
Sharingan in MHA [Complete]

Quick Disclaimer: This story will be a light read, so please don't take things too seriously. If you are a hardcore Naruto fan and stuff, then some things here may annoy you as I limited and altered some of the powers from the Naruto world. This is my first time writing, and I have never done anything like this before, so please understand that some of my choices will be illogical. If you think the mc should have done something else, then please let me know, and I will try to fix it in the future. Thanks! Kaede Aoki was your run-of-mill 16yr old girl. One of her favourite things was watching anime, especially the isekai genre. Unfortunately, one day, she died trying to save a cat. God took pity on her and allowed her to reincarnate to a world of her choice. [There's romance in the story but for some reason, I can't add the tag because it's the female lead. This won't be a yuri] I don't own MHA or Naruto, and only some of the characters in the story will be created. The cover image was retrieved from Pinterest; I don't own this image. The owner of this image was the user G94875321W. If the owner of this image wants me to take it down, please contact me through this email yellowduck934@gmail.com. Thank! Link to image here: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/666673551067707357/

Yellow_Duck_Toy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 111: Epilogue

[3rd POV]

Kaede and Shoto's wedding became a sensational event in Japan. Principal Nezu announced that UA would be the venue of this event. Hundreds of people were invited to the wedding, there were even surprisingly new's reporters and the wedding was being broadcasted live all over the country.

The public was concerned that villains might take advantage of the event and attack. However, deep down, everyone knew that nobody would try unless they want to suffer under Kaede's wrath.

Currently, Kaede and Fugaku were in a private room preparing as Fugaku will soon escort Kaede down the aisle.

"You looked beautiful...." Fugaku muttered, his voice full of emotion as he looked at his daughter before him.

"Dad..." Kaede murmured softly.

Kaede was wearing a majestic custom-made wedding dress that perfectly displayed her beauty. Fugaku wanted to hug Kaede, but he didn't want to mess up the dress, as he could only watch with a bright smile.

He was happy with Kaede's growth, but a small amount of sadness started to form in his heart. In a few minutes, he was going to give his daughter away. Kaede realized what her father was thinking, and she held his hand.

"I told you, no matter what happens, I will still be your daughter...." Kaede said in a soft tone.

Fugaku smiled: "I know... Enough of this old man's worries. It's time to begin...."

He held out his arm, and Kaede took it. She could barely contain her excitement. As the door opened, Kaede and Fugaku began to walk down the aisle, and gasps could be heard as everyone was stunned by Kaede's beauty.

Shoto's heart pounded against his ribs, and he nervously tugged on his tuxedo collar. Kaede was amused watching Shoto's flustered behavior, and she approached him in a graceful manner. At the front row were the Uchiha and Todoroki families as they spectated with joy.

Mikoto was shedding tears of happiness for her daughter, and Itachi felt a sense of bittersweet. He was happy for his sister but yet annoyed at Shoto. However, despite that, Itachi realized how great love could be and glanced at Tomoko happily applauding beside him.

'Onee-chan's getting married...' Eri thought to herself; her brother got married as well, and she couldn't help but wonder whether she would do the same.

Eri subconsciously glanced at Kota, who she personally invited, she observed his face, and a small blush appeared. She quickly shook her head to remove the embarrassing thought.

Kaede stood across Shoto, and they held each other's hands. All Might took the role of the Officiant as he cleared his throat, and everyone immediately became quiet.

"Shoto Todoroki, do you take Kaede as your wife?"

"I do," Shoto responded without hesitation.

All Might: "Then Kaede Uchiha, do you take Shoto as your husband?"

"I do..."

All Might nodded with a smile: "I officially declare you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride."

Kaede leaned in as Shoto pulled her by the waist; he observed Kaede's gorgeous face and gulped. The smile on Kaede's face slowly transforms into a smirk as she whispers in his ears: "What are you waiting for?"

Shoto grinned and planted his lips on hers as the crowd cheered, celebrating this wonderful event...

A few years later...

A young man was soaring through the city as flames erupted from his palms and feet. He was chasing a group of bank robbers as the villains desperately tried to escape via a car. The man waved his hand as an ice wall emerged in front of the vehicle.

The vehicle crashed into the ice structure, and the villains were immediately apprehended. The man wiped the sweat off his forehead and sighed tiredly.

"Thanks, Shoto-san; we will take it from here. You should go home now; better not let your wife wait!" The policeman said.

Shoto smiled and nodded as he hurriedly went back home.

A few minutes later...

"I'm home!" Shoto called out as he entered his house.

"Ah, welcome back, Shoto." A feminine voice yelled back.

Shoto went to the dining room, and a woman was waiting by the dining table while playing with a cat. She sat up but with some effort due to her large swollen stomach. Worry instantly struck Shoto's face as he hurriedly rushed over to support her.

"Don't push yourself, Kaede," Shoto said with concern.

Kaede pouted cutely: "Something like this is nothing. I'm the number one hero, after all!"

Shoto ginned and gently kissed her on the cheek: "I know, but I still can't help but be worried."

Kaede giggled: "Thanks for your concern." She muttered softly.

Shoto embraced her and glanced at the plate of food: "I told you multiple times to let me cook; you need to rest."

"It will be fine, and I can't let you do everything. Besides, the only food you know how to make is cold tsuba!" Kaede teased.

"I... I can cook an egg...."

Kaede giggled: "Eating eggs every day won't be healthy."


Kaede placed a finger by his lips to stop him from talking: "I'm really okay, Shoto-kun, thank you." Shoto nodded as Kaede guided his hand to her stomach. Shoto felt a little kick, and his smile widened.

He kissed Kaede on the cheek: "Go and take a shower. You stink!" Kaede said while pinching her nose. Shoto smiled wryly and gave her one last kiss before going upstairs.

[Kaede POV]

As Shoto went up the stairs, I sat back down and couldn't help but recall my previous life. I would be lying to say that I don't miss my original family but looking back now, I don't know if I could live wonderfully like this in my old world.

The baby in my stomach kicked again as if agreeing with me. I smiled, even with all these nonsensical thoughts. All I knew was that if I could relive this life again, I wouldn't change a thing...



I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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