
Moving in

Jayden arrived early the next morning to help Eve pack up her things. Nora admired them from a far as they took turns cuddling with Chloe and feeding her . "Did we miss something?" Jayden asked looking directly into her eyes . She blushed shyly and moved closer to him.

"Yes .. one more thing " she replied seductively

"Really.. what's that?" He asked turning and looking around the room.

"It's right in front of you babe !" Eve exclaimed.

"Really… you are literally the only thing in front of me!" He joked.

"Yes and this is what we are missing!" She said and kissed him.

"I never knew you were so romantic!" He whispered into her ears and she giggled.

"Enough of the romance love birds!" Tina interrupted, sheepishly smiling.

"You should know when not to be nosy darling!" Eve said and picked up Chloe from her stroller.Jayden pushed the empty stroller and together they went outside.

"I'm gonna miss you so much… promise to visit more often "Nora said, her eyes teary.

"I promise mom !" Eve replied and hugged her .

"Take care of my little princess for me Jayden " Nora said to him and he nodded.

"You have nothing to worry about Nora " he replied

"Please don't starve my grandchild!" She teased and Eve smiled.

"If she does , I will make sure to report it to you so don't worry " Tina replied.

They got into Jayden's car and set off to Eve's apartment.

"You've got such a lovely place Eve !" Jayden complimented.

"You think so?" She smiled

"Yes ! This place is so beautiful " He said looking at the wall frame. He saw a picture of June and Eve and decided to ask about it .

"You seem close, who is she?" He asked , paying attention to her reaction.

"Oh ! Just someone I don't wish to talk about!" She replied and quickly removed the frame from the wall.

"What's this about this person that made you so uneasy all of a sudden?"

"You don't want to know Jayden!" Tina replied, bringing in a box .

"That seems heavy , lemme help !" He said and took the box from her. Tina watched till he was out of sight then approached Eve.

"What do you think?" She said

"About what!" Eve replied trying to play dumb

"Stop acting like a teenager girl!"

"Fine! He's cool!" She blushed.

"Girl! Don't tell me you are already so much into him!" She teased.

"Go away from here !" She pushed her away playfully.

"I'm actually so excited for you.. I will give you two some privacy!" She winked and carried Chloe with her.

June tried reaching Jayden but every time she called , it quickly went straight to voicemail. He left in the morning without telling her anything and that was driving her insane.

"He must have gone to be with Eve!" She thought angrily. Only God knows how much she hated her. First it was Dickson and now it's her Jayden. Even though she knew Jayden because of their deals , she found herself liking him now.

"Why does she always have to take everything I want from me !" She cursed angrily and threw the lantern on the floor. The glass of the lantern shattered and that's how she felt. She was a total mess , first she fell for Dickson and now Jayden.

"Ouch!" She winced in pain and held her belly. It was a sharp pain in her belly and it felt heavy.

"I'm I contracting already?" She thought and suddenly felt a gush of water spill along her leg.

"OMG! This can't be happening now !" She thought in panic. She tried to recall if her date was due but realized she was in her seventh month. She didn't want to believe she was in Labour but the pain was such that she couldn't get rid of that idea.

"Pick up the call Jayden!" She cried out as the call went through but there was no response. She made an attempt to call Dickson but remembered where she was . How was she going to explain not being at her mom's place.

Jayden brought in the last box and sat next to Eve who was breastfeeding Chloe. He admired their bond and gave her a slight peck on the cheek. Chloe gave a little cry and they laugh.

"Is she trying to be jealous!" Jayden laughed as he said.

"Come on Jay !" Eve laughed.

"What did you call me ?" He asked in a serious manner that Eve started to wonder if she had said something bad.

"Jay?" She replied thinking.

"Wow ! I've got a pet name ! I love it!" He exclaimed .

"Seriously! " Eve laughed.

"And did you have to be so serious while asking"she continued and hit him playfully.

"Your phone!" Eve pointed to his buzzing phone which was on the dressing mirror. "Thanks !" He said and went to pick it up . He became nervous all of a sudden after identifying the caller . Eve noticed it and asked if everything was okay. "Yeah , a minute please!" He replied and stepped outside.

"What do you want?" He said in whispers.

"Do you have to respond like that Jayden…I'm in Labour for pig's sake!" June replied.

"And so ? Call your husband for all I care " he replied

"You must have gone nuts Jayden…how can I call Dickson to your house!" She said and screamed in pain after.

"I'm losing it Jayden please come back right now and I promise to pay you any sum you ask for !"

"Fine…a million dollar bill, what do you say !" He said

"I'm in pain and all you can think of is money! "She replied

"Money is everything to me June!" He said and hanged up. He went inside and told Eve , there was an emergency at work so he had to leave. Eve understood and saw him off at the gate .

"Did Jayden leave already ?" Tina asked

"Yeah…there's an emergency at his work " she sighed.

"Okay don't worry I'm here to help!" Tina said and placed her arm around her shoulder.

"So playful of you!" She smiled and headed inside with her.

Jayden rushed home and the scene before him made him a little bit scared . June had crawled to the gate and blood was running along her legs.

"June!" He exclaimed and got out of his car immediately.

"Let go off me you imbecile!" She yelled at him with the little energy in her .

"I ..I didn't know it was did worse!" He stammered as he helped her inside the car.

"Whatever just get me to the nearest hospital! I can't afford to lose our baby !"

"Our baby?" Jayden asked confused as he drove.

"Yes Jayden! The child I'm carrying is yours and if anything should happen to him , it will be your fault!"

"How ?" He asked and decided to probe in further after she was no longer in pain but one thing he was confident about was , there was no way he was accepting that baby as his . He pulled over to a nearby hospital and a stretcher was quickly brought to carry June after he explained the situation to the nurses in charge.

"Are you the husband?" One nurse asked.

"No no ! You can ask her for any information…I'm only a Good Samaritan and as a matter of fact , I'm leaving!" Jayden said

"Wait ! Can't you stay for just a little while?"

"I'm sorry maam but my wife and kid are waiting for me " he replied and left.