
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 22): New Friends (1)

Chapter 22): New Friends (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


[I put this chapter out with reluctance, I don't think I will be posting on here for the rest of the week after this one. Most likely won't post again until Monday, we will see.]

Carl was doing something that he didn't do usually, he was heading to the Northside, alone, which was odd but he wanted to spend the day doing something different and the basement was basically done so he was free. Skating along the road he nodded his head to the music coming from his headphones, a lot of artist and music from his world wasn't here, which surprised him but also made him happy since he could use some of them.

He was already thinking of some that he could use with Sophia, of course all weren't duets, that was just something he used this one time but he did have a few he might use some time later down the line.

Carl saw the area around him start to get better, he could only sigh at the differences between the two places in the city he lived in, but with it being a big city it was bound to have a lot of differences. Skating through he was wearing his better clothes as he came up to a spot he learned that a lot of rich kids hung out at, and it was sad to see that it was actually a country club, but that was the rich for you.

Carl looked it over wondering how he was going to get in, growing up in the Southside taught him different ways to sneak into places, without a word he made his way to a service door where workers were going in and out. Apparently there was a club thing happening today, he didn't know what it was for exactly, but he knew that it was for something major as there was a constant stream of cars going in and out of the place to be parked.

No one even paid attention to him as he slipped past a worker taking out a bag of trash, following the signs he ended up in the dining area, shrugging at not being stopped he explored the place. A lot of people stood around laughing and talking, from the sign that he was seeing in the front he could see they were doing a charity lunch, for people with cancer, specifically children.

It was a noble cause actually, he couldn't make fun of them for it.

"I saw all of that." A young voice said causing him to look at the person who spoke to him.

The kid didn't look any older then him but was an inch or two shorter then him, he had deep brown eyes and a slightly round face from baby fat that was on his face, but he was obviously in shape. Carl actually took a moment to look him over before his eyes widen some, if he was right then he knew who this was, it was a young Michael B. Jordan.

He was stunned wondering if he was right or not.

"Saw what?" He asked coming back to himself after spending a moment to get over the shock.

"You sneak in here. I was watching the cameras and saw everything from the moment you showed up. It was impressive that you could get in, usually security is tighter then that, especially at events like this." The kid said with a slight smirk on his face.

Carl raised a brow but admitted to doing it, "Yeah I did sneak in here. Wanted to check it out, nothing like this on the Southside."

The kid nodded, "Well I won't tell anyone. My name is Jordan, you are?"

"Carl, and thanks. So how did you see the cameras?" Carl asked interested.

A wide smile/smirk went on the kids face, "Oh that was a cake walk, all I had to do was hack past their firewall and I was inside. I will admit that they have some impressive ones, but not good enough to keep me out."

Carl nodded impressed, "So, what is there fun to do around here."

"Let me give you the grand tour!"

The two moved out of the dining room making their way down the halls, the first they came across was the gym which had only a handful of people inside of it at most. Next was the locker rooms which needed a key card to enter, along with the gym so he knew he couldn't touch those at all, which kind of sucked as he wouldn't mind using their gym.

After walking awhile they passed a lounge which from the outside he could see was full of men smoking and drinking, Jordan stopped him saying that it was a strict men only area before he could walk in. Some people looked at them a moment before looking away, Carl didn't mind but he would love to go in and check to see what kind of cigars they had in the place, not that he smoked them.

Moving on they made it to the spa where several women were getting treatment, there were some men too but it was clearly a place for teens and adults as some teenagers were in a corner giggling. They didn't stay there to long before they took off to the next spot, Carl's jaw dropped as they walked into the room.

"Yeah I was impressed too when I first saw it, with the increase in teens they added this." Jordan said with a smile.

The place was an arcade, it had everything from pool tables to ski-ball, there was also a bar type situation to the side but he didn't see anything alcoholic on the shelf's, but there were some drinks he didn't know. Looking up the stairs he could hear people cheering and looking closely he could see they playing football on the wide TV.

"They have gaming tournaments up there, today is a football one, next Saturday is basketball then so on and so forth." Jordan explained as they walked through the place.

Unbeknownst to them they had caught the attention of someone, a small girl who was their age with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, 'It's him.' she thought a wide smile crossing her face.

Suddenly they had a tail following them, but since Jordan was still introducing him to everything they didn't even notice.

Carl was impressed as they walked out the room, from there he was shown the indoor and outdoor basketball courts, the inside and outside pools, the eighteen hole golf course and finally the outdoor patio. Seeing as it was to cold to be outside they went back in and stopped where they started back in the dining room, Jordan led him to get some food.

Taking their seats Jordan brought up their next topic, "So, want a membership?" He asked with a sly grin.

Carl was interested but he knew for sure that there was no way he could make the monthly or yearly payments, "I think you are forgetting where I said I was from the Southside, how do you think I will afford a membership here?"

Jordan chuckled, "Simple I hack into the system and make you a member. I will just use my dad's name as a reference, I know he will agree to it."

Carl was surprised but suspicious too, why would someone offer this, "Why?"

"Because you are different, I believe we could be great friends we are both rule breakers. Even more then that I think we could do great things to find we put our minds to it."

Carl thought it over and slowly nodded, "Alright I will accept, but we need to talk to your father first. I don't want to get caught one day and not even know the man who will sponsor me."

Jordan agreed easily, though he told him they would ask him later as said man was currently in the lounge area with friends smoking, while they ate they talked to get to know one another more. Carl saw how much Jordan was into electronics the kid spent a lot of time of them talking on it hacking and coding things, he was watching but couldn't figure out anything he was doing.

While talking suddenly a little girl took a seat with them, "Hello, I'm Kassidi." She said beaming at Carl not even looking at Jordan.

Carl smiled back, he didn't see Jordans head whip up from his tablet eyes going wide, "Hey Kassidi, nice to meet you I am Carl."

Carl missed the way Jordan was trying to send him looks he didn't look over until he was kicked, frowning he saw Jordans eyes wide as if he was panicked, but the kids was afraid to speak. Raising a brow he tried to get him to talk, but seeing his eyes dart to Kassidi he didn't know what the kid wanted to say, ignoring him he turned back to the girl.

"So, what are you guys talking about. I saw him giving you a tour earlier, but I couldn't tell what you were talking about." Kassidi asked popping a blueberry into her mouth, Jordan though looked even more alarmed but Carl didn't see it.

"Nothing much. Jordan is going to get his dad to help me become a member here." Carl said leaving out exactly how that was going to happen they haven't actually talked about it all the way through yet.

"Oh fun! So does that mean you will be spending time here?"

"Yeah, mainly weekends though, you know still have school and all that."

She nodded, "Well I really hope you join, how about we become friends and hang out together?"

Carl nodded not seeing a problem with that, as he agreed though Jordan kicked him again making him glare at the boy, seeing the real fear in his eyes he was actually a little concerned now.

"Kassidi. Your mother is looking for you, come along for a moment. You can play with your friends later." An older man with glasses said to the girl who pouted but nodded.

"I will be back soon Carl, don't go anywhere, okay?" Kassidi said to him, when he nodded she smiled sweetly before flowing the guy.

"Dude! What the hell, why did you keep kicking me."

Jordan sighed, "You have doomed yourself you know that? Let me tell you...."