
the accident

Nora and Mr. Carson followed their daughter as she run down the altar. The entire congregation got up to witness how the event was taking place. People who weren't fond of Eve made mockery of her as others sympathized with her. Eve's childhood and best friend walked towards Dickson and poured a glass of water on him

"How dare you!" she scolded.

"Relax June, I had to do what I did" he smirked.

"was this all planned?" she asked confused.

"No" he replied.

"Then how do you explain this humiliation Dickson. I trusted you with her , I didn't ask you to humiliate her"

"You don't tell my son what to " Mrs. Arthur chipped in.

"I'm sorry mom but I'm having a word with your son" June addressed her

"Honey I think we should leave the kids alone for now, they have a lot to talk about" Mr. Arthur said and took her wife away.

"I am going to look for Eve" June said harshly to Dickson and left.

"June wait please!" Nora run in front of her car and opened her arms wide , stopping her from driving in her condition.

"Get off my way mom!!" she horned at her and turned on the ignition.

"Please Eve listen to your mom" she replied refusing to move.

"Kindly get out to us my dear" Mr. Carson approached her gate.

"I will only if you agree to get mom to your side" she said and he drew his attention to his wife.

"I won't move mom please get inside the car , I want to get out of this place" she sobbed.

Nora nodded, sobbing sadly as she moved from her view. Immediately she was out of her way , she sped off.

"Eve no!!!" The couple exclaimed, worried about the life of their daughter.

"Where is she?!" June enquired about Eve from her parents.

"you have to save your friend June" Nora cried and hugged her.

"She sped off that way " Mr. Carson showed her . she grabbed her car keys and followed her.

"Nobody is going to be able to separate us " Dickson said holding Eve's hands as they walked along the park.

"promise me Dickson cause I'm worried about what your parents might do" she replied.

"Don't you trust me Eve"

"of course I do my love, I just can't afford to lose you"

"you ain't going to lose me , I will always be by your side just as I am today" Dickson said and she rest her head on his shoulders.

"I love you so much!" he said

"I HATE YOU!!! I hate you!!" Eve said after recalling his words. She kept on speeding trying to get rid of all the flashbacks. Her life was in a mess created by the man she loved the most.

"peeeeep!!!!" an incoming car hoot at her but her mind was off the road.

"I've failed a brake step aside!" the driver shouted but nothing he said could be heard by her. The driver tried to avoid the collision but it was too late.

"Jesus!!" Eve exclaimed and everything went black.

"Eve! Eve!" June shook her best friend trying to get her to remain conscious.

"please don't close your eyes babe just look at me , it's June" she held firmly into her bloody gown. The ambulance arrived shortly and she was soon taken away . June wiped her tears as she watched the ambulance leave.

"you have to save your friend" she remembered Nora's words and her heart sunk

she went back to her car and pondered on what had happened. Her best friend was in a critical condition but she didn't have the courage to follow her to the hospital. she turned around and left the accident scene.

"Stop overthinking Nora , she will return to us soon" Carson encouraged his wife.

"How can you tell me not to overthink, that's my only daughter Carl!"

"she is my daughter too" he said and his phone rung at the same instant.

Nora paid close attention to the call , hoping it had something to do with Eve.

"we will be there" Carl said and hanged up, trying to compose himself.

"who was that and where are we going?" Nora asked impatiently.

"hospital" Carl said but his tears betrayed his emotions.

"Eve right?" she said and broke into tears.

The couple arrived at the hospital shortly , waiting impatiently for news from the doctors. After thirty minutes of waiting, a doctor showed up in front of them.

"Mr and Mrs Carson?"

"yes please how is our daughter?"

"your daughter is fine at the moment" he said and they heaved a sigh of relief.

"But the problem at hand has got to do with the baby" the doctor continued

"baby?" they chorused confused.

"yes , Eve is 3 weeks pregnant and since the foetus is not well developed yet we can't confidently say the foetus is safe"

"Has she miscarry?" Nora asked hoping it wasn't so

"For the time being, no ! but we have to keep an eye on both the mother and child for a week"

"Do everything possible to save them please!" Carson pleaded.

"Don't worry sir , we will try our best" he said and left

Nora and Carl exchanged looks and hugged each other.