
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 23): New Friends (2)

Chapter 23): New Friends (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


[Im serious guys!!! I really didn't want to put these out....but it's to late now, well enjoy!!!!]

Jordan sighed, "You have doomed yourself you know that? Let me tell you that was Kassidi Turner, that girl is evil to the core. She may seem all sweet and harmless, but that is only at the beginning.

She has taken an interest in you and I do not envy you my friend, you just gained yourself a stalker. So be careful." He explained shaking his head.

"Come on man, she is a little girl. There is no way she can be that bad." Carl said rolling his eyes, he wasn't someone who listens to rumors they never did anyone any good.

"And to think we could have been good friends. Well we might as well go talk to my dad before she fully gets her claws in you." Jordan said shaking his head on a sigh.

Carl chuckled some as they left their plates and walked away, Jordan led him to a man who was standing with a beautiful woman as they both laughed at something another couple was saying, "Hey dad!" Jordan called out to him.

The man turned to look at the two of them and Carl froze, he knew this man but not from his world or anything, but because he was the starting Small Forward for the Chicago Bulls in this world. The man was part of the trio on that team who was making a dynasty, they had just won the championship last year and we're on their way to it again this year, even better they had broken the record for most wins in a season.

"...so do you think you can sponsor him?" Jordan said completing the talk, the two of them had an entire conversation while he was in a daze.

"Mhmm, Carl is it?," Carl nodded answering Connor Winston the star Small Forward, "Well I have some rules if you two are going to do this, the number one being, do not cause trouble! You will be using my name to sponsor yourself, so you can't make me look bad.

Number two, you will pay for anything here yourself, I will only allow one thousand a month here under my own. That doesn't mean to use it excessively.

That is basically it, I don't have any other rules then that, just remember this and I could care less what you do here. Ahh, but make sure that you put it under you only, no guest. You will get caught quicker like that." He finished.

"Yeah, thanks, ummm do you think I could get a picture with you?" Carl asked, he heard everything the man said but really wanted to also grab a picture with him too.

Mr. Winston laughed, "Yeah sure."

After the picture was taken Carl and Jordan walked away, Jordan led him back to the arcade room where they found an open computer with no one else near them. Carl watched as Jordan got into his element and began typing away, for him it was really impressive but Jordan just looked bored about the whole thing, even yawning as he did it.

"Sorry was on the dark-web late last night. That should do it though, it is already set where you paid a year in advanced, and on your card it is charged with twenty thousand anymore and they would be suspicious. Let's go get it." Jordan said while shutting the computer down.

Carl nodded and followed him, they took some turns before Carl got to the front lobby, although suspicious about him they issued him a new card after he 'lost' his. It turned out to do more then he thought, it was used to enter private doors, pay for food and games, it could also be used to tip.

"Hey! Didn't you agree to wait for me in the dining area?!" Kassidi said rushing towards them her cute cheeks puffed as she pouted.

'Soo cute!' was Carl's first thought as he saw her rush up to them, Jordan still looked at her apprehensively, "Sorry, had to get a new card."

He showed her and even he was impressed by the level of it, the card was solid black with gold writing on it, it felt heavy in his hands as he held it, technically it was worth twenty thousand. That was not including the two hundred and fifty thousand membership that it was worth.

"Well... You could have still waited on me. I would have come with you guys." She shot a glare to Jordan who held his hands up as she took up standing next to his right side.

"Sorry." He chuckled before they began walking back towards the arcade area.

"It's fine, just don't leave me behind next time." She stated as she walked as close as possible to him as she could.

He nodded, "Well if it isn't superstar Jordan Winston!" An obnoxious voice said in front of them.

Carl just knew from the way he said that he was the bad guy, he could only shake his head hearing him.

Jordan rolled his eyes as they came to a stop in front of him, "What do you want Cody?"

"Awe, don't be like that Jordan. We just want to invite you to a friendly game of basketball, what do you say?" Cody smiled lightly at him while some of his friends laughed behind him.

Kassidi didn't seem to bother with them as she was stealthy trying to take Carl's hand, her eyes kept darting to his to see if he was noticing or not, but he was actually just paying attention to what was happening.

"....What do I get if I win?" Jordan asked not refusing outright as he looked over to Carl slyly.

Cody paused frowning but then smirked, "If you win then I will give you all the money in my wallet, and I will have to do one anything you ask. But if you lose then you give me all your money, and one anything. The loser can not refuse the winners request."

Jordan didn't immediately agree, instead he looked at Carl from the corner of his eye, "How good are you at basketball?"

Carl coughed looking away, he could remember every game he played in his past life out of the maybe three hundred he played, he could only with confidence say he won ten. And those were just the one on one games.

"I---" Carl started but was cut off by Kassidi who spoke up.

"Don't worry about Carl, I know he can take them." She said with so much confidence not even having seen him play, not once.

Carl's eye twitched as he looked over at her, she gave him a wide smile, in her eyes he could see that she had full confidence in him, there was no hesitation whatsoever about his abilities. He chuckled lightly, why did he find that so cute, "Yeah, I can play."

Seeing as this was a new life the least he could do was try and work his skills up, he didn't put as much work into it as he did his other life but at least here he could train them for awhile and maybe get good.

"Good. We will do two on two then, bet still stands but we will limit the money to two hundred and fifty, the favor is more valuable anyway." Jordan said agreeing to the game.

"Fine, let's go." Cody said walking towards the gym specifically the locker rooms.

"Clothes?" Carl asked as he walked next to Jordan.

"Don't worry, that paper they gave you also gives you a locker in the locker room. They give you club clothes inside there, leave them to be washed later, they even have your name." 

"How I just signed up."

"Doesn't matter they will have some with your name already on them somewhere, that is how efficient they are."

Carl sighed but nodded, "I will see you in the gym!" Kassidi called out to him as they entered the men's locker room.

Carl waved at her before walking in, he let out a low whistle as he walked into the locker room the place was fancy, checking his paper he went over to his locker seeing it was two down from Jordan's. Opening the locker with his key card Jordan was right, sitting there was five different outfits to wear to work out in, there was long sleeve for winter and short for summer.

Grabbing a black shirt with 'Royal Diamond Country Club' across it along with his name in gold he also took the white basketball shorts that were in there, they really did have it all ready. Changing quickly he followed Jordan out to the basketball court after putting his phone and wallet inside the locker, he didn't want to lose or damage them while he was playing.

"Don't worry this will be an easy win. Cody is just mad because his dad is the backup for mine, he tries to show he is better by doing this." Jordan explained as they walked into the courts, in the stands some parents were there to watch, even Connor Winston himself.

"GO CARL!!" A shout sounded out making the parents look over to Kassidi who was beaming at him.

He threw her a shy wave getting a squeal of excitement from her, people around them chuckled.