

Eve sat in front of the dressing mirror looking at her image as the makeup artist gently but beautifully applied her makeup. Today is a memorable day in her life since is getting married to the man of her dreams, Dickson. Eve and Dickson met each other at college during their first year and had been lovers since then. They decided to get married when Dickson took over his father's company and Eve got a job as a secretary in one fashion company. Eve was on the path of becoming a fashion designer. Dickson and Eve's love story has been a forbidden one since Dickson belonged to one of the high class families in London where as Eve was a mere Baker's daughter.

"I'm done miss" the makeup up artist said and she stared at her final reflection in the mirror.

"your groom must be so lucky to have such a beautiful bride" she complimented.

"I bet you haven't met him yet" Eve replied taking into account Dickson's looks.

Nora, Eve's mother leaned on the gate and stared at her daughter. she was her only daughter and now she was getting married and leaving her for good. she thought about the bright side of the situation and wiped her tears.

"Mom!" Eve exclaimed and hugged her.

"you are going to ruin your makeup, hurry up your dad wants to walk you to the altar" she said and helped her get up.

The drive to the church was a short one and Eve was welcomed by her father with a bouquet of flowers. she took them and hugged him. They pulled out of the hug and interlocked arms as her father walked her up the altar.

"you look beautiful!" Dickson complimented taking her hand in his and she blushed.

"take good care of her "Mr.carson said and Dickson nodded. They sat down and the priest commenced with a few gospel from the bible.

The time everybody was anticipating for came. Eve and Dickson were called up the altar in order for them to exchange vows.

"Eve!" the priest called out , urging her to start.

"I Eve Carson , I take Dickson Noble Arthur as my wedded husband. To stand by him and love him through thick and thin and I promise to cherish him despite happiness or sadness, health or in sickness so help me God" she said and smiled beautifully at him. she was relieved after saying her vows since she had practice with her cousin, Henry throughout yesterday.

"Dickson!" the priest called out and he slowly let go off her hand.

He turned to look at his parents and they nodded encouragingly at him.

"your vows babe" Eve whispered to him.

"I'm sorry Eve but this wedding cannot continue, I can't marry you" he said and her heart sunk. The congregation also exclaimed" what" in surprise.

"what do you mean by you can't marry me" Eve said moving towards him

"I know what I'm going to say will hurt you but I don't love you!" he said and she landed a slap on his face.

"if you knew you didn't love me, why did you go this extent to disgrace me" she said, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm.." he didn't finish his sentence when she pushed him and run down the altar.