
Getting it done

"Hello Eve " June's mom welcomed her.

"Hi mom it's been a while hope you are fine?" She asked

"I'm okay dear ...how are you also doing " she replied offering her a seat

"I'm fine mom"

"It's good you are doing well , June told me about what happened... I'm really sorry dear " she said feeling guilty

"It's okay mom... talking of June do you by any means know her whereabout?" Eve asked

"No dear , I spoke to her in the morning but she didn't tell me her plans... have you checked her apartment?"

"I have but she's not around and I thought she might be here"

"Well ...as you can see she isn't here either but I can call her for you if it's urgent "

"That won't be necessary... I can wait for her if you don't mind "

"Of course I don't mind... I will call her to come over if that's the case " she replied

Eve helped her in the kitchen as she prepared dinner. She had already informed her parents she was coming home late so they do not worry about her. After they were done cooking, she helped her set the table then went to the living room to watch television. She checked the time and it was almost 7pm . She called June again but she was still not picking up. "I think i will take my leave now mom" Eve said

"Really don't you want to wait a little, she will soon be in" she said . Just then a car pulled out in front of the house and June got out.

"Bye !" She waved and walked inside carrying four shopping bags.

"Eve!" She said startled by her presence.

"Hello I guess you a surprised to see me" she smiled

"Well I am ... what are you doing here"she asked trying to hide the shopping bags

"I came to see you and what are you carrying " Eve said approaching her to have a look

"It's nothing!" She said grabbing the bag from her.

"Seriously?" She said confused with her sudden reaction

"I'm sorry but these ain't my stuffs"

"It's okay I understand...you drop them and let's talk " she said

"We can talk in my room" June replied, urging her to follow suit . Eve smiled and climbed the stairs since her bedroom was upstairs

"Hi teddy!" Eve picked one of the bears and said

"So what did you want to talk about ?"June asked, locking the stuffs and a frame of Dickson in her wardrobe.

"You can't believe what happened to me June " she started

"Did your cat die?" She commented

"Silly girl I don't even have a cat " she threw a pillow at her

"Then stop beating about the bush"

"Fine ... I was asked to resign from my position in the company " she said

"Which company?"

"Are you kidding me ... don't you know the fashion company I work with " she replied getting irritated

"Yeah yeah I'm sorry but why would they ask you to resign?"

"Because I was absent babe"

"But you were admitted " she replied

"Well things wouldn't have turned out like this if Maxwell had received my letter and I learnt my dad gave you the letter " she said causing her expression to change.

"Wait ! Was that your letter!" She acted surprised

"Don't tell me you didn't know "

"Believe me girl ... I lost it " she replied

"You lost it ? How come June? And why didn't you inform me or better still my dad!" She said angrily

"Calm down Eve ... I was so ashamed to tell him"

"Then you should have told me! That was my career June now everything is ruined!" She replied angrily

"How was I suppose to know ... I lost it out of the blue I'm really sorry Eve ... I can go and see Maxwell if that can fix everything "

"You don't have to do that , he won't listen " she replied ,calming down


"It's okay June and I'm sorry for yelling at you ... I know you didn't lose it on purpose "

"Awww thanks for understanding " she said and embraced her

"It's okay "

"So do you forgive me now " she said making a puppy face

"Of course and don't make that face cause you don't look cute " she teased

"I know I'm the prettiest " she smiled

"Of course " Eve replied

"So what do you plan on doing now?" June asked

"I don't know June but I know I can't give up " she replied rubbing her palm on her belly

"Don't tell me you are still going to keep the baby... "

"I have to June it's my child "

"And how do you plan on taking care of it ... you have no job Eve"

"I can manage "

"You can't Eve just get rid of the child I don't want to be an aunt to a baby whose father refuses to accept it "

"Can we drop this topic "

"If you say so but don't say I didn't warn you" she replied.

"Who is Jayden if i may ask " Eve asked, making smiley faces

"Jayden!" She asked nervously

"Yeah don't tell me you don't know him and since when did you meet him and how come you never told me about him"

"How did you even meet him Eve ! Can't you mind your business for once!" She replied angrily

"Mind my business?" She asked feeling hurt

"Yes Eve you keep on meddling in my affairs " she said, walking out on her.

"I would like to take my leave now mom" Eve said

"So soon?"

"Yes mom" she smiled

"June " she called out to her

"I will see her off mom " June said and walked out with her

"Ermmm I'm really sorry about earlier " June said

"It's okay I think I went too far" Eve replied

"You didn't Eve and to answer you Jayden is just a friend but I don't want us talking about him" she replied

"I respect your decision dear" she said and hugged her

"Bye !" June waved as she entered her car.

"Bye! But Jayden is hot!" She teased and sped off.

* * *

A month later

"How do I look " Eve said turning around in her wedding gown.

"You look absolutely gorgeous " Mrs Arthur said, moving towards her in law to be

"Thanks mom I'm sure Dickson will melt when he sees me " she laughed

"Of course.. you look more beautiful than a Disney princess "

"Really then I bet I'm Snow White the fairest of all" she laughed again

"Let's go dear we don't want to keep the men waiting " Mrs Arthur said helping her lift her dress.

"Have you heard the news Eve?" Tina asked her on phone.

"Yeah I've heard it's the talk of the town " Eve said trying so hard to ignore the pain she felt within her.

"Don't you think it's too soon ... it's barely a month and he is getting month"Tina complained

"It's actually two months dear" she replied

"So are going to watch the wedding, I heard it will be shown live ?" She asked

"I don't think so " Eve replied packing her stuffs into her bag

"You should Eve don't you wanna know this mysterious woman Dickson is getting married to?"

"I don't care about them Tina besides I'm going to the hospital, today is day I'm getting my abortion done " she replied

"An abortion!" She gasped "why would you do that Eve!"

"I don't think I can raise this child alone besides I'm not working "


"Don't try to convince me to stop I've already made up my mind "

"Well don't say I didn't warn you " she replied and hanged up.