
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 24): Outcome of Bet (1)

Chapter 24): Outcome of Bet (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


"Wow, even I don't have a cheerleader." Jordan said teasing throwing Carl a smile.

"Yeah well--" Carl started but another yelled interrupted what he was about to say.

"Go Jordy!!! Show them what you got!!" A woman shouted, looking over they both saw his mother waving at him with a wide smile.

It couldn't be seen but Carl was sure from the way he looked away he was blushing, there was no way he wasn't, the kid just looked so embarrassed about it, "Well at least it isn't my mom." Carl mumbled.

That got him a glare from Jordan who huffed.

"Are we doing this? Or do you need approval from your mom first?" Cody asked as him and another boy walked over to them finally entering the gym.

"We can start. You are the one holding us up." Jordan scoffed glaring at the kid.

"Fine, ones and twos, win by two. We are playing to fifteen." Cody says bouncing the basketball, "Free throw or three point for which team to have the ball first?"

"Free throw, we don't have all day to be here and I doubt we can all shoot a three pointer that well." Jordan said rolling his eyes.

"Speak for yourself."

They each went to the free throw line but both made it so it wasn't really fair, for the next five minutes they went back and forth before Carl got bored of it, "Enough! Can we just flip a coin or something? Both of you aren't missing the free throw."

They both nodded and a parent was nice enough to do the coin toss, Carl called tails but it landed heads, so much for tails never fails looks like it wasn't on his side this time in the toss. Cody smirked as him and cannon fodder one took the ball, Carl never did learn the name of the kid that he was guarding, not that it really mattered.

The ball was checked to Cody who passed it off to cannon fodder or CF for short, Carl was immediately on him, if there was one thing he took pride in when he played basketball it was that he could guard. CF realized this after getting stopped and almost double dribbled as he stood there waiting for Cody to get open, which he had to do by running all the way to him and getting a light screen.

Thankfully Jordan was able to follow him and keep up, though Cody had more moves then Carl thought because he euro stepped Jordan for a layup making it, the sidelines cheered as they saw that. Jordan just nodded and told Carl to take the check up, which he did and inbounded it to Jordan who had more handles then even Carl did in his last life, he was feeling a little embarrassed about that honestly.

Carl stayed behind the three as he was best at shooting there, no lie he has tested himself, if he could shoot anything like his past life then he could make forty-eight percent of his threes. He hasn't actually played basketball in this life, but it was as good as any to try it at this time, he was just waiting for Jordan.

Seeing that Jordan was more inclined to take it for a layup he rushed there and set a screen, it allowed Jordan to get around and make a fade away shot as CF tried to get into a defensive position. The shot was nothing but net, "Hey man come off the three some." Jordan said as they high fived.

"Hey it's my best shot." Carl said shrugging.

Jordan looked at him then nodded.

They set up again with Cody taking the inbounded ball, Carl stayed of CF no matter how much he ran around, he kind of looked silly running in circles trying to get open, it made Cody frustrated. Seeing he needed to do it on his own Cody went for another layup this time trying to do to much and made it bank off the rim, Jordan was there for the rebound.

CF had ran for the rebound leaving Carl open on the three, the moment the ball touches his hands he bounced the ball and set the shot, taking into account his new body he adjusted his shot. If anyone from his old life would see him now they would recognize the shot, Carl shot exactly like Luka Dončić.

The ball sailed in the air and it wasn't a perfect straight into the net shot, but it was good enough to circle the rim once before dropping in, posing he held up his three fingers smirking. Though the shot was a two seeing as hey weren't playing a real game but street ball.

"YEAH!! GO CARL!!!" Kassidi's voice carried over from the sidelines as she jumped in excitement.

Jordan smiled high giving him again, "Alright, I won't doubt you next time, but work on your inside game too."

Carl nodded as they set up again.

The game kept going at a fast paced before they knew it the score was thirteen to thirteen, Carl panted as he stood to check the ball, he had made six of their thirteen two threes giving him four and two layups giving him six. Jordan was also panting as he called out, "Time out. We have two points left, let's get some water and wipe our sweat."

Everyone agreed to it, Carl didn't even make it fully to the sidelines before Kassidi was there with a water bottle and a towel, she smiled widely at him like an eager puppy waiting to be praised. He smiled taking them, "Thank you Kassidi."

"No problem Carl, I knew you would do great out there. Sure you missed a couple of shot, but you are also the only one who has made two threes."

"You know basketball?" He asked smiling at her.

She shook her head, "Nope. I asked Jordan's mom while we stood together, she is the only woman who can scream same as me."

That last part was said quietly and she seems upset about it but Carl didn't say anything he just smiled, after wiping his sweat he ruffled her hair, "Well thanks for being my cheerleader Kass, I don't have anyone else here."

Kassidi blushed as she took the praise, "Well you have me, so no need to worry I will make sure to cheer for you even more in these final moments."

Carl nodded, "Well then thanks for the support in advanced."

She shook her head the smile still firmly in place, "You never need to think me Carl, I like doing this for you."

Carl was so wrapped up in how cute she appeared to be he didn't see the manic glint in her eyes as she looked at him, her eyes were literally sparkling some as she looked at him.

"Come on Carl!" Jordan called as he walked back to the court.

Carl sent a quick smile to Kassidi who took the water bottle and towel back before heading over to the court, he was tossed the ball and he stood there in front of CF who looked really determined. Jordan sent him a nod when he was ready to start again, checking the ball in he was quick to throw the ball to him as he ran around to collect it.

Although they didn't talk during that break he knew that Jordan wanted to get the last two with layups, it was just the smart thing to do as they could finish it quicker. It did mean that he would need to play tougher defense, which he didn't mind but at the same time they could end the game if they were lucky to make a three.

As he went into the paint Carl followed and quickly went under the rim for the rebound, he could tell that Jordan wanted the shot and he wasn't going to take it from him, it was his game to win. It was his and Cody's bet, Jordan really only included him to make it more humiliating for Cody, plus he was sure that he was doing it to show he was treating him as a real friend.

If there was a move that Jordan had down to a T it was the euro step, which he showed again weaving between Cody and the waiting CF, who was shocked and angry that he couldn't stop the shot from going in. Jordan grinned as hey reset bowing to Cody who looked pissed, Carl chuckled lightly as he stood in front of CF getting ready to check the ball up.

These last two shots were about Cody and Jordan, who had the feud, Carl didn't mind being the background character for this. CF was quick to pass to the waiting Cody who told him to back off as he tried to set the screen, Carl chuckled and waited for him to mess up, he was letting his ego control him after all.

He kept an eye on CF but at the same time he watched as Cody slowly backed down Jordan to the rim, CF was standing still and letting Cody do his thing so he didn't need to worry about anything.

"Come on is that all you got Jordan, because if it is then this game is over man." Cody taunted with a grin as he spun around pump faking to take the shot, Jordan fell for it too.

Smirking Cody went up to take the shot but Carl was there in a second, a second to late though as his fingers just brushed the ball as it went sailing over his head, it was enough to wabble the ball some though. They all watched as it hit the backboard before hitting the rim, it bounced a few times on it before it went through the net, Cody and CF celebrated despite looking a little down seconds ago.

"What's it going to be?" Cody taunted as he looked to Carl as if to bait him to take the three again.

Carl didn't take the bait though, he was out here for the fun of it, sure he would also lose money too but at the same time he didn't see anything to bad happening to him from this game. Then again he was helping Jordan, and Cody hated Jordan so he honestly couldn't be to sure about that.

Checking the ball Jordan was quick to pass it off to Carl, Carl taking it dribbled around some while also trying to work on his handles, which he somewhat did as he was getting better at them. Crossing him over he stepped back to the three smiling, rising up he heard the feet of Cody pounding to him as CF was trying to get his feet back.

Arching his arm Carl jumped in the air and....