
Shattering Fate

A boy who just turned 16 and graduated from high school. When he thought he could finally take a break from everything and spend some time alone, something happens that changes the course of his life.

SHADEBO · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 3 Day 1

"Hey, wake up! Wake up!"

Shade opens his eyes.

"huh? whats up?"

"Check your clock and tell me what time is it."

"Its 11:00 A.M. Oh damn I overslept."

"Brush your teeth and come eat your breakfast, its getting cold."

Shade gets up and washes his face.

After eating breakfast He heads towards the place where he's supposed to be working at.

"Its been so long since I've actually had a nice little walk."

Shade takes a deep breath in...


"Woah that scared me. What was that noise? It came from that restaurant."

After getting a little closer Shade realizes that...

"Wait isn't that the restaurant i am supposed to be working at?"

Angry arguing noises comes from inside the restaurant and then an angry Server that looked like he works at the restaurant takes off his uniform and throws it on the ground and says...


The guy then sprints towards Shades direction and leaves.

A guy from inside the restaurant comes outside and picks up the uniform and goes back in.

Shade being curious steps inside the restaurant to check what's going on. Shade opens the restaurant door and (Ding Ding)

"Welcome to Noodles Club! Please take a seat Sir." Says A guy wearing the restaurants uniform.

After looking around for a little Shade realizes that theres not that many customers in the restaurant. Maybe cause its kind of early in the morning...

"Umm Hello, I am supposed to be working at this restaurant starting today." Says Shade

"Ohh, you are that new guy. Follow me for a second."

We walk upto a big guy. He was a little dark toned and had light beard. He was fat as well.

"This is the manager of the restaurant."

"Hello my name is Shade, i was told that ill be working here at this restaurant starting today"

After asking Shade a few questions the manager asks the other server to show me around the restaurant and teach me the fundamentals...

"This is the place where we put all our dishes at, thats the kitchen, thats where the staff washroom is, If you need anything just let me know."

The server hands me a clean set of uniform.

"For today stand near the door and greet the people that comes inside the restaurant. And watch how the other staff do their job. Thats all you have do today."


Shade nicely greets the customers with a smile each time.

After a few hours, some kind of alarm goes off inside the staff room and some staff come out of the room was asking for the rest to go inside.

It was lunch time.

Shade starts introducing himself to everyone..

A guy starts staring at shades face without uttering a single word...

Shade starts staring at him as well without blinking.

"Oh and thats the head chef, seems like you two are getting quite along already." says the server.

The head staff walks out of the door while still staring at shades face.

"Whooh~ whats up with that guy?"

"Oh he's fine don't worry, he likes to have a good look at everyone's faces when he sees them for the first time."

"Oh that explains why he was acting so weird"

"By the way, i was gonna ask."


"Why is your hair color white, shade? ive seen some people with like a very small portion of their hair turning white at a young age but yours is completely white, is there a reason behind that?"

"I dont know the reason myself but it probably has something to do with my genes, i did hear my dad say that some people in their family were born with white hair in the past."

"Alright, once you are done eating rest up and pick up the work where you left off."

"Oh i was wondering something."


"Why did that other guy leave? He looked really mad. Did something happen between him and the manager?"

"Yeah well, I am sure you noticed that the restaurant doesn't get that many customers."

"I thought it was because of bad timing."

"Thats part of the reason but, It used to get a lot of customers but ever since that other restaurant opened in front of ours we haven't been getting that many customers lately."

"Oh so thats why..."

"Yeah and the managers not been himself lately, he yells at the staffs for even doing their jobs. And thats one of the reasons why staff don't last that long in this place."

"One of the reasons? You mean there's more?"

"Yes but i want you to figure the rest out yourself, judge the people by their actions and how they treat you."

"I will keep that in mind."