

A funny and brutally honest story about tolerance, self-discovery,friendship,family and life.

PrincessMgbadiegwu · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 James??

Shania's jovial hum reverberated in the hallway.

She tried to memorize the Hooke's law of elasticity; she didn't notice someone coming in front of her with a pile of textbooks.

It was too late.


She landed on the floor with her butt; the books crashed above her head.

She let out a pained whimper.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't see you there," the carrier of the books apologized and stretched his hand to lift her up.

Her breath hitched when she looked up at this person.

'What? Was it him?' she thought.

"James?"she called.

The said James looked back at her with a strange expression.

Then he smiled meaningfully at her.

"Shania!" he called in glee; energetically.

They ran in for their usual hug that carried on far too long with smiles lighting their faces and other students staring.

James had been friends with her since kindergarten. He came from a highly influential family.

He was more like family than a friend.

His family and hers had a good relationship.

Most of the time, he slept over at their house.

He would play hero and villain with the girls till it was dawn. He'd also watch Shania's movie preference with her.

They did weird but fun things together.

They had a striking resemblance in attitude and liked the same things.

Shania didn't need to speak before James understood.

But at some point, Shania began to doubt her place in James' heart.

He had become more attached to her sister and she distanced herself.

In as much as she didn't like the feeling of being abandoned, she didn't want to be caught unawares when it was already late.

It wasn't Cecil's fault that everyone in the family didn't like her. People always found someone to ditch her for; most especially for Cecil who was warm, healthy, funny and happy.

Someone like her wasn't even close to being like Cecil; not in any way.

It was James who protected her from bullies at school always, although he wasn't so strong; she used to be terrified that he might get hurt; she had been that dull, sad and stupid girl she hated the most.

It was James she confided in about her father.

James was her best friend; the only one that treasured her; the only one that listened to whatever she wanted to say; even when it was meaningless.

Shania's eyes glistened as she remembered those days.

Now, James looked bigger and stronger; with more muscles; and his breathtaking gaze.

"I've missed you, Shania!"

She gave a faint smile and pulled back from his embrace, almost reluctantly.

"Wow! you couldn't even give me a call for once in two years."

She pouted.

Her pouting was so cute, and he found her more endearing than ever.

He intertwined his fingers with hers.

Shania felt a surge of warmth.

"I'm sorry. I admit it was unfair. I'll make it up to you, I promise!"

Shania's eyes widened. His honesty was astonishing. She knew a lot of people who wouldn't even acknowledge their mistakes and they would blame her for being selfish.

"But, what are you doing here?"he asked, scratching the scruff of his neck.

"What else would I be doing here? I'm in a school uniform; which means I'm now a student of Elite Academy."

James scratched the nape of his neck again.

"What about your former school? What happened?"

Shania kept her gaze downward.

She closed her eyes but nothing came to her mind as she pondered for a moment.

What was she going to say?

"I can hear the bell ringing. Let's meet at the cinema by 7pm. We'll talk there,"James interrupted her thoughts as he moved to leave.

Shania pulled him back; she didn't speak.

"Oh, I'll come by to see your mom if she won't let you go alone. I need to go now,"he said and ran off.

Shania watched James run off till his back was no more in sight.


Mrs Jimmy raised her brows in a surprised arc when her gaze met James.

Her smile was so large; her eyes could barely be seen.

"James! where have you been?"her voice wistful in its bliss.

James cheeks reddened. He recalled the times she used to call him Shania's husband and him casting uneasy glances behind her.

Those were in the past.

Things were different now.

They had both grown up.

"I'm sorry I haven't been visiting,"James said as guilt crossed his handsome face.

"I learned you attend the same school as Shania?"she pointed out.

"Yes, I only found out today when we bumped into each other."

Words that had been on his lips couldn't come out when he caught sight of Shania.

She was a refreshing sight to see; dressed in a pair of blue jean trousers and a pink knitted cardigan. She had a black bag hung across her body.

"Where are you off to?" Mrs Jimmy reprimanded her with no aggression in her tone.

Shania coughed to regain calmness. She stuttered while fidgeting with her cold fingertips.

"Well, mom.. I.. I..we.."

James cut in.

"Aunt, we want to go to see a movie. I thought it would be wise to ask for your permission first."

Mrs Jimmy kept quiet for a moment.

She sighed.

"It's fine. You can go."

"Thank you Aunt!"

James smiled broadly.

"Make sure you two are back home early,"she added.

"Yes mom."

Shania's eyes gleamed.

They trudged to the door in silence and stared absentmindedly.


Shania couldn't understand the movie.

It was too much for her to assimilate.

She stopped thinking too hard when the fragrance from James perfume wafted through her nose.

Her eyes moved to his broad chest. He hadn't changed a bit.

He had formed the stupid habit of leaving a few buttons on his chest area unlocked.

"It's a fashionable style,"he always said.

What scent was that?


"James, what fragrance is your perfume?"

James propped his chin.


Shania gasped.

"I thought you liked rose?"

James folded his arms.

"I still like rose. I thought it was time for a change!"

Shania exploded in a giddy laugh.


He laughed softly; exposing his dimples.

Shania pushed the popcorn into her mouth; the texture got the right amount of chewiness.


"What?"she yelped when she met James' gaze.

She didn't know he had been staring at her for a long time.

Her cheeks reddened when his gaze deepened.

She dabbed her mouth with tissues and sighed in sheer satisfaction.

James' gaze was inexplicable. She looked downward.

Deep down in her, there was this twisted obsession.

She'd long admired James for his fully sufficient patience and gentleness; but now he caught her off guard.

She couldn't even tell what she felt.

The thudding of her heart in her ribs were audible.

Her limbs stood stiff.

Ughh, what was wrong with her?

She was seeing things, wasn't she?

Her conflicted mind wandered.

Yes, they were adults now but this wasn't supposed to happen; it seemed like whatever that was going on between them was fated to wither before it even had a chance to bloom.

She hated that helpless, weak, weird thing she felt in his presence.

It was mind consuming.

James held her arms and faced her directly. His cold fingertips sent shudders down her spine.

The contact was gentle; friendly.

Her eyes radiated as she glanced at him.

He chuckled when he saw her being so watchful yet vulnerable at the same time.

"I laugh harder with you. I feel more myself with you. I trust you with me - the real me.

When something goes wrong or right, or I hear a funny joke, or I see something bizarre, you're the first person I want to talk to about it. I love how we can just trust each other and be in sync when we're together. You always seem to know exactly what I'm thinking."

Shania held her breath unconsciously while she inched backwards. A blush crept on her face.

"And no matter what comes in life, I'll always have your back."

He gave a soft smile.

That smile!

It always brought the sunlight on her face.

She could do anything to see him smile at her like that.


"Don't you think you should pay me for tolerating your stupid things 24/7? Wish me luck so that I can do this job for a lifetime,"she said and laughed with glee.

"How much do you want, nerd?"he punched her softly as she recoiled in his warm embrace.

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