
Exhibition center

"Are you still pissed?" June held his beard

"I told you I have an important meeting June but you insisted on attending this exhibition!" Dickson replied

"I'm really sorry sweetheart but you know I have to get things for our baby's room and I don't want to choose it alone " she replied

"But we can get all the things you want some other time at the mall , why do we have to waste our time going to the exhibition "

"Well those items brought there are unique honey... you would love them " she replied

"Whatever we are already here and please be quick with your shopping " he replied ,searching for the parking lot.

"I feel heavy already " June said as they scanned through the beautiful display of items

"You must be kidding me June , you are just 10 weeks pregnant " he laughed.

"Well I think our baby is really big cause I feel heavy " she said taking his hands in his.

"Let's go and have a look at the toys over there" she said pulling him along .

"I don't feel comfortable here June, you finish with the shopping and join me at the cafeteria" he said

"But ..."

"Understand me June, please " he said

"Fine! If that makes you happy "

"Thank you !" He said and walked away.

Dickson was heading to the cafeteria when his attention was drawn to a blue dress . His thought drifted to Eve since blue was her favorite color. He smiled and decided to get the dress for June."She would have fit her perfectly " he thought of Eve.

"Pull yourself together Dickson, " he said to himself and tried to get rid of those thoughts

He wanted to buy the dress badly partly because it was beautiful and because he had never given June a gift since they married.

"I can do this for my child's mother at least " he encouraged himself and approached the clothing stand.

"Can I have this dress Miss" he said to the woman , whose back was facing him .

"I'm sorry I'm not the one selling... the owner is over there " the woman replied, pointing to Eve who was surrounded by customers

"The one in blue?" He asked

"Yes "

"Thanks " he said and walked towards her

"Excuse me ! " Dickson tapped her

"Yes ! " she turned not believing he was the one standing in front of her.

"Eve!" He said and glanced at her. She was in no makeup and her dress was casual but she was still looking pretty. He stared at her bump then stared at her face again. She had put on weight but was still looking beautiful. His heart raced as his eyes locked in hers.

"Hi " she replied calmly

"Are you the owner?" He stammered as he asked her about the dress

"Yes ... can I help you?" She replied

"No ... I mean yes .. I want to buy this dress"

"Okay... my marketing manager will attend to you " she said and walked out on him.

"Wait!" He held her hand. She stared at his hand then at his face and he knew better to let go off her .

"What !"

"Well nothing " He replied and she walked away. Of course he wanted to ask her something. Even though he was made to believe the child she was carrying wasn't his , he still wished for it to be his and seeing her bump brought him a sense of happiness he didn't understand.

"Dickson!" June approached him, carrying two shopping bags

"I've searched for you everywhere did you not tell me you will be at the cafeteria!" She continued

"I'm sorry June.. I was getting you this !" He said showing her the dress.

"It's pretty but I think we should leave " she replied.

"Okay " he said, stretching his neck in search of Eve.

"How was sales ?" Nora asked at dinner when she realized Eve had been quiet ever since she returned.

"It was good mom" she replied, stabbing her fork in her food

"Then what's wrong Eve ... you've been quiet ever since you returned?"

"I met Dickson " she replied

"So ? " Nora asked

"Why can't he disappear mom! Why did he have to show up in front of me again!" She exclaimed.

"Did he upset you in any way?"

"No but I want to forget him and I won't be able to if I keep seeing him... it's been three months and I thought I had forgotten all about him but seeing him today brought memories I have been trying to forget!" She said angrily

"I understand you sweetheart but why don't you give yourself another chance to love?"

"Love ? " she laughed "And who is going to like me in this state?"

"I will ! " Someone replied from outside

"Did you hear that?" Nora wondered

"I did... I will check who it is " she said getting up

"Be careful!" Nora said and watched as she opened the door.

"Jayden! Are you stalking me! " Eve said angrily

"Who is there sweetheart?" Nora asked

"No need to worry mom I will take care of this " she replied, glaring at him

"Did I scare you again?" He asked

"Whatever! What do you want and how did you find me!"

"I followed you ! " he replied

"You did ! I'm calling the cops now!" She replied, trying to clothe door.

"Wait!" He pushed the door

"Excuse me... who are you " Nora interrupted

"Good evening mom ... I'm so sorry to disturb your peaceful routine I'm Jayden... Eve's friend " he extended his hand .

"Nice meeting you Jayden I'm Nora but why are you outside come in !" She smiled and ushered him in . Eve glared at him disapprovingly. He winked at her and walked inside.

"Get your friend something Eve ... what do you want Jayden... juice , water ..what?" Nora said

"It's okay Nora I just want to talk to Eve"

"Oh ..Kay... I will leave you guys then" she replied and walked to her room

"So what is it Jayden?" Eve asked

"Can you sit down please?" He asked calmly making it hard for her to play stubborn. She sat down obediently and waited for what he has got to say.

"I know following you here is weird and I'm acting all strange but as I said earlier I've known you for a very long time... I used to see you and June everyday in our neighborhood when you were friends and I actually wanted to be your friend "

"Then why are you approaching me now?" She interrupted

"I didn't have the courage to approach you and you were always walking with him"

"Oh I see ... so you thought this is the perfect time right?" She laughed

"Well I wanted you to be happy... but since it didn't happen with him I'm trying to shoot my shot" he smirked

"I appreciate your honesty Jayden but as I said I'm not interested " she replied avoiding his gaze

"Why Eve ... not even a friend?" He asked, placing his hands on his

"Ermmm I will think about it!" She replied pulling her hands

"Alright but just understand I'm not going to give up" He replied, getting up to leave

"Bye baby!" He blew a kiss at her tummy and walked away.

"Weirdo!" Eve whispered as she watched him leave. Jayden was attractive but something about him made her feel uncomfortable or was it because she could make her feel flattered.