
Sharingan in MHA [Complete]

Quick Disclaimer: This story will be a light read, so please don't take things too seriously. If you are a hardcore Naruto fan and stuff, then some things here may annoy you as I limited and altered some of the powers from the Naruto world. This is my first time writing, and I have never done anything like this before, so please understand that some of my choices will be illogical. If you think the mc should have done something else, then please let me know, and I will try to fix it in the future. Thanks! Kaede Aoki was your run-of-mill 16yr old girl. One of her favourite things was watching anime, especially the isekai genre. Unfortunately, one day, she died trying to save a cat. God took pity on her and allowed her to reincarnate to a world of her choice. [There's romance in the story but for some reason, I can't add the tag because it's the female lead. This won't be a yuri] I don't own MHA or Naruto, and only some of the characters in the story will be created. The cover image was retrieved from Pinterest; I don't own this image. The owner of this image was the user G94875321W. If the owner of this image wants me to take it down, please contact me through this email yellowduck934@gmail.com. Thank! Link to image here: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/666673551067707357/

Yellow_Duck_Toy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 13: Chakra Training!

Disclaimer: I'm not that knowledgeable about chakra so I may get some things wrong in this chapter. Thank you for your understanding.


[Kaede POV]

"Mom where are we going?" I asked her while I sat in the shotgun seat.

"We're going to an isolated area since I will do some demonstration on the power of chakra!" Mom announced pridefully.

Currently, both of us were in the car driving away from the city. I looked out the window and gazed out at the farmlands and trees. I then glanced at mom who was driving with a carefree expression, she rests her shoulder out the window and her black hair swayed under the wind.

"Hmm is there something on my face?" Mom tilted her head.

"Nope," I smiled and made a popping noise with the P, "I just thought that mom looked really beautiful,"

Mom giggled and pinched my cheek: "Why is my daughter so cute! Anyway we will be there soon so just be a little more patient,"

After ten more minutes, we drove onto a dirt path and parked next to a patch of land. I got out of the car and observed my surroundings, the land was the size of a soccer field, and there was no sign of people everywhere I look.

"Starting from now, this is the place where I will train you." She said as she gestured for me to follow her.

We reached the center of the field and she told me to sit down. Mom then started explaining the basic summary of chakra, I already knew these things but still listen intently to her explanation:

"Chakra is the life energy of all living creatures. However, while the average people have a minuscule amount, our family has a very large amount which allows us to connect it with our spiritual and physical energy. We can then weaponize this energy and use it in combat. The stronger you become, the more chakra you can access in your body." Mom explained.

(A/N: Remember, Fugaku can't utilize chakra as it's only on Mikoto's side. Also please forgive me if I got the chakra wrong.)

"Also because of our high amount of chakra, each member of our family can mold their chakra and turn it into one of the five elements: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Lightning. However, we can only use one of the five, not all of them." Mom continued to explain while holding up her fingers.

(A/N: I know that's not true in the Naruto World but it will be too OP if every family member on Mikoto's side becomes Avatars.)

I raised my hand: "Mom, what chakra element do you and Itachi-onii-chan use?" I asked.

"I used the water element and your brother uses the fire element." She replied.

"Wow, can you show me!" My face flushed with excitement

She nodded, made some hand signs, and said "Mizu Ha no Jutsu!" with a swipe of her hands a blade made of water shot out of her wrist.

"Sugoi!" I shouted as I watch the water blade cleanly cleaved the tree in half.

"These types of moves were called Jutsus. Kaede, what did you see before I summoned the water blade?" Mom asked me.

"Um, you did some weird things with your hand?" I answered.

"Correct, for us to access our chakra, our family developed Hand Seals to help us summon and mold the chakra in our body to perform a Jutsu."

I nodded my head in understanding. "By the way mom, what's my element?"

"We don't know yet but we can determine it with this!" Mom answered and pulled a piece of small paper out of her pocket.

"A paper can determine my chakra element?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"This is a special paper that our family had created to determine one's chakra nature. It works by injecting a little bit of your chakra and what happens to the paper will determine your element:

If the paper burns to ashes, then your element is fire.

If the paper becomes damp, then your element is water.

If the paper crumbles and turns into dirt, then your element is earth.

If the paper is split in half, then your element is wind.

If the paper is wrinkled, then your element is lightning.

However, since you can't even sense your chakra yet so we'll start from there first."

"Now Kaede, relax and try to sense your chakra, since it will be your first try, it should take around 2 to 3 hours so be patient...."

"Found it!" I replied immediately. 'Oh shoot why did I say that.' I started sweating.

"Kaede... Did you practice when you told us not to?" Mom said slowly.

I averted my gaze and whistled innocently, well my best attempt at whistling.

Mom sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose. "What level are you currently on?." She questioned with a tired tone.

"Ummm..... I can instantly sense my chakra, maneuver the chakra around my body at a decent pace and slowly walk on walls?"

Hearing my response she sighed again before smiling and finally bursting into laughter: "HAHA, of course, you would've secretly trained, you're my daughter after all! You're just like me and Itachi!"

"Mom and Itachi-onii-chan did it too?" I asked.

"Of course, I was a training maniac, my mother have to threaten me to stop before I hurt myself. I have to do the same thing to Itachi too. It runs in the family I guess." Mom said.

"But to think that you're already at this level, how much did you train?" She asked.

"I start training every time you, dad, and Itachi-onii-chan left the house and I kept on training till you guys get back," I said.

"Didn't Itachi summon his crow to watch over you? Does that mean your brother knows as well?"

"I bribed Crow-san...." I muttered and guiltyly lowerd my head.

"You bribed Crow-san?" She repeated questioningly.

"Please don't get mad at him, it's not his fault!" I yelled and hugged mom's leg.

"I'm sorry for not listening to you..." I mumbled teary-eyed.

She patted my head: "It's okay, we already suspected you will be doing something like that." Mom explained with a kind smile.

I nodded but continued to embracing her leg. After a bit, I finally calmed down and resumed my training. I asked mom if I can check what's my chakra element since I already have basic chakra control. She agreed and handed me the chakra paper.

I held the paper and closed my eyes. I carefully divert a little bit of my charka onto the paper. For a while, nothing happened. Suddenly the paper started to wrinkle, "Congratulations Kaede, you have the lightning element." Mom declared.

'Lightning? That means I will be able to use cool jutsu like Chidori, right?' I thought to myself, I suddenly got excited about what was ahead of me in the future and imagined myself striking my enemies down with lightning.

"However, I ban you from learning any lightning jutsu until you start training with Itachi." She said in a tone that indicate that her decision was final.

I reluctantly nodded and asked: "Then what can I practice right now if I'm not allowed to learn lightning jutsu?"

Simple, if you direct your chakra at a part of your body, that part of the body will be strengthened temporarily. If you master your chakra control, you can build up chakra in your limbs and release it at a specific point during impact can do severe damage to the target." Mom said.

"I will make a demonstration, stay back Kaede." She warned.

I hurriedly moved away from her and Mom raised her foot and before stomping on the ground.


The floor before mom exploded creating large cracks and fissure in a ten metre radius. My eyes are shining so bright to a level that you shouldn't look directly at them. Seeing my reaction, mom laughed and gestured for me to sit back down. She then told me to get into a meditation position.

Mom told me that I already have a high amount of chakra because of my hard training. So for now, she will teach me how to maneuver my charka more efficiently and more effectively throughout my body.

I tried to move my chakra according to her explanation, and I found out that I can move it more quickly and conserve more chakra doing so. My original method was really rough and crude compared to this method.

I continued to practice this method, I'm starting to get a little hang of it but mom stopped me because the sun was already setting and I went home satisfied that I learned a better technique to control chakra than my original one.

That's how my first day of training ended.....


Hi, thanks for reading this chapter, if you got any ideas please feel free to comment down below!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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