

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Yasu, the Adventurer - Roundtable

Maids and nearby guards collected the empty plates and untouched dishes as everyone was settling in. That was when things began to click to Yasuline about the occurrence. The table, for example, was a key giveaway.

The roundtable, a symbol of unity and collaboration, stood at the heart of the grand hall, beckoning the noble figures to gather and engage in meaningful discourse. Crafted from rich, polished wood, it spanned a considerable size, accommodating the dignitaries and providing ample space for their deliberations.

The round table's surface boasted intricate carvings, depicting scenes of valor, wisdom, and prosperity, serving as a visual reminder of the kingdom's values and aspirations. Soft candlelight bathed the table, casting a warm and inviting glow, fostering an atmosphere of camaraderie and shared purpose. At each seat, an ornately designed chair awaited its occupant. The chairs were crafted with meticulous attention to detail, featuring plush upholstery adorned with regal patterns and motifs, exuding an air of elegance and comfort. The high backs provided ample support, ensuring that those seated could engage in discussions without any physical discomfort. In the center of the roundtable, a magnificent centerpiece stood tall. It was a work of art, a masterful arrangement of vibrant flowers, symbolizing the blossoming potential of Lumines and the harmony among its people. Fragrant petals perfumed the air, infusing the space with a subtle yet delightful scent, enhancing the sensory experience of the gathering. The choice of a flower was the queen's idea.

Sebastian leaned back in his chair, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "So, my friends, have any of you heard the latest gossip from Veridian? The merchant ships have returned with tales of exotic treasures from distant lands. I must say, my curiosity is piqued." Known for his impeccable taste in fashion and witty sense of humor, Sebastian was the Duke of Veridian. He was a charismatic man with a magnetic smile. Possessing warm brown eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief, his dark brown hair was styled in a suave manner, further enhancing his debonair appearance. Impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, he exuded charm and sophistication. Veridian was the main port town of the Kingdom. Thrived as the primary hub for trade and commerce, it has a straight path to the capital.

Isabella chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "Exotic treasures, you say? Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Sunburst is always a hot spot for adventurous souls seeking a taste of the extraordinary. Perhaps we shall host an art exhibition showcasing these newfound treasures, adding a touch of intrigue to our beloved city." Renowned for her passion for the arts, Isabella was the Countess of Sunburst. She is commonly seen attending grand opera performances and hosting extravagant art exhibitions. Adorned in an intricately embroidered gown, she was a poised and elegant woman with piercing blue eyes framed by cascading chestnut curls. Her flowing gown of deep green, adorned with intricate embroidery and delicate lace, showcased her confidence and authority. Sunburst was the second largest city in the kingdom. It was a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike.

Argyle nodded approvingly. "Ah, the allure of distant lands and their treasures. While we revel in the splendors of Veridian and Sunburst, let us not forget the crucial role Ironhold plays. Our duty as guardians of the kingdom's borders weighs heavy on our shoulders. The monsters may test us, but we remain steadfast." Argyle was the Baron of Ironhold and a skilled military strategist. With a strong and commanding presence, he possessed a distinguished stature, a strong jawline, and piercing gray eyes reflecting his keen intellect. His salt-and-pepper hair and impeccably trimmed beard added to his refined appearance, while his tailored suit of royal blue exuded an air of sophistication. He was ideal to manage Ironhold which stood as a formidable barrier, separating the kingdom from the neighboring land plagued by menacing creatures.

Evelyn chimed in with a serene smile. "Indeed, Argyle. And while you safeguard our kingdom's boundaries, Whispering Pines ensures the steady supply of lumber and stone. Our craftsmen work tirelessly to provide the materials that shape the kingdom's infrastructure. A testament to the harmony of nature and progress." Known for her wisdom and keen intellect, Evelyn was the Viscountess of Whispering Pines. She was a young woman who sat quietly, wearing simple yet refined clothing. With a statuesque presence, she had striking features with sharp cheekbones and piercing green eyes that exuded confidence. Her ebony hair was intricately styled, and her deliberate and measured movements showcased her poise and grace. Whispering Pines held the key to the kingdom's abundance of lumber and stone. As it was nestled amidst sprawling forests and majestic mountain ranges in the east, the city thrived as the primary source of these valuable resources.

Harrington joined the conversation with a hearty laugh. "Speaking of harmony, my friends, have any of you experienced the tranquil beauty of Solstice? The majestic mountains and the crisp mountain air—it's truly a haven for those seeking adventure and solace. I dare say the queen herself finds comfort in reminiscing about her hometown." A lover of adventure and exploration, Harrington was the Marquis of Solstice. He was a jovial man with a twinkle in his eye, and as a distinguished elderly gentleman, he had a gentle demeanor. His neatly trimmed white beard and kind, twinkling eyes radiated wisdom. With silver hair neatly combed back, he exuded timeless elegance in his tailored dark suit, reflecting his years of experience and wisdom. His city, Solstice, was nestled in the northern mountains. It held a special place in the heart of the kingdom's queen, who hailed from this enchanting locale.

A subtle cough paused the idle chatter and drew all eyes on the Champion. Caliber, standing tall and authoritative, addressed the gathered nobles and the royal family seated around the magnificent roundtable.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Caliber began, his voice commanding attention. "I stand before you today to recount the events that unfolded during the heinous attack on our beloved castle. It was a day filled with chaos and danger, yet in the face of adversity, our strength and unity prevailed."

He went on to describe the relentless assault launched by the enemy, the cunning tactics they employed, and the fierce resistance put up by the defenders. Caliber's words painted a vivid picture of the battle, detailing the valor and sacrifices made by the castle guards and the heroics displayed by the princess.

Yasuline smiled shyly as she felt her parents hands on her during the mention of her role.

"Our castle, though scarred, stands tall once more," Caliber continued, his voice filled with conviction. "But we cannot let this victory lull us into complacency. The enemies who sought to breach our walls will not rest. They will continue to plot and scheme, seeking to destabilize our kingdom. It is our duty, as the guardians of Lumines, to remain ever vigilant."

As Caliber concluded his account of the attack, the nobles around the roundtable began to exchange glances, their faces reflecting a mix of concern and curiosity. Several of them looked eager to seek clarification about the events.

Sebastian was the first to speak up. "Caliber, could you provide more details about the enemy's strategy? How did they manage to breach our defenses and pose such a significant threat?"

Caliber paused for a moment, considering the question. "The enemy displayed a level of coordination and cunning that we had not anticipated," he responded. "In our investigation, we have learned that they have used the Labyrinth to invade our land and bided their time to strike at the right moment."

Isabella raised her hand next. "The labyrinth? That's quite the risk they took. But surely our intelligence picked up signs of their presence prior to the attack."

Caliber's gaze met Isabella's, his expression thoughtful. "Our intelligence gathering did not uncover any specific threats or warnings prior to the attack," he replied. "It would seem that we underestimated the hostility of the labyrinth greatly. On behalf of my men, I have to apologize for this major oversight."

Harrington raised his hand to speak, "No need to apologize young champion. Not even I nor the king had thought this to be possible. With such a oversight, we were due for a infiltration. We just need to reassure we learn from this mistake."

Argyle spoke up with a furrowed brow. "Caliber, can you shed some light on the identity or motives of the attackers? Were they a rogue faction or part of a larger organization?"

Caliber's eyes hardened, his voice tinged with determination. "There was no need for a investigation on who dared attacked the crown of the kingdom" he said. "It was clearly the Daemons of Hellfire."

The nobles chattered fiercely over each other after the confirmation of the Hellfire Gang being the culprit. As the questions continued, Caliber answered each one with unwavering resolve, providing as much information as he could while assuring the nobles that the castle's defenses were being bolstered and precautions were being taken to prevent future attacks.

Evelyn, the Viscountess of Whispering Pines, leaned forward, her eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of skepticism. "Caliber, there were rumors circulating regarding the involvement of the notorious Hellfire Gang in the attack. Can you shed some light on the other rumors suggesting that Princess Yasuline played a pivotal role in repelling the attack, along with the... White Reaper?"

The atmosphere shifted heavily at the namedrop of the White Reaper. Those only immune to the power of just his name was the princess herself and Caliber. Caliber glanced at Evelyn, his gaze steady. "Ah, the rumors," he remarked with a faint smile. "While rumors tend to circulate quickly, they often carry fragments of truth entwined with speculation. As for the Hellfire Gang, our investigation is indeed leaning towards their involvement. We have uncovered several connections that point in their direction, but we are still piecing together the puzzle to ascertain the extent of their participation."

Turning his attention to Yasuline, Caliber continued, "Now, about the rumors concerning our Princess Yasuline. I must admit, they hold a grain of truth. She did play a significant role in defending the castle and the royal family. Her bravery and quick thinking were instrumental in thwarting the attackers' advance."

Yasuline's face flushed with a mixture of pride and humility as she exchanged a glance with her parents. Her mother, the radiant queen, nodded approvingly, while her father, the adventurous king, couldn't help but sport a proud grin.

Isabella leaned forward, her eyes shining with curiosity. "Princess Yasuline, can you tell us more about your encounter with the White Reaper? The stories paint as the Death Incarnate. How have you manage to still sit among us who still breath?"

Yasuline took a moment to collect her thoughts, a flicker of excitement dancing in her green eyes. "Yes, the White Reaper was there, a true force to be reckoned with," she replied, her voice tinged with a mixture of awe and admiration. But the tone didn't seem to register to the others as they only looked on with worry. "He doesn't speak, but he really backs down from anything."

The nobles exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by the confirmation of the rumors. The air in the room crackled with a sense of anticipation, as if they were on the precipice of an extraordinary tale.

Caliber interjected, his tone authoritative yet reassuring. "Rest assured, my fellow nobles, we are delving deeper into these matters. We will uncover the truth behind the attack, the involvement of the Hellfire Gang, and the enigmatic White Reaper. Our priority is the safety and well-being of our kingdom, and we shall leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of justice and security."

The nobles nodded in agreement, their expressions resolute and determined. The roundtable had transformed into a forum of intrigue and determination, as they sought to separate fact from fiction and ensure the protection of Lumines.

The Duke of Veridian, leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed with concern. "So, what's our plan of action? I mean, aside from the ongoing construction and investigation, what steps are we taking to address this looming threat?"

Caliber, ever composed and attentive, responded without missing a beat. "Ah, Sebastian, that is precisely what the second purpose of this roundtable is for. The first reason, as insisted by our esteemed King, will be addressed shortly."

As if on cue, King Lumines rose from his seat, his presence commanding the attention of the entire room. He stood tall and regal, his voice resonating with authority as he addressed the gathering. "With this recent incident unfolding right at our doorstep, it has become abundantly clear that the peace and security of our kingdom, no, the world are in great peril. We cannot afford to allow the likes of daemons, the White Reaper, or any other villains to disrupt our lives with their nefarious acts. To tackle this issue head-on, we must seek the assistance of our neighboring kingdom, Lunaria."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as the nobles absorbed the weight of the king's words. They exchanged glances, their minds whirling with thoughts and possibilities. Lunaria, the kingdom across the land bridge guarded by Ironhold, held the potential to be a valuable ally in their fight against the encroaching darkness.

Sebastian, ever the pragmatist, leaned forward, his eyes focused and determined. "Your Majesty, I believe we already have established a diplomatic dialogue with Lunaria. We share information, coordinate efforts, and potentially form a united front against these threats. Additionally, their expertise in naval affairs, given Veridian's role as the main port town, could prove invaluable."

The king nodded in agreement, acknowledging Sebastian's astute observation. "I'm aware, Duke Sebastian. But my plan will involve their help in a completely different manner. One so unique, it can only start by delivering this letter of mine to the King of the Bloodfangs himself." Taking out a folded thick paper from underneath his clothing, he sets it down on the table in front of him. The details on the matter are unable to be seen.

Caliber, as the voice of reason and strategy, added, "Furthermore, we should also inform them on the facts we have on the matter. Use it as a opportunity to strengthen our alliances within Lumines. We will invest in the training of our guards and soldiers, ensuring they are equipped to face any threat that may come our way."

The roundtable buzzed with a sense of urgency and determination as the nobles contemplated the path ahead. They understood the gravity of the situation and the need to take proactive measures to protect their cherished kingdom. Yasuline was taken in on the conversation, she didn't see one of the maids approach the king and began whispering something into his ears.

"Ah," he says in a reaction to what he was being told. He then raises his hand once more and the group is silenced once more. "It seems that my guests have arrived. This will only be a moment. Yasuline, come with me please."