
Not a father

Dickson woke up in his study to find himself covered with a blanket and a note on his desk.

"I will go and see her if that makes you happy.. June" he read and put it back.

he checked the clock and it was the early hours of the morning. He quickly went to freshen up and got ready for work. He bid his mom and dad goodbye and drove away.

He listened to the morning news and weather forecast. Today was going to be stormy , the news said and it advised everyone to be indoors in the hours of the storm.

He reached his work place and was welcome by his employees and other co-workers. His best friend James met him at the entrance of his office as usual and walked in with him.

"It's good to have you back" he said smiling

"Did you miss me?" Dickson teased.

"I'm not gay how can I miss a dick like you" he teased and he shrugged.

"Anyway man how have you been coping, you gave yourself a week vacation and I hope that's enough to bring you alive"

"I'm fine , everything is fine I just don't want you to mention her"

"you know I hate her the same way you do .. he did such a horrible thing to my bro and you think I'm fond of her?"

"It's good to know I'm not alone in this " Dickson smiled.

"Miss June is here to see you " Gloria , Dickson's secretary told him.

"let her in" he replied as he continued to check his files. June walked in briskly, taking quick glances at him. She wanted to be sure if his mood was welcoming or not.

"Hi babe" she said and kissed him slightly on the lips. Dickson smiled and offered her a seat as he poured her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks" she took a sip and crossed her legs.

"I met James downstairs" she said

"yeah he came to check up on me and what brought you here early this morning if I may ask?"

"I came to check up on you, I didn't like how I left you yesterday. I know our decision of getting married is happening too fast but can't you see our families are happy about it."

"I know June and I'm also happy about it, I just asked you to be a friend to your friend"

"Yeah and I listened that's why I called her this morning before coming here, I'm also planning on visiting her in the house today" she said .

"Alright , I have a meeting at ten and I need to focus on these files so if you don't mind I would like to escort you "

"I don't mind babe and no need to escort me"

she got up and lured him into a passionate kiss.

Eve dressed up and stared at herself in the mirror, checking if she was gaining weight. she held her breast in her palms and realized they were a little bit heavy. She smiled at her reflection and took her handbag. She was visiting Dickson at his office even though he didn't like how it sounded. Dickson has humiliated her and he was the last person she wanted to meet but for the sake of her unborn child she buried her pride and headed towards his workplace. She finished her cup of Milo and said goodbye to her parents. She was planning on going back to her apartment after she fully recovers.

"take care hunny" Nora and Carl said and she smiled.

Eve took a taxi and in no time she was in front of the big company. she used to enjoy coming to this place but now as she stood there, she dreaded it. She took in a deep breath, composed herself together and climbed the stairs to Dickson's office, ignoring the stares at her.

When she got the the veranda leading to Dickson's office, she met with June.

"June!"' she exclaimed excitedly even though she was nervous to see her.

Eve hurried forward and hugged her not allowing her presence in Dickson's company to bother her.

"Eve!" she pulled herself together and feigned a smile.

"But I should be mad at you June...I was hospitalized and I never saw your face , who does that to her best friend" she feigned annoyance.

"I'm really sorry Eve , I didn't know about the accident"

"but you should have called me at least taking into account the incident that took place"

"That reminds me why are you here?" June asked.

"I should be asking you why" she laughed even though she didn't get what she was doing in the company.

"I brought some files here... come let's grab a coffee downstairs and chitchat" June said pulling her.

"But I have to meet Dickson"

"He is in a meeting right now so it won't affect anything if we hang out, you can even tell me what business you have to do with him" she said and Eve smiled.

"Fine if you say so " she replied and they left to have coffee.

"I will just have water" Eve said to the waitress and June shot her a suspicious look.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Maybe I'm not" she laughed.

"I don't get why you are so excited..and what did you want to discuss with that guy , Dickson"

"I know under normal circumstances I shouldn't be happy but I just found a reason to be happy recently" she smiled and June's heart skipped a beat, out of jealousy.

"Has it got something to do with why you wanted to meet him?"

"yeah and can you guess" she tickled her.

"Stop it Eve ! you know I hate guesses"

"Fine fine fine...you are going to be an aunt!" she smiled broadly.

"An aunt?" she asked hoping what she was thinking isn't true.

"Yes June I'm pregnant!" she exclaimed and June's heart raced.

"Are you sure?" she asked fearing for her stand in Dickson's life.

"It was confirmed by doctors and I'm here to show the results to him..he deserves to know at least" Eve said, feeling gloomy.

"it's okay sweetheart I'm so happy for you" she feigned and hugged her.

"Wait here for me I will go and use the washroom" June said to Eve

"fine" she laughed and watched her leave.

"I can't allow it ..Eve can't be carrying Dickson's baby even if it's so I can't let Dickson accepts this baby ...I have to do something.. think June .. think" June said to herself , fidgeting with her phone.

"yes I have an idea" she smiled and called Dickson. His phone rung several times but he wasn't answering.

"he is in a meeting and won't be able to answer..I will text him" she said and sent him a text.

"I'm just hoping I'm able to convince him" she thought and left the washroom.

Dickson ignored the call but he couldn't ignore the text, thinking June needed something urgently. He read the message and his heart started racing.

"I met with Eve and she is planning on claiming you are responsible for her pregnancy so that you get back with her. Believe me , she said it to my face that you are not the father but she can't allow her child to have a wretched life" Dickson read , her hands shaking furiously.

"Meeting adjourned!" He got up, exclaimed.

Dickson rushed back to his office, his heart so full with anger. He pulled out his drawer and brought out the pictures that ruined his life . He laid them on his table and clenched his fist angrily. He was about smashing it when he heard a knock on his door. Gloria entered right after knocking and informed him Eve was here to see him

"So it's true "he said

"Pardon?" Gloria replied confused

"Never mind let her in "he said to her

"You are looking beautiful Miss Eve , Boss says you can come in"

"Thanks , you also look good "Eve smiled and entered the office nervously