
Only a favor 1

Eve had successfully put Chloe to sleep and was helping Tina arrange her stuffs in the living room. She was discussing with Tina to move over to her place when she had a phone call. It was an unknown number so was hesitating to pick up.

"It could be someone you know " Tina said and she answered the call.

"Hello Eve…" A male's voice came through and she immediately recalled the voice. It was Dickson.

"What do you want Dickson?" She asked in an unbothered tone.

"I really need your help Eve !" He said in a panicky voice.

"Calm down please but I don't think I can help you Dickson, I don't know what you need help with but I can't be of help to you " she replied.

"It's an emergency Eve please!"

"I'm sorry Dickson but I have to hang up " Eve replied and hanged up on him.

"What did he need help with?" Tina asked

"I don't know and I don't care !" She replied, going back to doing her chores.

"What did she say Dickson?" June's mom asked worriedly. Dickson shook his head then replied, "She hanged up on me "

"Call her please, I will speak to her myself!" She said anxiously. Dickson called several times but Eve didn't pick up. The doctor came out with a worried look and asked if they have a donor yet.

"You know Eve's house right , please take me there …I can't afford to lose my daughter!" She said and they headed to his car . Dickson and June's mom arrived at Eve's place in no time. When they got there, Eve was cooking.

"Sarah!" Eve said surprised after seeing June's mom.

"Eve …" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Is everything okay?" She asked worriedly, turning off the gas .

"I know it's so embarrassing of me to say this considering what your friend did to you but June really needs your help dear" she said, taking her hands in hers

"Dickson called me a few minutes ago …What's wrong with her?" She asked showing genuine concern for her.

"She's in Labour and needs blood , you're the only person who matches her blood group please help your friend or the worst might happen!" Sarah said, kneeling down.

"Oh no Sarah please don't do that!" Eve replied and helped her up.

"Of course I will donate to her !" She replied, taking of her apron

"Thank you so much Eve !" Sarah said and hugged her. Eve went for Chloe and placed her in her stroller. "She's beautiful " Sarah complimented and touched her tiny fingers.

"Shall we?" Eve said when she was all set and they head out.

"I'm sorry if this will make you uncomfortable but I came with Dickson " Sarah said when they got out.

"Saving June is more important than anything Sarah so don't worry about me " She replied and they headed towards Dickson's car.

"Hi !" Dickson said rubbing his hand through his hair but she ignored her and went to sit at the back. She placed Chloe beside her and she immediately began to cry when Dickson started the engine. He turned to look at Chloe and was lost in her charm. "She's so beautiful!" He said , his eyes full of admiration. Eve ignored him , picked up her baby and breastfed her. Dickson occasionally stole glances at Eve till they got there.

A series of tests were conducted on her immediately they got there before her blood was taken . The doctors didn't want her to donate since she was a breastfeeding mom but she insisted on donating. Sarah offered to help with Chloe while she was donating her blood and she agreed.

"Can I hold her?" Dickson said to Sarah as they waited outside.

"I don't think that's a very good idea!" Sarah replied.

"Only a minute Sarah please " he pleaded and She handed her to him. For Dickson that was one of the warmest feeling he had ever felt in his entire life.

"She's so beautiful!" He said and clenched her the tightly to his chest.

"Be gentle with her " Sarah said and Chloe opened her pretty, bulging eyes. She pulled out her tongue and held his shirt, immediately puking out some of the milk she had earlier.

"Let me take care of it" Sarah said and reached out for Chloe.

"Can I hold her just for another minute?" He pleaded.

"No you can't!" Eve came out and glared at him.

"I'm really sorry Eve !" Sarah said but she ignored her and took Chloe away from him. Chloe immediately started crying loudly.

"I'm sorry baby !" Eve whispered, feeling sad for separating a daughter from her father.

"He's not worth your tears my baby !" She whispered to her and tapped her back lightly.

June reached full dilatation and successfully pushed her baby out. The midwife raised up her baby so she could see it then showed it to Dickson who was in the room.

"It's a boy !" Dickson exclaimed excitedly and kissed June on the lips. June sighed and immediately passed out.

"June!" Dickson exclaimed worriedly and the midwife rushed to check on her.

"She's unconscious…" she said to him.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked worriedly.

"It's because she lost so much blood, we will administer the blood immediately and she will hopefully regain consciousness. " She reassured him. The umbilical cord was cut and the midwife took the baby to care for him. June was taken to the ward and the blood was administered to her. Dickson went out to share the good news with Sarah and Eve who was been monitored in another ward.

"I guess I can leave now " Eve said getting up from her seat.

"Thank you Eve !" Sarah said once again.

"You don't have to thank me so much Sarah , I know June would have done the same if she was in my shoes regardless of everything."

"Can you forgive her ? I want to see you two together like before "

"I've forgiven her Sarah but June and I have crossed a line we can't return from " She replied and picked up Chloe who was sleeping in the stroller. Sarah nodded sadly and tapped her back.

"I will drop you off" Dickson said.

"That won't be necessary, you need to stay and look after your wife and child " she replied.

"I insist Eve …take it as a way of showing my gratitude "

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for June "

"But you saved my son's mother and for that I'm grateful "he replied

"You should let him drop you Eve , it's getting late and it's dangerous to take a taxi with your baby "

"She does not need to take a taxi!" Jayden entered from nowhere, flicking his car keys around his fingers .

"Jay!" Eve exclaimed surprised.

"Who are you!" Dickson said arrogantly.

"Sorry for the rude interruption…I'm Jayden, Eve's boyfriend " he smirked and stretched his hand towards Dickson for a hand shake. Dickson rolled his eyes angrily but brazed himself and shook his hand.

"Thanks for wanting to give me a ride " Eve said as he handed Chloe to Jayden.

"I miss you little princess…" Jayden said to Chloe and Dickson's heart boiled.

"Bye Sarah!" Eve said to her and they left.

Jayden placed Chloe at the backseat and Eve sat in front, next to him.

"So how did you know we were here?" Eve asked when he started the engine.

"I came to your place right after taking care of the emergency and Tina told me you had left home."


"I waited and when you weren't coming I tracked your location and found you here . I didn't mean to track you down but Tina was worried and was ranting about your safety "

"I'm not worried about you tracking me. Thanks for coming Jay" she said , moved closer and kissed his cheek.

"Whoosh ! That took me by surprise!" He smiled.

"You're so silly!" Eve laughed

"Another one please!" He turned and tapped his finger on his lips.

"Fine " she replied and gave him a slight kiss on the lips.

"Thanks for being on my side Jay …I love you!" She said and his heart skipped a beat . He forced a smile and quickly turn to face the steering wheel, trying to hide his nervousness.

"What's happening to you Jayden! Snap out of it!" He thought to himself.