
Sharingan in MHA [Complete]

Quick Disclaimer: This story will be a light read, so please don't take things too seriously. If you are a hardcore Naruto fan and stuff, then some things here may annoy you as I limited and altered some of the powers from the Naruto world. This is my first time writing, and I have never done anything like this before, so please understand that some of my choices will be illogical. If you think the mc should have done something else, then please let me know, and I will try to fix it in the future. Thanks! Kaede Aoki was your run-of-mill 16yr old girl. One of her favourite things was watching anime, especially the isekai genre. Unfortunately, one day, she died trying to save a cat. God took pity on her and allowed her to reincarnate to a world of her choice. [There's romance in the story but for some reason, I can't add the tag because it's the female lead. This won't be a yuri] I don't own MHA or Naruto, and only some of the characters in the story will be created. The cover image was retrieved from Pinterest; I don't own this image. The owner of this image was the user G94875321W. If the owner of this image wants me to take it down, please contact me through this email yellowduck934@gmail.com. Thank! Link to image here: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/666673551067707357/

Yellow_Duck_Toy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 12: Sleep Over!!

[Kaede POV]

It's Wednesday, and in three days I will receive my first official training. Mom said that she will be the one to train me first and Itachi-onii-chan will train me the next weekend. Presently, I was chatting with my two friends: Ochako and Mina.

While we were talking, Mina made a proposition: "Hey, Kaede-chan, Ochako-chan wanna have a sleepover at my place this Friday?"

"Sleepover? That sounds fun, however, I don't have a sleeping bag though....." I muttered dejectedly.

Ochako also nodded while also looking a bit sad.

"I got some spare futons that you can borrow! Don't worry everything was all planned out, all we need was your mom and dad's agreement! Mina announced while doing a guts pose.

Hearing that everything was already prepared, Ochako and I were very excited and we further talked about the details until we needed to go home. By the end of the day, all three of us can't wait, Ochako and I agreed to immediately ask our parents.

During my walk home with mom, I looked up at her and asked: "Mom, is it okay for me to have a sleepover at Mina-chan's place?"

She thought about it before finally agreeing but she said I have to ask for my dad's approval as well.

"Nn! I will, thanks, mom!" I replied with a cheerful tone. Sensing my enthusiasm, she giggled and patted my head.

As soon as we got home, I immediately ran up the stairs and busted into my dad's office. My dad was working with some documents on his desk, seeing me walk in, he smiled and gestured for me to sit on his lap.

I happily complied, when I climbed onto his lap, he asked: "So how's school today?"

"Today was really great, my friend invited me to a sleepover, so dad can I go?" I asked with a hopeful expression.

He frowned before slowly saying: "That friend you're speaking of, was it a boy or a girl?"

"No, Mina-chan is a girl, why?" I questioned with bewilderment.

(A/N: I wanted the mc to be pretty dense about things like romance if you got other ideas then feel free to comment.)

Dad sighed with relief: "Don't worry about it. If it's a girl then it's okay, you may go." He said with a smile.

Hearing this I got even more confused, however, since dad said to not worry about it then I won't worry about it.

"Okay thanks, dad," I said and hugged him.

"However, I will be busy this Friday so I can't bring you there, your mother also needed to go to work at the hospital as well." He explained.

I thought for a while and said: "I will ask Onii-chan if he could take me there!". He nodded and put me back on the floor, I quickly ran out of the room while thanking him.

I knocked on Itachi-onii-chan's door and asked if I could come in.

[Itachi POV]

I was resting in my room while reading a manga on my bed. There was a knock on my door and my cute little sister's voice sounded from the other side.

"Itachi-onii-chan, can I come in." She asked.

I felt happy that she wanted to talk to me so I quickly opened the door and let for her to come in.

"Itachi-onii-chan, is it okay for you to take me to my friend's house for a sleepover on Friday?" She shyly asked why touching her two fingers together.

(A/N: Something like this 👉👈)

I frowned, and asked out of instinct: "Is your friend a boy?"

She became confused: "No, my friend's a girl, dad asked the same thing, is there something wrong?" She asked while tilting her head to the side.

I lightly coughed into my hand due to the awkwardness and quickly shook my head.

"Sure I can take you there," I said with a smile.

"Yay, I love you Onii-chan!" She chirped and hugged me.

I felt delighted when Kaede hugged me: "So cute....." I muttered.

"What did you say?" My little sister asked while hugging me.

"No nothing," I said while enjoying the embrace.

[Kaede POV]

My Onii-chan asked whether my friend was a boy as well. Is it some sort of secret code that I'm not aware of? I pondered, however, I soon forgot about it since Itachi-onii-chan agreed to take me there. I hugged him and I heard him say something, but I ignored it since he told me it was nothing. We then spent the rest of the afternoon together reading mangas.

The next day, I told Mina that I can come to her house for a sleepover, Ochako's parents agreed as well. Mina gave us her address and the time we should arrive. We were all pretty ecstatic and we continued to feel the same for the next day.

[Time-skip Friday]

"Okay, Mina-chan, Ochako-chan see you at six!" I yelled and waved goodbye to both my friends before going home.

After I go home, dad has to go work at the police department and mom has to go work at the hospital. Currently, I was in my room, packing some clothes for the sleepover into my backpack, I also packed my toothbrush and one of my plushies, Yes, I still slept with a plush toy, I can't easily fall asleep without hugging something small and soft. Finally, it's time to go. Itachi-onii-chan and I left the house. However, there's quite some distance between Mina-chan's house and mine.

"Dad had already taken the car, how are we supposed to get there, Onii-chan?" I asked with a worried expression.

Itachi-chan just smiled and picked me up in a princess carry. "What are you doing oni-c KYA!!!" Before I could finish my sentence, he started running at an extreme speed. He then jumped high in the air and started jumping from roof to roof. I kept my eyes closed and screamed the entire way.

10 minutes of roof jumping later...

Itachi-Onii-chan finally put me down, my legs were wobbling and I felt dizzy, I pouted at him and he rubbed the back of his head with his hand.

"Sorry about that." He said with an apologetic look.

"I will forgive you just because you're my Onii-chan," I said while continuing to pout at him.

Seeing my reaction, he smiled and patted my head. I enjoyed the sensation but quickly snapped out of it.

"Come on let's find Min-chan's house!" I urged before running off.

Currently, we're on the 5th floor of a large apartment building. I was running around trying to find Mina's home. After a few more turns we finally found the correct address and I excitedly knocked on the door.

[Mina POV]

My friends were coming over today, I was so excited that I can't sit still in one spot. As soon I got home from school, I immediately started preparing, I put the two spare futons in our home in my room. After that, I got everything else ready, I already prepared a plan for the perfect sleepover and I can't wait for them to arrive. I kept my eyes on the clock until finally, I heard a knock on the door.

"Mina-chan I think one of your friends is here!" My mom yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled and ran to the door.

"Welcome!" I opened the door and yelled.

"Hello, Mina-chan!" Kaede-chan said. I welcomed her in and I noticed there was a man behind her. When I looked closer at his face I opened my eyes wide with surprise. "Red Crow!" I yelled out.

'OMG OMG THE THIRD STRONGEST HERO IN JAPAN WAS RIGHT HERE AT MY FRONT DOOR!' I screamed in my head as I looked at him in a daze.

[Kaede POV]

Mina seemed to be in a daze so I gently poked her: "May we come in?" I asked.

She quickly realized what she was doing, she blushed and let us come in. Mina quickly sprinted into her room and came back out with a pen and notepad. She walked up to my Onii-chan and stretched out her hand holding the pen and notepad.

"May I please have your signature!" She said with a loud voice.

Itachi-onii-chan nodded and wrote down his name. Mina's eyes were sparkling as she stared at the small paper, she hugged the notepad close to her chest and bowed: "Thank you!" She said excitedly.

Itachi-onii-chan nodded again and he walked back to the front door preparing to leave. Mina was also standing next to me also saying farewell to my Onii-chan.

"I will pick you up in the morning." He said with an emotionless face.

'Huh, so this is what they mean when they said that my Onii-chan showed an expressionless face in public. Ke, ke, ke, I see an opportunity for some mischief!' I thought to myself with a smirk. I then whispered my plan to Mina, her eyes lit up and she nodded passionately.

"Okay, Goodbye Itachi Onii-chan, I love you!" I said with the cutest voice I could muster.

His body twitched for a bit, I can see him struggling not to smile. But he quickly calmed himself and nodded at me. 'Just a bit more push.' I said in my mind.

"Are you not gonna say goodbye to your little sister?" I respond with a fake teary-eyed expression.

I can see that he panicking right now as his body trembles uncontrollably. His hand instinctively reached out to me to pull me in for a hug, but he stopped himself with all his effort.

"Love... you.... too...." He said while looking away with a very red face. However, even if he was looking away, he can't hide the big smile on his face. Seeing my Onii-chan smiling, Mina's eyes opened wider and sparkled brighter than before.

It took him a while for him to recover from my attack. Before I can do any more damage, he quickly made some hand signs: "Shunshin no Jutsu!" he said before his body flickered away.

I then felt something in my pocket, I pulled it out and it was a piece of paper with Itachi-onii-chan's handwriting. "Love you, and stay safe!" it said on the paper.

Mina was jumping up and down in excitement. "No way, the emotionless Red Crow was smiling." She screamed.

I smiled and gave her a thumbs up and she also gave me a thumbs up. A few minutes later, Ochako also arrived and Mina guided us to her room. When we went in we were shocked, inside her room there were countless posters of heroes taped onto the wall and there were a lot of hero figurines lined up on her bookshelf. Mina walked to her drawer and took out a tape, she then ripped out the page where my onii-chan's signature was on it and taped it to the wall.

Ochako and I approached the bookshelf filled with figurines while Mina was still admiring the signature. There was a particular figurine that caught my eye. It had black hair tied to a ponytail, and red eyes wearing a black cloak with the shape of red-colored clouds printed on it. The figurine was stretching its hand out while crows are gathering around it.

"Mina-chan is that...." I said to her while pointing at the figurine.

Seeing what I was pointing she nodded and said: "Yeah that's your brother!"

She then grabbed a chair and brought it to the bookshelf, Mina stood on the chair and took the figurine of my brother off the shelf. She handed it to me. I don't know how I should feel about this. It's not every day you see a toy of your brother.

"Do you know that your brother also has a fan club?!" Mina continuously drops bombshells left and right.

"He has a fan club....???" I muttered in shock.

Mina nodded: "Does he know about this." she asked with a curious tone.

"Knowing my onii-chan's personality, I highly doubt that he knows," I responded, "How much is this figurine?" I asked Mina as I handed it back to her.

"Hmmm, about 3000 yen?" She said.

I nodded at her response. I'm thinking of getting one in the future.

After that whole shenanigans, we had dinner with Mina's family, her mom looks like her with pink hair, pink skin, and the same type of eyes as her. Her dad looked normal except for the pair of longhorns protruding out of his head.

They were pretty nice and I found out that her dad has the same exact hero obsession as her and he kept asking me questions once Mina told him that my Onii-chan was the infamous Red Crow.

When we finished dinner, we spent the rest of the night playing on Mina's video game console. She kept beating Ochako and me in a fighting game, but I slowly gain the advantage once I activated my Sharingan to predict her character's movement by observing her hands when she was using the controller. After a few more games we decided to go to bed as we were all pretty tired.


We woke up and had breakfast with Mina's family. Itachi-onii-chan arrived and I bid farewell to Mina and, Ochako before going home.

Once I got home, mom greeted me and asked how's the sleepover, she then also told me that my training will start this afternoon. All my sleepiness left my body as it was filled with energy and vigor.

'Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!' I pumped myself up and got ready for what was about to come.


Sorry about this long and random chapter, I kind of went overboard and before I realized what was happening, I'd already reached 2000 words. Also sorry if it's a bit rushed at the end.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Yellow_Duck_Toycreators' thoughts