
Only A favor 2

June woke up and sitting beside her was Dickson who was carrying his son in his arms and her mom.

"Mom…" she said weakly, stretching her arm towards her.

"Baby !" Sarah replied and moved towards her bed.

"Why do I feel so dizzy " she said rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Where's my baby !" She said anxiously, turning to look at Dickson.

"Our son is here …" he said and handed him to her.

"He's so beautiful…" she said and kissed his forehead.

"How did you know I was here ?" June asked Dickson as Sarah helped her to sit down.

"The nurses called me " he replied.

"And what's this blood thing on me…" she said looking at the cannula with blood flowing through it.

"You lost a lost of blood and that was necessary to save you " Sarah replied, helping her breastfeed.

"I see" she replied.

"Eve is the donor!" Dickson said.

"Eve ! Why her!" She exclaimed

"You should be thankful June" Sarah said

"Thankful? Why didn't you donate mom!" She exclaimed angrily

"My blood level is low dear "

"That's no excuse mom , you could have found a different donor!"

"That's enough June! Don't you think you are taking this issue far?"

"Far? To where? I'm going bonkers thinking that whore's blood is running through me now!" She yelled angrily

"Then take it out! Stop nagging and pull the cannula out!" Dickson yelled angrily and the baby started crying.

"Leave ! " she said to Dickson.

"June?" Sarah said concerned

"Mom please!.. I said leave my sight now Dickson!"

"Fine!" He replied and stormed out.

"What's wrong with you June ! Why did you have to take it out on him…"

"Did you not notice how he was defending her?"


"Eve of course! He still cares about her and that upsets me!" She yelled.

"It will be fine baby , calm down."

Dickson drove and went straight to James apartment. He didn't inform him about his coming so he was a little bit surprised when he showed up at his door.

"Dickson! What are you doing here at this time man!" He said

"I'm here to clear my head man…" he said rubbing his hands through his head.

"Clear your head? I thought you received the most exciting news today , wait , did you and June have a fight?" He teased

"She's the least of my worries now" he said as James poured him a glass of wine.

"Then what are you worried about?"

"Eve !" He replied

"Eve? Are you still thinking about that bitch!"

"I know I shouldn't be thinking about her but I can't take my mind off her , especially today "

"what happened today?"

"I met her and her daughter today …" he said, turning to face him.

"She had a daughter?"

"Yeah and a very beautiful one as such !" He replied and a smile crossed his face .

"Did she ask you to take responsibility for her bastard "

"Watch your choice of words man …I hate to hear you call her daughter that!" He replied angrily

"Wooo my bad … so what did she want?"

"Nothing, she just came to donate blood to June and I happened to be closer to her baby "

"She really did that!"

"Yeah but something is bothering me man…I felt this deep connection with her daughter, like I didn't even feel the same way when I held my son "

"Come on Dickson, you felt nothing…you are only imagining things "

"I know what I felt James , I actually fell in love with her immediately I felt her and she brought me a sense of peace I've never felt before …"

"So what are you doing about it , are you trying to say that child could be yours?"

"I'm starting to have doubts…what if Chloe is my daughter…oh no! That means I will be neglecting her!"

"I think you're drunk Dickson, just concentrate on your new born child and your wife okay " he said, tapping his back gently.

"I have to meet Eve and clear all doubts "

"And what if the child is yours?" James asked

"I will take responsibility of her!" He replied .

June was discharged from the hospital with her son two months later and she returned home with Dickson. Dickson was being supportive and took care of their son more than June did. June only came in when it was time to breastfeed. They had not decided on the name for their baby yet since they weren't seeing eye to eye at the hospital but Dickson's mother already had a name for her grandson and would call her Gordon, anytime she came to visit them at the hospital. Dickson pulled inside his garage and picked up his son who was sleeping soundly at the backseat when they reached home. June walked ahead of them not looking back to check up on them. She opened the living room door and a huge surprise waited for them.

"Welcome baby Gordon!" The guest shouted excitedly and Dickson and his wife stared at each other. The living room was filled with Dickson's and June's friends and some colleagues from their various work place. June smiled and looked around the room. The room was decorated with blue lights and blue balloons with white colors in between. In the middle was a large cake with the inscription "welcome Gordon written" on it . She looked at her mother in law and feigned a smile. Mrs. Benson walked towards her and hugged her.

"I never agreed on Gordon " she whispered into her ears.

"I don't care about your opinion " she replied and pulled away from the hug, feigning a smile at her.

"June!" Natalie, one of June's friends moved towards her and hugged her.

"Natalie…it's been a while " she smiled and said , looking at her from head to toe. Natalie was brown skin and had shiny black hair.

"You look amazing for someone who just gave birth!" She complimented

"Thanks, you look good yourself!"

"What's up with you and Eve …I can see you are with his man now…" she said trying not to sound rude but deep down she was surprised.

"Eve and I are no longer friends and if you don't mind please excuse me !" She replied and walked out on her. Natalie looked at her and shook her head. She couldn't believe June could go for Eve's man knowing how close they were back in college.

Dickson looked for June amidst the crowd and handed Gordon to her . He explained to her that there was an emergency at her workplace and needed to be there immediately. June understood and he left right away.

Eve had successfully placed Chloe to bed and was rushing to take her bath when her doorbell rung. She just finished talking to Jayden on the phone a few minutes before she put Chloe to bed and he didn't say anything like coming over to see her so she was quite worried about who was here to see her at that time of the night. She peeped through the door hole and all she could see was a bouquet of flowers.

"Jayden!" She smiled and opened the door but surprisingly it was Dickson.

"Dickson!" She said , holding the door ajar.

"Are you surprised to see me!" He smiled

"What are you doing at my house at this time of the night?"

"I came to give you this beautiful bouquet "

"I don't remember asking you for flowers !" Eve replied , trying to close the door.

"Come on Eve!" He said and pushed the door open, hitting her backwards.

"You're overstepping your boundaries Dickson! Leave before I call the police!"

"I know I've hurt you a lot but could you listen to me just this time please…"

"What's there to listen, you're married now and I've also moved on , there's nothing between us now!"

"That's not true Eve …I know you still have me in your heart !" He said and she laughed.

"You can believe that for all I care but if you wouldn't mind , I have to look my door and sleep " she said, grabbing the other knob of the door. Dickson held her hand and pulled her out of the room, bringing her close to him.

"Let go off me !" Eve shouted angrily, trying to free herself from his grip but he ignored her and with his arms around her waist pulled her in, her head resting in his chest. He took his hands of her waist and hugged her tightly . "Are you still gonna deny your feelings for me " he said still holding onto her tightly. Eve was confused for a while. She was sure of her feelings for Jayden but why was something sparkling within her. It felt as if she had found something she was longing for. Being in his arms brought past memories to her and her heart started to race . Dickson after realizing she wasn't trying to pull out from the hug slowly pulled away from her and looked into her eyes . Eve stared into his , then looked at his lips. Something wasn't right and she knew but she didn't feel like stopping, she wanted to know how his lips tasted after all these years . Dickson slowly brought his lips closer to hers and kissed her passionately. Eve's heart skipped a beat immediately their lips touched and at that instant, she realized it was all a lustful thought. She didn't feel anything kissing him and all she could think of was Jayden. She pulled away hurriedly but the sight before her made her heart ache.

"Jay I can explain…!" She said, running after him.