopped in the middle of the road since she was finding it difficult to move in the rain. The rain kept blurring her view and she knew better than to continue. She waited for a while but the situation wasn't getting any better. She checked her watch and it was almost 10 pm.

Her phone kept buzzing with messages from Mrs Arthur. "I will be in trouble if I don't get there on time " she said and tried to start the engine but unfortunately, the engine didn't start.

"What!" She exclaimed as she turned on the ignition again. After several trials and to no avail she decided to stand somewhere and pick a taxi. She waved onto a few taxis but none of them stopped due to the weather.

"What I'm I to do !" She thought anxiously and scared for her life. She called Dickson but his phone was off , Mrs Arthur's line was also not going through.

"Aunt!" She thought and dialed her number.

"I'm sorry June but I can't help you ...the storm is really strong "her aunt replied after she told her about her situation

"But Aunt..."she said and she hanged up

"Oh God what I'm I to do now " she said wrapping her arms around herself

"Eve!" She thought excitedly and took her phone.