
The storm in my life

"The storm is really heavy today mom" Eve said

"Yes dear ... Are you feeling cold?"

"I'm not these blankets are keeping me warm"

"Okay dear ...your phone Eve" Nora alerted her

"Thanks " she said and picked it up. "It's June"she smiled

"Thank God you picked up Eve , I really need your help" June said as soon as she picked

"Calm down Jun what's wrong and why do you sound scared"

"You have to come and pick me up Eve I'm stuck in the rain "

"What! Where are you!" She exclaimed, her heart racing

" I will send you the address but you really have to come here now "

"Don't worry dear I will be there as soon as possible just text me the address quickly " Eve said changing into an appropriate outfit

"What's wrong Eve and why are you dressing up?"Nora asked

"It's June mom ..I have to go and pick her up , her car broke down "

"Right now?"Nora replied

"Yes mom ... I know you are worried but I will be fine it's June you should be worried about most "

"But dear you are pregnant what if something happens to you " Nora said feeling unhappy

"We are going to be fine mom don't worry" she said and grabbed the keys to her dad's jeep

"Be safe my dear" Nora waved at her.

"June!" Eve got out of the jeep and rushed to her friend, ignoring the rain

"Eve!" She embarrassed her tightly

"Oh dear I'm sorry " Eve said and helped her inside the Jeep

"You took long I thought you weren't coming " June replied angrily

"I'm really sorry dear I was trying to be careful on the road " she replied

"It's okay "

"But where did you go so late in the evening " she asked as she drove

"I had a business meeting somewhere " she lied

"Okay but you should be careful next time "

"I've heard you mom" she teased and they both laughed

Nora waited till Eve and June arrived home safety. She welcomed them and prepared hot water for them to bath. After bathing, she gave June a bowl of soup and stayed with them till she was done eating.

"I will prepare your room June " Nora said

"No need mom she can sleep with me tonight " Eve interrupted

"Yeah no need to worry Nora I will sleep beside her" June replied

"If you say so " Nora said and bid them good night.

"So tell me, what happened between you and Dickson?" June said grabbing one of Eve's teddies

"I don't want to discuss him June " Eve replied

"Really... did you not tell him about your pregnancy?"

"I did but he wants nothing to do with us" she replied sadly

"What! How dare him! ... you know he can't do that right " she feigned annoyance

"I don't care what he does " Eve replied

"I'm really sorry baby girl but he has gone too far "

"Let's not talk about him"

"Fine but one more thing... what are you going to do about this pregnancy?"June asked

"What do you mean?" Eve asked confused

"I mean since he doesn't want to take responsibilities are you still going to keep it?"

"Of course June I can raise my child alone "

"Are you sure Eve ? You are very young and do you think you can be a single mom... how are you going to succeed in your career if you keep this child besides it will stand in your way of moving on " she said

"What are you trying to say June?" She asked not believing that was coming from her best friend

"I'm going to be honest Eve and don't think I hate you ... I really want the best for you that's why I suggest you abort this baby" she said taking her hands in hers

"An abortion? No June I can't!"

"You can Eve and that's what you have to do ... do you want to live carrying memories of someone who betrayed you" she said and Eve turned her head sideways

"Good then don't waste time Eve just abort it"

"But my parents are excited about this baby"

"They don't have to know you aborted it Eve just tell them you had a miscarriage "

"I don't know June but I will think about it " she said feeling disturbed.

"If you say so but consider my advice " she said and turned around to sleep.

"Good morning mom" Dickson said sitting at his place at the dining table.

"Good morning son" Mrs Arthur said offering him juice

"How are you feeling and is June still sleeping?" She asked

"June? Did she come over last night "he asked

"She told me she was coming...have you called her?"

"Nah I haven't had the chance to and why do you seem worried ?" He asked , biting into his sandwich

"Well it was stormy last night and she told me she was on her way here" she replied

"Okay , I will call her and find out about her whereabout .. I don't want you getting wrinkles " he teased

"Thanks son" she smiled and watched as he dialed her number.

Eve ignored the buzzing of June's phone initially since she was not used to checking people's phone but when it kept on ringing she decided to pick it up and send it to her in the bathroom. She unplugged the charger and was surprised to find out the caller was Dickson. "Why would he call her" she thought but shrugged since she was aware June and Dickson were friends even before she met with him.

"Can I come in " Eve asked while knocking on the door

"Of course " June replied

"It's Dickson...sorry but I had to bring it to you since he kept on calling " she said handing the phone to her.

"Thanks " she grabbed it , feeling nervous

"You didn't answer it right?" She asked and she shook her head sideways

"Alright " she heaved a sign of relief

"I will be in the bedroom then " Eve said, turning to leave. She was about to open the door but it kept pestering her to ask her a question. " Why is he calling you ?" She asked suspiciously

"I don't even know girl but don't worry I won't answer his calls " she replied trying so much to hide her anxiety

"You don't need to do that ... he is your friend after all" Eve replied satisfied with her response

"No dear he betrayed you and I can't be friends with people like him" she feigned annoyance

"I appreciate it June but I'm okay if you guys still stay in touch " she smiled and walked out.

"Whatever!" She whispered and rolled her eyes at her.

"I will drive you to your apartment then go to work after " Eve said to June as she drove.

"You don't have to do that babe I will take a bus at the bus station "

"But June it's difficult to catch a bus these days "

"I know but I don't want you to be late"

"Are you sure you will be okay taking a bus ... I can find an excuse for my boss"

"I will be fine mama " June teased

"If you say so " she smiled and dropped her at the bus station. She watched till she was gone then called Dickson . She informed him about her whereabout and he arrived in no time to pick her up.

"Hi babe " she said and kissed him

"Hello...where did you spend the night if I may ask"

"Well I spent it at Eve's " she replied

"You could have called me " he said

"I did but your phone was off" she said and her phone beeped at that moment

"Jayden " she read and quickly hid the phone.

"Ain't you going to answer?" Dickson asked

"Nah it's Eve and I don't want to upset you" she said trying to switch off her phone without him noticing

"So where are we off to?" She asked

"Well mom wants us to meet the wedding planner so that's where we are going "

"Oh my ! I can't believe we are soon getting married " she exclaimed feeling excited.