
Considering him

"I can't believe Jayden got you these!" Tina said admiring the dress and heels.

"Well I guess he has forgotten I'm pregnant... these heels are too high "

"Well it doesn't matter you can wear them after you deliver but this dress really looks similar to the one you made Eve" she said observing the dress well

"What if he bought it?"Eve said

"I don't remember selling an item to him" she replied

"Maybe he sent someone to buy it since he wanted to give it to you "

"Whatever but I will need you to make some alterations on it since he wants me to wear it tonight " she said

"OMG Eve ! I can't believe you are going on a first date with hot Jay smith !" She teased

"Come on Tina I'm accepting to go out with him as friends and nothing more!"

"Well that's what they always say!" She teased again as she carried the dress to the fashion room.

"Silly girl..." Eve thought smiling.

Nora walked in carrying a tray of biscuits and watermelon juice for her.

"I overheard you and Tina ... did you agree to go out with Jayden?" She asked

"I couldn't refuse hun mom... do you think I'm making the right decision?" She asked worriedly.

"Of course you are sweetheart ... I've not known Jayden for long but he is a very sweet guy ... look at the stuffs he got you regardless of your pregnancy " she replied

"Well I felt I was taking things fast with him"

"Listen sweetheart... some relationships take long to build others are also built immediately after the two parties lay eyes on each other... have you not heard the saying "love at first sight "" she replied

"I have but I'm just considering Jayden as a friend for now at least " she said moving uncomfortably because of her baby kicks.

"She is going to be a stubborn girl!" Nora said feeling her movement

"I agree " Eve smiled.

"What do you want again Jayden?" June whispered on the phone making sure nobody was around her.

"Calm down sweetheart I don't bite!" He teased

"Did I not tell you to call me ? What do you want now be fast my husband or his mom can show up "

"Then why don't you visit me... we can have some privacy here ... my dick even misses you "

"You are crazy... start talking now or I hung up"

"Fine if you insist... I need some money " he said tossing his keys in the air

"How much are talking about?"

"50, 000" he replied

"What! Where I'm i going to get such a huge amount!" She exclaimed

"Someone is going to hear you sweetheart... "

"Are you crazy Jayden that's too much!" She whispered

"Well I need it tonight and I don't care how you will manage to raise it"

"Tonight! I won't be able to find such a huge amount for you tonight!"

"You talk too much June ain't you the wife of Dickson Arthur! "

"I am but I don't think it will be easy to get such an amount from him!"

"That's your problem not mine and I will need the money before 6pm!" He said and hanged up.

"What do I do now!"June thought, pacing around. She checked the hallway making sure the place was cleared before sneaking into Dickson's study. She careful locked the door and headed towards his safe. "Only if I knew the password" she thought, fidgeting with her phone. "I have to try something " she said looking through his drawer for a clue . She tried Mrs Arthur's birthday but it didn't open. "He won't use his birthdate that's so easy to guess" she thought. "Maybe Eve's" she thought and carefully input Eve's date .

"Yes!" She exclaimed when it opened but the reality dawned on her and realized how she meant nothing in his life. She cursed angrily and took more than the amount Jayden asked for.

"Dickson never lock his study?" Mrs Arthur wondered.

"Shit !" June cursed and hid under the table when she heard someone turning the knob"

"Thank God I locked the door" she sighed when the turning stopped. She waited till she heard the footsteps leave before sneaking out.

"Thank God I have a spare key or Arthur would have killed me ... I wonder why Dickson could forget such important files!" Mrs Arthur said trying to unlock the door. She tried pushing the key inside the hole but it wasn't entering. She turned the knob nervously and the door quickly opened almost throwing her inside. "Wasn't this door locked earlier!" She thought looking around to see if someone was present. June quickly hid behind a pillar praying she didn't notice her. "This is strange" Mrs Arthur said and entered to look for the files

"What are you doing in my husband's study?"June walked in

"Excuse me?"Mrs Arthur surprisingly said

"I asked what you are doing here ? And why is my husband's safe opened?" She said pointing to the safe

"I don't understand the later part of your question but for the initial part, this is my house and I can be anywhere I please at any time young lady... and what are you doing here either " She looked at her suspiciously

"I heard some noises from my room and I decided to check what was going on" she replied

"Did you come here to steal mother in law?" She said sarcastically.

"What do you mean June?"she replied angrily

"Don't act smart mother in law... Dickson's safe is always locked how come it's opened now... just pray he doesn't come back and complain of theft or I will tell him everything!" She said and walked out on her.

"Is that really June!" She thought watching her leave.

June drove to Jayden's place after depositing the money into his account. Jayden was requesting so much from her lately and she couldn't understand the reason. He has been blackmailing her for money and sex but recently, he only request for items and money. She parked her car outside and rung the doorbell.

Jayden walked out in shorts ,revealing his thighs and chest.

"Are you here to give me the money sweetheart " he smirked. June was

stunned by his appearance . She couldn't take her eyes of his tattoos and how attractive he was.

"Are you okay " he tapped his fingers in front of her

"What did you say?" She asked nervously

"I asked for my money sweetheart "

"Oh yeah... I've deposited the money into your account " she replied

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes ... if you doubt it you can check your account balance "

"If you've deposited the money then why are you here?" He asked licking his lips

"I wanted to ask what you are using the money and items I have been sending you for!" She replied

"That shouldn't be your business sweetie... yours is to do as I say " he replied

"I will leave from here then !" She said still staring at him

"Okay " he smirked.

"Are you not going to allow me inside ?" She asked not wanting to sound as if she was asking for it

"No!" He replied

"Fine!" She shouted angrily and turned to leave

"You miss me right " he grabbed her hand and turned her around. He brought her closer to him, their nose almost touching. Jayden smirked when he felt her heart was racing. He placed her arm around her waist and pulled her closer , causing her to stand on her toes. She stared at his blue eyes , causing her heart to melt. He moved his free hand across her face and landed it on her lips. "Why are your lips trembling!" He teased , looking her straight in the eye.

"Let go off me Jayden" she whispered, making no effort to break free from his grip.

"Not so soon" he said turning her around,causing her to lean against the gate.

"I want to give you a special thank you treat" he said bringing his lips closer to her neck.

"Can we go inside at least "she said in between mourns.

"Naa I wanna fuck you right here" he whispered and bit her earlobe.

"You are crazy!" She pushed him and entered the house.