
Home sweet home

A week after Eve was admitted, she returned home fully recovered and healthy. Her baby was also healthy and that made her at peace. Nora and Carl were the happiest knowing there was going to be an addition to their small family. At dinner Nora kept on talking about her plans for her grandchild.

"what do you think we should name it Eve?" she asked

"mom! she is not even born yet!" she complained

"listen to this one honey, I named you way back before you were conceived" Nora said and Eve smiled.

"she is right Eve, your mom named you even before she had plans of giving birth but surprisingly enough that's not even the name you were given" Carl said and she laughed.

"That's the reason why I don't want to name it right now, what if it comes and the name doesn't suit it " Eve said

"Fine, if you say so but we have to start preparing the baby's room" Nora exclaimed.

"I won't argue further" Eve said feeling tired talking about her baby.

"I will go and rest in my room" she took her plate to the kitchen.

In the kitchen Nora joined her. She stared as she lazily washed the plate. the Eve she knew was so different from the one she was seeing. She was so cheerful and didn't seem lost as this one. she sighed and approached her.

"Still thinking about him?" she asked.

"shouldn't I be?"

"of course , it's normal for you to but please don't let it affect you so much sweetheart"

"I'm trying mom.. Dickson was my everything and this baby makes it difficult to forget all about him"

"Are you going to tell him about his child?"

"Do you think I should?" she asked as she was totally confused as to what to do .

"I think you should, he deserves to know" Nora said.

"But what if I don't want to ?"

"That's your own decision to make dear but if I were you I will let him know"

"I've heard you mom, I will call him later in the evening"

"Anyways have you heard from June? she didn't visit me at the hospital" Eve asked.

"No sweetheart I haven't seen or heard from her since you had the accident"

"okay I will do well to call her" Eve said and went to her room.

June parked her car at the parking lot of the noble villa , making sure she had locked it. She used her phone cover to check her makeup and straightened her dress a little.

"hi miss June" one of the servants said to her

"hello, is Dickson in there?" she asked.

"He was in the garden with Mrs. Arthur" she replied leaving her alone.

The noble villa was one of the magnificent range in London. The architectural design was done by one of the famous architect in London. Mrs. Arthur welcomed June with an embrace and a slight kiss on her cheek. she smiled and made her way towards Dickson.

Dickson smiled at her fiancee and kissed her passionately, not minding the presence of her mom.

"I think you can use a bedroom!" Mrs. Arthur teased admiring them.

"mom is right cause I really need to speak to you privately" he said to June.

"Is anything the matter?" she asked worriedly.

"Nothing to worry about let's go" he said and carried her in a bridal way towards the bedroom.

"Now tell me, why didn't you tell me about Eve?" Dickson asked and her heart skipped a beat.

"I didn't know" she lied.

"Then how come your car was captured in the news , are you trying to lie to me?"

"Fine I was there so what! you don't care about her anyways!"

"You are right I don't care but don't you think I deserved to know"

"stop that babe ..Are we going to argue over that low life girl" June said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"But don't you think you should have checked up on her?"

"what difference will it make, I can't pretend forever, she is going to find out soon and she's going to hate me so what if I distance myself now"

"Alright but I have to pay for the damages I caused, I'm just happy she didn't lose her life"

"Actually I wish she died" June replied.

"Don't be so mean" Dickson said and left the room.

Mrs.Arthur saw her son leave the room and she could tell from his expression something wasn't right. she entered the room and found June fidgeting with her phone.

"Did you two argue?"

"yes mom about Eve!" she replied.

"That girl again ?"

"Yes and Dickson is planning on seeing her"

"seeing her? for what!" she exclaimed.

"she got involve in an accident on the day of her misfortune and he feels he is indebted to her.

"No way he can't stoop so low, he can never meet with her"

"That's what I was trying to make him understand and he feels I should have called her"

"Don't overthink sweetheart, Dickson has a kind heart and he feels guilty for what he did to her"

"I was also not expecting what he did to her though."

Dickson sat in his study trying to get all thoughts of Eve from his mind. He wasn't expecting to feel guilty as he was . He remembered the moments they shared together , the first time they met and all the beautiful events that took place in their life. He pulled out his drawer and brought out the photo he took with her . He remembered how she was so excited to take the picture. He swallowed the lump in his throat and placed the picture back. It was obvious he was still in love with her but he can never forget how she betrayed him.