
Not a father 2

Eve stepped feet inside his office and a sense of chillness rushed through her whole body. He was sitting in his chair with his back facing her.

"You can sit" he said not turning to look at her

"Thanks " Eve replied

"What brings you here" he said

"I don't want to waste your time can you please turn around so we can talk?"she replied calmly

"It will do me no good to look at your face so you can go ahead and say whatever you want to say and leave "

"Seriously D" she called him with the pet name she used to call him

"Dickson" he corrected her

"I'm sorry but as it stands now you can't ignore me forever so turn around and let's talk "

"Fine I'm listening!" He shouted and turned around furiously

Eve was charmed by his looks but she pulled herself together and acted formally with him.

"I will go straight to the point...I'm carrying your child " she said and he laughed taking her by surprise

"So what they said is true " he laughed

"Excuse me?" Eve asked confused

"Yes you better excuse yourself cause I know the bastard you are carrying isn't mine...You think I'm a fool right huh? First you cheated on me and now you want me to father someone else's child "

"What are you talking about D I've never cheated on you if there is someone who is a cheat then that person is you! You betrayed me and left me on our wedding day and you dare call me a cheat!"Eve replied furiously

"Leaving you on that alter is still not enough revenge for the pain you made me go through.. you shuttered me Eve!"

"That's enough Dickson! I came to inform you about this child because I felt you have the right to know but since you ain't interested in it I'm leaving " Eve said, took her bag and left.

"Damn you Eve!I hate you!" Dickson banged his fist hard on the table.

"Is anything the matter sir" Gloria budge in

"I'm I not good enough? " he asked his secretary

"You are sir but why all these questions,what did miss Eve say to you"

"She is pregnant for him Gloria... why couldn't she be pregnant for me and why would she mock me to the extent of making me father someone else's child "

"Are you sure sir I doubt miss Eve can do something like that"

"Take a look at these pictures " he said and handed them to her

"What! " she gasped and dropped the pictures.

"Do you believe now?"Dickson said

"There might be a misunderstanding somewhere sir"

"Stop defending her ... this picture clearly indicates Eve in bed with another man "

"I didn't mean to offend you sir I'm so…"

"It's okay Gloria .. you can leave now " he said and she left.

"Taxi!" Eve called out trying to hold in the tears that wanted to betray her emotions. She recalled all of Dickson words and her heart couldn't contain it any longer .

"Go to hell Dickson!" She screamed on top of her lungs and entered the taxi.

Nora was setting the table when her daughter walked in , her dress soaked in tears .

"Are you okay Eve what happened?" She asked helping her to sit down

"It's him mom , he called our child a bastard ". She replied

"On what basis did you not tell him he is the father"

"I did mom but he claims I'm a cheat and a betrayer ... I've never cheated on him mom.. he is the only man I've known my entire life " she cried

"I know my baby ... calm down I will talk to him myself "

"It's not necessary mom my baby and I don't need him in our life " she said and went to her room.

Nora watched in sadness as her daughter entered her room.

"June!" Aunt Judith welcomed her niece

"Hello Aunt!" She hugged her and they sat down to talk.

"How are you my dear"

"I'm fine Aunt just busy with the preparations for my wedding "she replied

"Yeah I nearly forgot you are getting married in a months time "

"How can you forget Aunt !"

"I'm so sorry dear ... but it's not too late to start preparations "

"You don't have to Mrs Arthur is taking care of everything "

"I see .. your rich in laws right "

"Yes Aunt Mrs Arthur has decided to sponsor the whole wedding and you know our lives will change once I become a member of the Arthur's"

"I know my dear that's why you have my total support "

"I just wish my mom could support me as you do .. she keeps on lecturing me about Eve"

"Don't mind your mom dear you are doing nothing wrong "

"Thanks Aunt I will take my leave now " she said and left.

June's phone rung as she was leaving her Aunt's apartment. It was an unknown number so she was hesitant to pick but she did eventually.

"Hi sweetheart " the caller said in a hoarse voice.

"Who I'm i speaking to?" She asked

"Want to say you've forgotten me so soon " he said and her heart raced

"You! "She exclaimed surprised

"Yes it's me , are you surprise to be hearing my voice again ?"

"What do want from me again I thought I paid you in full "

"I know June but you know money isn't the only thing we agreed on"

"But I can't give you what you are asking "

"You can beautiful.. it's either that or you are left on the alter the same way as he did to your best friend "

"You can't threaten me okay "

"I can so you better do as I say "

"Fine I will be there at 6 tonight and don't keep calling me " she said and hanged up.