
Starting over

"Hello Eve" Tina , her coworker met her at the entrance and greeted

"Hi Tina , how are you doing?" She asked as they embraced each other

"I'm fine it's just that things have been tough without you " she replied

"Well I'm back now " she smiled and they climbed the stairs.

"One thing Eve" Tina called out to her as she was about entering her boss's office

"Yes ?" She asked

"Maxwell knows about what happened at your wedding "

"He knows? How ? Was he not in the states"she asked

"Yeah but he managed to find out and he was upset with your absence "

"Really ? Did he know about the accident?"

"I don't babe and I'm not sure "

"Oh my ... how do I face him now " Eve thought feeling nervous. Maxwell was her boss and he was the strictest man she has ever met in her life. She knocked on the door slowly and waited for his response.

"Come in " he replied in his masculine voice

"Good morning sir" Eve said feeling tensed

"Welcome Miss Eve you can sit down " he said in a stern voice

"Thank you " she said and sat down

"So I heard about what happened at your wedding " he smirked. Eve remained silent, waiting for what he had to say next

"I understand it was a tough time for you Eve but that doesn't guarantee you been absent for almost two weeks "

"I know sir but I wasn't absent due to my wedding incidence I was actually involved in an accident " she said trying her best not to feel annoyed

"How come I never heard of that.. is it a made up excuse or what "

"I will never make such a story up ..I'm sorry but that was what happened. I was admitted for a week and I stayed home for three days to recover besides I submitted a letter stating why I will be absent and I also added the doctors report " she replied confidently

"A letter? When did you submit it?" Maxwell asked

"After I was admitted sir , I gave it to my dad to submit it "

"Really... I received no such letter but I will ask Tina maybe it was dropped over at her place and she forgot to hand over ... can you ask her in ?" He said

"Alright, excuse me " she said and called Tina

"You called for me sir" she said unable to meet his stern gaze

"Yes ..I want to ask if you by any means came across Miss Eve's letter ?"

"What letter sir?"

"She said she filed in a letter informing us about her absence "

"I'm sorry sir but I haven't received any letter"

"Thank you ... you can Leave " he replied

"You heard her Eve , the company didn't receive any letter from you "

"But sir ..."

"No buts you've gone against the rules of this company and I have no other option than to ask you to resign "

"Resign?"she gasped not believing what was happening

"Yes Eve I can't work with someone who isn't competent enough... are you aware of the number of customers we lost during your absence "

"I'm sorry sir but please don't fire me I promise I'm going to do my best for this company " she pleaded

"I wish I could help you Eve but we've already found a replacement "

"So soon?" She gasped

"Yes that shows how serious we are when it comes to our work so please file in your resignation letter, pack your stuffs and leave " he said and left the office

Eve couldn't process all that was happening, her life was in a total mess in a blink of an eye . She blinked and before she realized her face was streaming down in tears .

"What did he say?" Tina asked when she saw Eve packing her stuffs

"He wants me to resign " she replied

"Resign! How ! " Tina shouted in rage

"Yes Tin I'm leaving and he said he has already found a replacement "

"Well then that explains the new girl... I'm really sorry Eve" Tina sympathized

"It's okay ..it hurts but there is nothing I can do about it " she said carrying her box

"Come here!" Tina said opened her arms and embraced her

"Dad can you please submit this letter at the company for me" she recalled asking his father. "I received no such letter!" "I'm sorry but you have to resign " he recalled Maxwell's words. Eve sat in her car , trying to clear her mind before starting on the engine.

"No! I can't give up on my dreams... I have to get to the bottom of this " she said and dialed his father's number.

"Hello sweetheart how is work? Are you missing me already " he said when he answered

"We will talk about that later dad just want to ask you something " she replied

"You sound worried Eve what's the matter?" Carl asked his daughter

"I'm okay dad I just want to know the person you delivered my letter to?"

"Which letter dear"

"Don't tell me you've forgotten so soon dad the letter I asked you to drop...."

"Oh yeah yeah I remember ... I gave it to June"

"June? How?" She asked confused

"Well I brought the letter to the company but they were on lunch break so nobody was around. I even decided to bring it back but on my way coming I met June. She claimed she had a meeting with Maxwell about some designs. She asked why I was at the company and I told her I came to deliver a letter but couldn't since they were on break "

"So what happened?"

"Well she told me she can deliver it to Maxwell if I didn't mind so I handed it to her... why what's wrong dear ... did she not deliver the letter?"

"It's okay dad thank you... I will speak to you later at home " she replied and hanged up

"My letter was with June? So does it mean she didn't submit it or what ?" She thought

"No ! why would June do that .. I have to call her" she thought and dialed her number.

"Ain't you going to pick it up?" Mrs Arthur asked staring at her

"I don't want to mom" she replied

"Why ? Who is calling by the way?" She asked and she turned the phone to her view

"Eve ? Why is she calling you ? "

"I don't know mom but I'm not going to answer "

"That's a good decision though... you know I hate that girl " she smiling

After calling June several times and she wasn't answering, she decided to visit her at her place. From her workplace to June's house was not really far so she arrived shortly than she estimated. She rang the doorbell but nobody was responding. As she turned around to leave, a guy who was smoking cigar pulled out his head . Eve wondered who he was since it was the first time she was meeting him. He had deep blue iris and a messy brown hair which still added to his nice looks . His height was almost as twice as hers but he was masculine and well built.

"Hi " she waved confusingly

"Hello... Are you looking for someone?" He asked

"Well I'm after June " she replied

"Yeah she lives here but she isn't home at the moment " he replied

"Okay but who are you if I may ask ?" Eve said

"I'm Jayden " he said dropping the cigar and extending his hand.

"I'm Eve " he shook his hands

"I know " he smirked

"You know?"

"Yeah but it doesn't matter... see you some other time " he said and entered back into the apartment.