
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 32): Basketball Game (1)

Chapter 32): Basketball Game (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[7+ advanced chapters on Buymeacoffee/flaminglines]


"So, Carl, what do your parents do?" Mrs. Winston asked as they tucked into dinner.

Carl paused as Jordan passed him some carrots, he didn't really feel like answering this question, mainly because it made him feel bad even having to mention what his parents 'did'. Like really how do you explain to people you just met what your parents are, he just felt so awkward saying;

'Well my dad is a narcissist who is also a drunk and drug addict who will most likely die due to alcohol poisoning. As for my mother she is a bipolar druggie who abandoned us so she wouldn't have to deal with his father.'

That was just not something he could himself saying.

"Actually my sister is the one who takes care of me, she got guardianship of me when my parents were deemed fit." He said coming back to himself.

Mr. And Mrs. Winston looked at one another but she spoke again, "Oh really? And how old is your sister? What does she do?"

"Mom!" Jordan said with a small glare to his mother.

"No, it's okay." Carl said, he wasn't ashamed of Fiona, she was someone who dropped out of high school to take of her family. She also took on multiple jobs just to make sure that he had food in his stomach and clothes on his back, he wouldn't put her down for what she does.

He also wouldn't let anyone else look down on Fiona, if they did then he would have a problem. And he told her exactly that earning a smile from both the parents as Mr. Winston spoke next.

"My mom was a lot like that, after my father passed it was just her to raise me. She made sure I never wanted for anything and at the same time made sure that I kept a good head on my shoulders.

Remember to always pay it back, she is taking care of you now so use what you got and give her the best life too." He said smiling to Carl.

Carl nodded in agreement, he always had so many plans and ideas because he felt the love of his family, and while he rather wouldn't want to support them all the time, he would. Mainly Fiona and Lip though as they were the two really supporting the family at the moment, he knew that Lip saw this as a burden though so he was trying to take some of that pressure off of him.

"And how are you in school?" Mrs. Winston asked with a small smile as she wiped off sauce from Lori's face who swatted her hand in embarrassment sending Carl a glance.

"I do great in school. Just wish my school was a little more challenging because I do everything in a breeze." He stated.

Which was true, the more her got into the grove of school work again the easier it became because he was remembering more and more of his past learning experience, so this stuff was coming to easy. Well at least this portion of school was, he knew that all his high school stuff would be easy too, they only real subject he was terrible at that time with was Physics.

Carl so caught up in his thoughts about his future high school classes didn't noticed the shared gaze between the Winston adults, Lori's seemed to also be taking the time to throw him shy looks.

As dinner moved forward Carl noticed the big difference in his dinners at home and here, mainly the fact that here the parents were present and asked their children engaging questions. It made his chest feel a little stuffy, but at the same time he just enjoyed it, he wouldn't trade his family for the world but he could envy them some in silence.

"So, is there something you want to do in the future Carl?" Mr. Winston asked as hey sat around the table eating dessert.

Carl shrugged swallowing his ice cream before he answered, "I don't know. I'm still at the early ages of life you know, I am sure by high school I will have something figured out, but for now, I got nothing."

The adults laughed while Jordan nodded along with him, "Yeah, Jordan always tells us the same thing. I will tell you what I told him that is; 'Even if you don't figure out in high school, always try your hardest.' that way you can at least get into a good college."

Carl nodded, "Sound Advice."

Mr. Winston smiled and they all talked some more before they were dismissed from the table.

"Back to zombies?" Jordan said with excitement bubbling.

Carl nodded and the two rushed off, Carl just went along with his energy, is what he was saying in his head but he really was having fun too, a lot more fun then he thought he was going to have. When they made it back to the game room Tim was also there, he hadn't touched their game though as he was over in corner having his dinosaurs have an all out war, Carl was impressed by it.

Jumping back into the game they rushed through twenty more levels before they died, Carl was happy though it seemed him and Jordan were in sync with games, because he had never made it past thirty ever until then. After that serious run he showed Jordan all the Easter eggs, which he could never do on his own.

Finished with that they headed back to Jordans room, they decided to dare each other to do things and Carl had just dated him to order a pizza to a random address, Jordan suspiciously chose a specific address while ordering a lot. It didn't take a genius to realize that he chose Cody's house, Carl couldn't hold his laugh in.

As they were listening to music and reading comics Carl's phone rang, since he left it on the charger Jordan was closer at the moment, the groan he let out let him know who it was.

"You know at least she isn't here, you don't have to be that way." Carl said rolling his eyes as he went to answer.

"Yeah well when you see how crazy she acts when she is away from you, well then you will understand." Jordan said while shuddering.

Carl chuckled some, "Hello!" He said cheerfully as he answered the FaceTime from Kassidi.

"Hey Carl!! Are you having fun? Did they feed you? Do you need me to bring you anything?" Kassidi proceeded to ask things as Carl just stood there.

Jordan shook his head, his best friend would see soon enough.

"Kassidi chill out. They are treating me fine here, and it isn't like they are starving me we just had dinner. How is your night going?" He asked trying to get her off the topic.

"It's good, though I am jealous that you are having a sleepover without me." She said pouting into the phone and it was really adorable on his opinion.

"Well, why didn't you call some friends for a sleepover yourself?" He asked.

"*Cough* She doesn't have any friends *Cough*" Jordan fake coughed in the background at him.

Kassidi looked embarrassed as her cheeks turned pink hearing his question, "You see I... I don't have any friends, other then you." She said lowly while looking away shyly.

"Why not?" Carl asked feeling bad for the girl, he ignored the looks Jordan was throwing at him.

"Come on Carl, I know Jordan has said it plenty of times, I'm Kassidi Thompson, crazy girl who is everyone avoids at school." She mumbled spoke as her embarrassment and sadness increased.

His heart broke some, it was tough being a child and labeled like that, while it might be true at the same time that she was crazy, it was still bad to be labeled early and have that follow you all through your school life. Something like that could make kids really lonely, which made them look out for the wrong sort of people who will accept them, some even leading them down the path of doing hard drugs or just dangerous stuff.

"I'm sorry Kass, I wish I could do something to help you with that. I really wish I could get you a friend so you could experience a sleepover too." Carl said sincerely as he smiled at her.

Jordan had stopped reading and looked over to his friend, seeing the sad smile he was giving Kassidi made him curse in his head, he was one of those people who labeled her and didn't do anything to try and be her friend. It only took that one incident and he was on the train of people who avoided her, in school he saw her sit alone and shunned by others and did nothing.

Sighing he went back to reading, he would trust Carl and give Kassidi a real shot, Carl did have a way of taming her so if anything did happen at least he knew who to call.

"....Just try and tone it down some. I am sure that someone will be your friend, and if not you always have me." Carl said with a smile as Kassidi nodded beaming at him.

"Thanks Carl." She said softly her eyes going up in intensity as she looked at him, though looking at her through the phone he couldn't tell.

Carl spent another hour talking to her, Jordan didn't stop it either or say anything, he talked to her until she fell asleep with a small smile on her face the call still going.

"...I will try and help her at school." Jordan said noticing Carl put the phone down, the call still going.

Carl looked over at him with a small smirk, "Really?"

"Sure why not?, we go to the same school. Even if I help her make one friend at least it will be one more then she has now." Jordan said shrugging.

"Don't you mean two more, you big softy." Carl chuckled as Jordan threw a pillow at him, from there they began shadow boxing one another and laughing.

"Alright boys! It's time for showers and bed, the game is mid-day tomorrow so you need to be well rested." Mrs. Winston said with a smile as she walked into the room seeing the two of them.

"Alright mom." "Alright, Mrs. Winston." They both said and began to move to do just that, Carl took his phone but still didn't hang up as the light lit up Kassidi's sleeping face.