
Chapter 20: I’m innocent

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Since that day book 5

Chapter 7: I'm innocent

Bright blue sky, the trees and the bundle of white carnation I was holding slowly danced around me as the wind blew. The leaves slowly falling down on the pavement as we walked to where he lies together with his love. An old man was sweeping away those dead leaves and collecting them for his little mountain of dried leaves.

I sighed and turned my head towards her. "You know Kelly, It's funny how we see autumn as beautiful scenery yet everything is dying."

She smiled as she dug her hand in her trench coat inside her pocket. She brought out her little stainless rum container. She opened the cup and took a sip from it. I shaked my head in disbelief. "Really, Kelly?"

Her eyebrow suddenly struck up. "What? This is my f*cking life."

Finally, we arrived at where they were. I sat down on the grass and sweeped away some tiny particles covering the tombstones.

"F*ck, here's the old sh*t." Kelly immediately pocketed her drink inside her trench coat and sat down with me. The old man didn't approach us like she thought. He just plainly walked past us holding his stick broom and some old ditch spade.

"Just relax. He doesn't care if you drink or smoke here. It's not his business. Just don't leave your cigarette butt or bottles here."

She groaned as she always does. "Why didn't you f*cking say so?"

She dug again inside her pocket. She brought her rum and some cigarettes again. She lit it with her pocket lighter. The way she talks doesn't bother me. She does that to everyone. Her mouth is a giant pot of curse words. I can't blame her. She has her own stories and I have too. That's her own wall. I have my own walls too. I brought out the two white candles I bought before coming along with the flowers inside my pocket and carefully lit it with her lighter because the wind might blow it away.

"By the way, thanks for coming here with me."

"You little prick! You said drinks on you. You didn't tell me you're having g*damn depression over here."

"Still, you came. And I thank you for that."

"That ain't, thank you. You owe me one motherf*cker. And what am I f*cking supposed to do? You need help assh*le, so I chose to stay."

She inhaled again her cigar and exhaled thick white smoke that joined the cold morning breeze.

"So, what is the story behind this f*cking scheme of yours?"

I let out a deep sigh and faced the clear blue sky instead of facing her. I suddenly smiled as the memories flashed before my eyes.

Flashback. . .

Cloud nine. That euphoric feeling when you have won a battle you've been aiming for. That's what he felt

"We'll be celebrating tonight. Food and drinks in the house!"

Damien yelled as he raised the golden trophy into the air. All of their shouts were music in his ears. It was the sound of winning again. All smiled, all laughed and even cried in joy.

"We couldn't have done it, if it wasn't because of you, Damien!" Some random guy yelled from across the room.

Their rejoicing was suddenly interrupted when the flat screen TV in front of the gym room suddenly screened the news of the day.

"Flash news citizens of Miami. Around 2 pm this afternoon. The car of Governor Maxwell Morrison was showered by bullets from two masked men in front of the City Hall. He was immediately-. " He didn't wait any moment, and he rushed to the hospital.

He was caught off guard as the family lawyer, Mr. Flint led him inside the morgue. His heart pounded rapidly as if it wanted to break out from his rib cage and tear his flesh. Tears started to flow because he had the feeling who was under the white sheet. He slowly rolled down the white sheet until the man's clavicle. He could still recognize his father even though some parts of his face were coated in cuts from glass shards. He held his father's ice-cold and stiff hand.


His wailing echoed around the room.

"I'm so sorry. I am sorry Dad..." he repeated. His tears continued flowing. He couldn't bear the scene. The next day was the funeral. With the help of their family lawyer everything was settled. He sat in front of the casket staring emotionless with his swelling eyes, pale lips. He was approached by the two officers.

"Excuse me."

A man who looked older than him, wearing his gun on his belt strap and his hair was slicked back.

"I'm Detective Clark Hills." Clark presented his badge.

"And she's my partner." He introduced the lady in the leader jacket who was talking on the radio. She walked towards Flint.

"And I'm Detective Rita Johnson." She also presented her badge. "Are you a relative of Governor Morrison?"

"Yes. Yes I am. I'm his son Damien Wolfram Morrison" Damien responded. The two looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Oh. We're in charge of your father's case. These were... the autopsy reports that were released yesterday." Detective Clark stated as Detective Rita handed Damien the papers.

His eyes grew wider as he immediately covered his mouth with his cold shaky hands. Tears started building up in his eyes.

"23 gunshots. 18 to the front and 5 to the head." Stated on the papers.

Tears finally were freed from his eyes. He slowly crumpled the papers. He was so exhausted that he just let his tears flow down his cheeks.

Detective Clark emitted a deep breath. He looked at Rita and she nodded in response.

"And we conclude that it was not just politics. The gunmen really made sure that he was dead on the spot. Witnesses saw the plate number. But when we tracked it, it was not registered."

Rita said as she brought out a zip lock from her pocket. Inside was the phone of Governor Morrison

"We also found out that you're one of the last people he phoned that day." Rita continued.

"Yes, I received 10 missed calls from him that day... but I just realized it after I got to the morgue." Damien protested to defend himself.

"Do you know if your father ever received any death threats?"

"No I don't, we're not that close."

Damien felt so much pressure from the situation that he couldn't even bear listening to them. The only sound he could only hear was ringing in his ears. He fell on his knees. He was still on the grip of the papers.

Flint came into the room upon hearing Damien's statement. "Hello officers, I'm the family attorney. I am Flint Churchill. Since Mr. Damien is not in the right state to handle this situation. I'll be handling it." The two officers agreed to each other and went outside. "I'll leave you for a while but you must take your meds." Flint Churchill tapped his shoulder as he left.

Damien sat there looking at the picture of his Dad on the top of the casket along with the flowers as he continuously crumpled the papers he was holding. Tears started to build up on his eyes and a stinging sensation started to grow. Every part of his body started to tremble in an abnormal way. His jaw hardened and nerves on his neck suddenly bulged. To his anger, he threw the papers in front of the casket but he fell on his knees. He couldn't open his mouth and his face turned red. He dug inside his black blazer. The maid was rushing to the living room to find Damien sweating and can't breathe. There were only the two of them because it was early morning so she's the only one who can help him. Fortunately she was holding the coffee she brought for Damien. She dug inside, opened the cap of the small yellow bottle and took one small white tablet. She helped him sit on the seat beside them and helped him take the meds. After a long time, he was fine. The visitors started to come and brought their condolences. In that afternoon, Atty. Flint came back with the news he didn't expect to tear his heart in two... again. Everything slowly sinked in his mind. Atty. Flint explained to him that his father started to change behavior since he was promoted. He works every single day, even on holidays. He didn't want to have his vacation either. His co-workers said that he looks fine and they even said he's a good boss. Michael's assailant knew the patterns of his work hours. The assailant didn't hesitate killing him in broad daylight. Damien blamed himself again. He knew why his Dad overworked. He was so resentful as soon as he knew the reason. The funeral lasted only three days. Only him and the maid were left.

He decided to go to Boca Raton where his mother's personal attorney lived. He wanted to start over. With the help of the attorney, he finally left Miami. He didn't use his father's name,nor his riches and he didn't want to succeed his father's name. That way, he won't be the prime suspect of his father's death. That was the only way he knew he could get out with his impending death. He continued his studies at Florida Atlantic University.

"New life, new me." His words flew along the wind as he stood firm in front of the campus gates. He was all smile. He smiles at anyone who offers him a club application form. Students were all over the campus ground giving away forms. Dance class, Language club, glee club, musical instrument club, chess club and many more. But one club stands out from his view. He walked towards the guy holding a ham and cheese sandwich in his mouth, standing behind the signage. The guy with hazel brown hair smiled

"Hmm? Wahana joyen dee crab?"

"What? Sorry, I didn't understand anything from what you said."

His man bun suited his face shape. He looked like a nerd to him. A pro computer gamer of some sort.

"Omm sooree" He took a bite of his sandwich and placed it on the paper plate. "Want to join the club?" His smiled like the joker.

Those words made him feel important. Made him feel happy. "Really? I'm new here. I'm not familiar he-"

"Awwwww dude come here" The nerdy guy stretched his arms wide and walked towards Damien. The guy suddenly hugged him. He just stood still. The hug didn't last long but it felt meaningful to him.

"Hey, handsome. Who's that fellow you giving a hug?" A medium length blonde lady interfered carrying a bundle of flyers

"Oh I'm Damien. Damien Morris."

"Welcome to the club, Damien. I'm Ruth Browning." She introduced herself as she waved her hand. Damien smiled at her

"Oh, sorry dude. I forgot. By the way I'm Taylor Black" He tapped Damien's shoulder

"What club is this by the way?" Damien asked but he just got a big smile from Taylor.