
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 31): Sleepover (2)

Chapter 31): Sleepover! (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


[Decided to Give the rest of season one at least. I will decide what to do after that.]

They didn't stay long at Carl's house, he was surprised that Jordan came inside though, he didn't comment about the house but he was impressed by the drawing on Carl's wall. When they were going through the house he got a chance to meet Fiona and Steve who were the only two in the house, so had they made a terrible first impression by having sex in the kitchen.

"So that happened..." Jordan said with a laugh, Carl was sure that he was blushing even if it wasn't that noticable.

"Yeah, awkward way to meet my older sister for the first time." Carl said while rubbing the back of his head.

The car ride to Jordans was silent after that, well if you ignore the constant messages he received from Sophia and Kassidi, one talking about the videos they would make, the other just talking about anything. Jordan didn't mind though as he was listening to music, his face showed that he was deep in thought about something though, Carl had no clue what it could be.

As they left the Southside the town was getting better as they went into the Northside, the buildings improved and the houses were way richer then the ones that they had seen previously. Carl gulped as they reached what was clearly where all the mansions sat, this was his first time anywhere near them he was trying his best to not appear nervous.

It wasn't really working though as he kept trying to remember he needed to put on a good act, he couldn't be the Carl that was born and raised in the Southside, because this side of town did things way different then his own. He didn't want to change himself much either, he would just have to find a nice balance between the two so that he could still stay himself.

He wasn't going to change himself completely because then that would become his habit, and if people couldn't like him for him then there was no reason to be around them. This was something he learned in his past life, he had lost a lot of friends to him not being true to himself, he wouldn't make that same mistake here.

No matter how rich the people were.

The car began to slow down as they approached a gated mansion, there was no other way to describe the place, it stretched across at least two acres of land so it was a mansion. Of course not all of it was mansion, from the glimpses he saw he could see a basketball court in the back along with a pool and a lounge area, and what might have been a man made lake.

"Home sweet home." Jordan said with a bright smile as the car stopped at the front door.

Carl whistled as they got out, the front door opened to show who Carl assumed was his mother along with two kids at her side, it was a boy and a girl who looked to be the same age. Grabbing his duffle he followed Jordan to the front door, he immediately noticed the difference in the siblings as the kids next to Jordans mother had deep blue eyes compared to his brown.

They must have taken it from their mother who also had the same blue eyes, it was really exotic to see on a darker skinned woman, "Hello there, I am Jordans mother, Mary Winston. You can call me Mrs. Winston or Mary either is fine, your Carl right?" The woman said with a bright smile.

Carl nodded giving her a smile as he they all walked into the foyer of the house, "Yes ma'am, it is nice to officially meet you rather then a quick glance at the country club."

Her laugh was bell like as she pushed on the backs of the two kids, "These are the twins Jordans younger siblings Tim and Lori, say 'hello' you two." 

"Hello! I'm Tim, do you like dinosaurs?" Tim asked excitedly as he moved away from his mother.

Carl smiled and nodded, "I do like dinosaurs, my favorite is a Archaeopteryx, they are cool."

Tim's eyes seemed to shine as he took off somewhere leaving the four of them alone, "Lori?" Mrs. Winston said looking down to her daughter who was shyly hiding behind her leg.

Carl gave the girl a smile and she hide even more tugging on her mom's leg to get her out of there, Carl knew clearly what was going on, the little girl had a crush on him. They same type of innocent crush he has on Mandy, is the same she was showing at the moment, she was sending him a shy smile but was afraid to embarrass herself and not show her best side to him.

"Hi Lori, it's nice to meet you." Carl said showing her a wide smile.

The girl 'eeped' and ran away, Mrs. Winston couldn't help but to laugh as she watched her daughter run away, "Okay you two. Dinner will be in three hours, Jordan go ahead and show him the house and let him use the guest bedroom near yours."

"Okay mom. Come on Carl." Jordan said happy to finally get away from his mother and siblings.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Winston." Carl said taking his duffle and following Jordan.

"You too Carl, and welcome to our home." She called after them as they began to head up the stairs.

"First we will put your duffle away then I will give you the grand tour of the place, come on." Jordan said sounding way more excited now that they were away from his mother.

Carl nodded along.

The first place they stopped was the guest room, when the door was opened he saw the layout and honestly wasn't surprised, just from the way that he saw the outside of the house he knew the inside would be impressive. The room had a king sized bed with tasteful blue and green sheets and covers, next to it was a night stand with a lamp and clock, along the wall was a dresser with a mirror on it.

"This is the bathroom." Jordan said opening a door that wasn't the closet, inside the dark colors of the bathroom showed.

The bathroom was decorated with black tile but the outline of everything was in a maroon red, it was a cool sight. The sink held twin sinks for a his and hers feel, the toilet was blocked by a half wall as not to be seen, included was a standing shower and claw foot tub.

On the ceiling was a sky light, at the moment it cast a hazy red glow into the room as the sun was setting, they had spent hours practicing basketball that Carl didn't even realize that it was so late in the day.

After the tour of the rest of the room, where he saw the giant walk in closest Jordan took him to see the rest of the house or mansion, depending on whose point of view it was. They walked along the upstairs, third floor, where Jordan showed him a gaming room and a reading area, the rest were guest rooms and Jordans room.

Going to the second floor he was shown Lori's room and Tim's room, Tim had stopped them for a moment and showed Carl and impressive dinosaur collection that he had gotten ready, apparently he waited for them. After showing that floor they went to the main floor where his parents room was along with the kitchen, dining and living room, sitting room and laundry room.

Finally they went to the basement area, it was split into two different sections, one was his dad's man cave which was locked and they weren't allowed in, on the other side was the movie room which held couches that pulled out. Carl was awed by everything that he was seeing, even if they didn't go outside he was still impressed by the infinity pool and pool house.


"So, what is our website page going to look like?" Jordan asked as they sat in his room in front of his three monitor set-up he had.

"Well you are the computer expert, you tell me." Carl said not really minding, he figured they would go through the dark web and sell there, but Jordan said he could build it the same way apparently he was beyond genius level when it came to coding.

Jordan nodded, "Alright well I have already encoded our website that it will automatically scan anyone's IP and run a diagnostic so we can figure out who they are. Not even a VPN will be able to hide them from it, this should filter out cops looking to bust us."

Carl nodded along.

"Now we just need a name and design, I know we don't have the product but this could be the start until we do. The site won't go live until we have it anyway." Jordan said shrugging.

Wanting to keep up the snake like feeling he was going with in his image Carl said a few things, "Alright well we can go along with our site design based off of snakes. Let's do something along the lines that deal with venom, since both weed and venom effect the inside of the body."

Jordan nodded and his finger were going across the keyboard so fast that Carl stopped paying attention, he would be doing all the design work all Jordan needed to do was name the site and make sure everything worked on it. While he was waiting he went to look around the room, he stopped at a shelf that held books on coding and comics, he picked up a comic and he immediately sat down to read it.

'The Batman Who Laughs' first edition was sitting there, Carl didn't expect Jordan to have this at all but he was going to read it, the darker version of Batman always someone he enjoyed very much. He just wasn't expecting Jordan to be a comic book geek as he also saw 'The Flash', 'Green Lantern' and 'Wonder Woman' comics sitting there.

"Carl!" Jordan shouted shaking his shoulder and causing him to look over.

"I'm sorry, what?" Carl asked closing a comic he was reading on 'The Flash' he had began reading.

"I said I finished setting up the webpage. Just need you to do the design and I can add them in." He said smiling as he began to read his own comic leaving Carl to it.

Sighing Carl went to work on that.

An hour later he finished and shook his hand out as it hurt from holding a mouse to long, "So, what do you want to do now?" Carl asked breaking Jordan away form his reading.

"Want to play some games?" Jordan asked hesitant.

Carl nodded, "Sounds like fun. We doing online against others or local stuff?"

"Call of Duty, Zombies?" Jordan asked excited.

Agreeing they left the room and headed over to the game room where the gaming system was setup, Jordan let him make an account and sign in before they jumped right into it. Carl felt nostalgic playing it, he hadn't played zombies in forever, honestly in his past life the mode got so ridiculous that he didn't even play it even more.

Seeing the classic of it though got him back into it and by the fifteenth round they were shouting at one another, it was so fun to run around doing this again, it was a good thing he still remembered all the Easter eggs.

"Jordan," a quiet voice spoke out as they got quiet waiting on the next round, they both turned to see a shy Lori, "Mom said dinner is ready." She said quickly throwing a look to Carl before rushing off.

"I forgot to ask, how old are the twins?" Carl asked.

"Ten. Now come on let's go eat." Jordan said pausing the game and leading him to where the dinner was.

When they got there Connor, his dad, was there with a smile as he watched them walk into the room, "Jordan, Carl, good to see you. Sorry I wasn't here to greet you Carl, I had a last minute practice before tomorrows game."

"That's fine Mr. Winston." Carl said brushing it off, he took the seat next to Lori as Jordan took the one next to Tim.

"Great, now let's dig in." He said with a smile.