

"Jayden!" She run forth and hugged him.

"What are you doing here June?" He pushed her a little.

"I've miss you... you hardly call me these days"

"Point of correction , I don't call you !"

"Why are you doing this to me ... is it because of Eve ?"she replied angrily

"My personal matters are not your concern June... say what you've got to say and leave, I want to rest"

"I'm not leaving... I'm here for the weekends!" She replied

"You must be sick ... have you forgotten you are married and you are pregnant for Christ sake!"

"You didn't care about that earlier, what changed?" She asked

"Nothing changed June I realized I don't need you anymore!"

"But you need Eve right?"

"Yes I love her" he replied

"That's a lie! You don't love Jayden and you hate Eve with all your heart!" She shouted

"Let's drop this conversation... you can leave!" He said entering his house

"No wait ! I can't go home please let me stay tonight " she pleaded

"Fine " he said and allowed her in .

She carried her luggage to his room and started to unpack them. She opened one side of the drawer and started to arrange her stuffs. Jayden was in the living room watching a football match. June was bringing an aspect of his life, he was trying to get rid off. He stared at the huge sum of money she offered him and was confused. Her condition was to stay in his house for the weekends and in turn give him the money. "What are you thinking about?" She interfered in his thoughts.

"I'm just considering your offer " he smirked.

"So? What do you say about it?" She smirked knowing she could buy him money.

"You can stay !" He smiled.

"Not just staying in the house but I also get to share your bedroom " She said

"No problem!" He nodded having a silly smirk on his face.

"I knew you still need me !" She replied and leaned in to kiss him. Jayden retracted his head and placed his palm on her lips.

"It wasn't in the deal to kiss me " he said


"If you want a kiss you have to pay more " he teased and went to his room.


"Break time kids !" The fourth grade teacher announced and the kids shouted in joy. Jayden wasn't as happy as the other kids in the class. He hated break time. He glared angrily at the kids who were happily leaving and showing off their delicious snacks. He brought out his lunch box and glared at the piece of bread and cheese. "Why can't I have delicious snacks like the others!!" He thought angrily and went straight ahead to the trash can . He was about to poor the food away but her gaze met with a girl who was sitting at the corner of the class , all alone. She was crying and his heart couldn't contain it.

"Hello!" He said to her

"Hi!" She replied still sobbing

"I am Jayden and why are you crying ?" He sat on a chair in front of her.

"I don't want to leave the school!" She replied sobbing

"Are you leaving?" He asked concerned

"Yes ...my parents are traveling to London and I have to go with them " she replied.

"But are you in this class cause I've never seen you before?"

"No I'm in third grade , I didn't want my mates to see me crying "

"Look at me !" Jayden said and placed his snack on the table. She raised her head and stared at him.

"You are beautiful... what's your name?"

"I'm Eve " she smiled staring at his bread.

"Is that your snack ?" She asked and he nodded shyly.

"Ohhh" she replied feeling pity for him.

"Do you want to have a bite?" He smiled thinking someone liked his food.

"Ermmm yes but That's not appetizing you know !" She laughed playfully but Jayden didn't see it as such. Her words stabbed him in the chest and anger rushed through him. "Go to hell!" He exclaimed and threw the cheese on her face. He got up angrily and left the class , only to find his classmates standing behind the gate and laughing at him. They heard everything she said to him

*****flashback over.

"I came to London to look for you Eve ... I will never forget how you humiliated me...I became a laughing stock because of the words you said... I swear I'm going to make you pay for every tear I shed!" Jayden thought lying on his bed. His thoughts were interrupted by the loud beep on his phone. It was a text from Eve . He quickly got up and smiled after reading the text. He hated Eve but he constantly thought about her and being with her always made him happy... "what's happening to me?" He thought.

"Breastfeed her dear!" Nora said looking at Eve who was suffering in trying to make Chloe stop crying.

"It's so late mom and she won't let me sleep " she cried out

"That's motherhood dear and you will have to endure it" she encouraged her

"Thanks mom " she said and placed her breast in her mouth. Chloe sucked on it hungrily and slowly dozed off.

"You shouldn't be starving my granddaughter okay " Nora teased and got up to leave

"Goodnight mom and Chloe and I will be leaving to my apartment tomorrow " she said

"No Eve , you can stay here till she is older " Nora complained

"I know mom but I've agreed to Jayden's proposal and I don't want him trooping in here always "

"Jayden is like a son to me... I wouldn't complain "

"I know mom but I'm old enough to have my privacy please understand "

"I understand you sweetheart just be careful " she replied sadly

"You know you can always come around don't act like I'm going back to Seattle!" She laughed

"Have you miss Seattle?" Nora asked

"A lot mom ... it's been 20 years now since we left and I really regret how I made that guy felt" she replied sadly

"What was his name?"

"I don't even remember but he was such a nice kid and my first crush!" She smiled

"I'm so sorry you didn't get a chance to apologize to him but you know we had to leave "

"I went back to give him this letter but I couldn't find him " she said looking at the envelope in her drawer.

"You should let go off that guilt Eve !"

"I can't mom ... he was really good to me and I hurt him really bad" she replied

"It's okay go to sleep now ... Chloe will wake up again and you will need energy to feed her" Nora said

"Okay!" She said.