

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Yasu, the Adventurer - Quest

With a resounding double clap, the grand hall sprang to life as a flurry of activity filled the air. Maids scurried about, their swift movements transforming the space before everyone's eyes. Impressive in their efficiency, they swiftly rearranged the furniture and redecorated the hall, creating an atmosphere of grandeur and splendor.

Even the roundtable, where the noble guests had been seated, was gracefully moved aside to make way for the grand transformation. The center of attention shifted to the far end of the hall, where the surviving throne, miraculously untouched by the attack, was reinstated upon its pedestal. The glass artwork behind it emanated a mesmerizing array of colors, casting a magical glow over the entire scene.

With an air of regality, King Lumines took his rightful place upon the throne, his presence commanding and authoritative. Standing by his side, exuding radiance and grace, was Queen Solara, her regal beauty captivating all who laid eyes upon her. Yasuline, observing her mother's poise and elegance, did her best to emulate her, standing tall and composed, radiating a sense of regal dignity.

As the attention of the room focused on the grand hall, two figures were led in from the far end, their entrance drawing the gaze of all present. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the atmosphere crackled with a mix of curiosity and intrigue.

As the two figures made their way to the front of the throne, all eyes were drawn to their contrasting appearances, each captivating in its own way.

The first figure, a man with dark and ashy skin, exuded an aura of mystery and allure with his yellow sharp eyes. Clad in black clothing that hugged his well-defined physique, the fabric stretched tight across his body, accentuating his muscles and chiseled abs. His mesmerizing presence seemed to command attention effortlessly, and the maids couldn't help but be captivated by his charm. With a knowing smirk playing on his lips, he reveled in the attention, winking and gesturing seductively, reveling in the effect he had on those around him.

In stark contrast, the second figure was that of a small child, barely visible to the onlookers. With light skin that glowed with innocence, his silky smooth blonde hair partially covered his bright blue eyes, sparkling with curiosity and wonder. His smile radiated purity and joy, reflecting the innocence of youth. He was dressed in a blue robe that blended the elements of a mage and a priest, symbolizing a connection to both magic and divine wisdom.

Together, the duo presented a striking contrast, the enigmatic allure of the dark-skinned man juxtaposed with the pure innocence embodied by the young child. Their presence held the promise of intrigue and significance, adding an element of anticipation to the already charged atmosphere in the grand hall.

The man in black, with his charismatic and confident demeanor, wasted no time in addressing the king in his own unique way. "Yo kingy, thanks for letting us in. And in the presence of such...lovely audience," he remarked, his words laced with a playful tone. He directed his attention primarily towards the huddled maids, who couldn't help but blush and shyly avert their gaze, though their curiosity compelled them to steal glances at him from time to time.

Seizing the opportunity to introduce himself, the small boy named Angel exuded joy and warmth as he greeted everyone with enthusiasm. "Hello! My name is Angel!" His cheerful demeanor elicited a smile from the queen, who responded with a motherly wave of her hand. Even the king didn't seem bothered by the unconventional greetings, displaying a sense of openness and acceptance.

Caliber, unfazed by the charm and presence of the two guests, asserted his authority by slamming the tip of his sheathed sword onto the marble flooring, trying to regain control of the situation. "Please address your majesty with the correct titles, mercenaries. And speak only when spoken to," he sternly admonished, his annoyance evident in his tone. However, the mercenaries seemed unperturbed by Caliber's attempts to assert his authority, paying him little attention.

Caliber, determined to maintain order, attempted to raise his voice further, but he was interrupted by the sight of the king's raised hand, a signal for him to pause. Respecting the king's command, he settled into silence.

"Now now, if I may have your attention, you two," the king began, his voice carrying a tone of authority and command. The grand hall fell into a hushed silence as all eyes turned towards the king, waiting for his next words. The king's gesture signaled the start of a more serious and focused discussion, shifting the attention back to the purpose of their gathering.

"Now, I understand you two have recently been making a name for yourselves," the king addressed the two guests, acknowledging their growing reputation.

"My response depends on what kind of names you've been hearing about me," the man in black replied, finally diverting his attention from the mesmerized maids and focusing on the authority above him.

"I'm referring to the mention of how you two have confronted the White Reaper yourselves and managed to repel him," the king clarified, prompting a collective outburst of surprise and confusion from Caliber, Yasuline, the nobles, the queen, the guards, and the maids.

"What?" exclaimed Caliber in disbelief.

"What?" echoed Yasuline, her voice filled with astonishment.

"What?" chorused the nobles, the queen, and the rest, their expressions a mix of shock and intrigue.

The unexpected revelation had taken everyone by surprise, filling the room with a sense of curiosity and intrigue. All eyes turned to the two guests, awaiting an explanation that could shed light on their extraordinary feat.

The man in black reveled in the reaction, his cocky demeanor on full display as he lifted his chin and gestured with his hands, "That sure as hell happened. We sent the white man running."

The room filled with whispers, murmurs, and mutters, serving as a backdrop to the man's arrogant statements. Though the exact words he was saying remained obscured amidst the buzz, it only added to the enigmatic aura surrounding him. Beside him, the young boy also spoke, but his words seemed unrelated to the current discussion.

The king, sensing the need for order, clapped his hands once more, commanding attention. The room fell into silence as all eyes turned towards the king, awaiting his next words. He continued, his voice commanding and resolute, "If the tales hold truth in them, then that is all the more reason why I offer you this quest. I need this letter in my hand to be delivered to the Bloodfang King himself in Lunaria."

The king's decision seemed to be met with resistance from his trusted right-hand man, Caliber. Stepping forward, Caliber's voice brimmed with concern as he addressed the king, "Your Majesty, you can't possibly mean to entrust this critical mission to these two individuals. Allow me to take on this task in your stead."

Caliber's armor rustled as he positioned himself in front of the king, his determination evident. However, his impassioned plea was met with a firm shake of the king's head, denying his request. "No, Caliber. I have a different assignment in mind for you at the moment. This particular mission requires someone with a special connection."

Caliber's frustration grew as he persisted, "Then send one of our knights, Your Majesty. We can't entrust such an important task to strangers."

The king's gaze held unwavering as he countered, his voice filled with conviction, "Caliber, I believe you are misunderstanding the true nature of their role in this quest."

"To clarify the matter, these two individuals will serve as escorts for the messenger, ensuring their safety and aiding them in their journey to Lunaria to deliver my letter directly to the Bloodfang King," the king stated firmly, aiming to provide clarity to the situation. The explanation seemed to have a calming effect on Caliber, who began to realize the strategic value of hiring skilled mercenaries who had proven themselves capable against formidable adversaries.

Caliber's initial frustration waned, and he bowed his head in a gesture of apology. "I deeply apologize for my outburst earlier, Your Majesty. I let my concern cloud my judgment."

The king nodded understandingly. "It's fine, Caliber. Your dedication to protecting the kingdom is commendable."

The man in black leaned casually against the nearest pillar, smirking as he interjected, "Hey, we didn't exactly agree to take this job just yet. First rule for mercenaries is always to know the pay for the job presented to you."

The room fell into a momentary silence as the king considered the statement, his expression contemplative. Then, a smile graced his face, and he responded, "Rest assured, I am well aware of the importance of fair compensation. I guarantee that you will be generously rewarded for your services, should you accept this mission. Your payment will be commensurate with the significance of the task at hand."

The man in black's smirk widened, clearly satisfied with the response. "Well, in that case, Your Majesty, I believe we have an agreement."

Caliber glanced at the man, a mix of curiosity and caution in his eyes, before turning his attention back to the king. He couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to these two mercenaries than met the eye, but he trusted the king's judgment.

The King nodded in satisfaction, his decision now settled. "Indeed, it is time to make preparations for the departure."

Curiosity filled the room as all eyes turned to the King, wondering who would have the privilege of accompanying the mercenaries on this crucial mission. The anticipation lingered in the air until the King raised his hand, holding the letter, and extended it towards Princess Yasuline.

Yasuline was taken aback, her eyes widening in surprise. "Huh?"

The king maintained a calm and composed demeanor, but a brief moment of vulnerability slipped through his façade. He let out a sigh, a sign that he was indeed burdened by something beneath his cheerful exterior.

"I'm sorry, I've been really out of it lately," the king admitted, his usual air of confidence momentarily fading. Yasuline caught a glimpse of vulnerability behind his smile, realizing that he had been masking his true emotions. "I should have told you earlier, but I want you to go to Lunaria in my place."

Yasuline's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and concern washing over her. She could sense the weight of responsibility in her father's words, understanding the significance of his request.

The king's gaze met hers, filled with unwavering faith. "You're ready for this, Yasuline. I believe in you."

A surge of determination welled up within Yasuline, fueled by her father's trust in her abilities. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. "I won't let you down, Father. I'll take on this mission and make you proud."

The room fell into a contemplative silence, the nobles and attendants realizing the gravity of the moment. Yasuline's journey to Lunaria was not just a task but an opportunity to prove herself and safeguard the kingdom's future. With newfound purpose, she clutched the letter tightly, ready to embark on this unexpected adventure.

Yasuline's eyes widened, her mind racing to process the unexpected responsibility entrusted to her. The weight of the king's words settled upon her shoulders, mixing both trepidation and a glimmer of excitement.

As the realization sunk in, Caliber stepped forward, a mix of concern and determination in his eyes. "Your Majesty, are you sure about this? It could be dangerous, and Yasuline—"

The king raised his hand, cutting off Caliber's protest. "I have considered the risks, Caliber. Yasuline is capable and resourceful. This journey will provide her an opportunity to grow and prove herself." The king's gaze met hers, filled with unwavering faith. "You're ready for this, Yasuline. I believe in you."

Yasuline could feel the tears building up in her eyes, before they even began to trails down her face, she wipes them off while asking, "But... why me, Dad? Why do you want me to go in your place? That means I would be leaving the castle. I would be...out there." Yasuline's voice trembled slightly, a mix of confusion and concern evident in her eyes.

The king's gaze softened as he reached out, placing a hand on Yasuline's shoulder. "Yasuline, my dear daughter, I have complete faith in your abilities. You possess the spirit of adventure and the strength to face any challenge that comes your way. I believe this journey will be an opportunity for you to grow and prove yourself. And above all, I trust you to represent our kingdom with grace and wisdom."

Yasuline's initial surprise gradually transformed into a sense of determination as she listened to her father's words. She turned to her mother and she would simply smile and nod at her, a silent approval. The discussion on this matter was settled awhile ago. She leaves her father's side and stands before the throne. For the first time, she straightened her posture and met her father's gaze, giving him the first sight of the tough adventurer he gave birth to. "I understand, Dad, Mom. If you trust me, then I will just do my best to complete this quest. You can count on me."

The king smiled, pride and reassurance evident in his eyes. "I knew I could rely on you, Yasuline. Make the necessary preparations and depart with our esteemed guests. Lunaria awaits, and I have no doubt that you will make Lumines proud."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Yasuline accepted the letter from her father's hand, clutching it tightly. She turned to the man in black and the young boy, a determined glint in her eyes. "Let's get ready. We have a journey to embark upon." She could feel the feeling inside her were building up and excused herself quickly from the grand hall. Ignoring how bewildered and still questioning Caliber is in the matter as a whole.

As Yasuline retreated to her chambers to begin the preparations for her journey, a whirlwind of emotions enveloped her. The realization that her father, the king, was willingly allowing her to venture beyond the castle walls hit her like a wave. It was a bittersweet mix of excitement and apprehension, but most of all, it was a moment of profound gratitude. As she closed the door behind her, Yasuline leaned against it, her hand clutching the letter tightly against her chest. Tears welled up in her eyes, unexpected and overwhelming. She had dreamt of this day for so long, yearning to explore the world outside, to experience the thrill of adventures beyond the kingdom's borders. And now, her father was not only granting her that opportunity but also entrusting her with an important mission. The weight of her father's trust and belief in her abilities washed over Yasuline, leaving her feeling simultaneously elated and humbled. She had always admired her father's adventurous spirit, his courage in the face of danger, and his unwavering dedication to protecting their kingdom. Now, she realized he saw those very qualities in her, and it filled her heart with an indescribable sense of pride.

As tears streaked down her cheeks, Yasuline whispered to herself, her voice laced with emotion, "Dad... Thank you. Thank you for believing in me, for giving me this chance to prove myself. I won't let you down."

She thought about the countless hours spent reading books about far-off lands, the maps she had meticulously studied, and the stories she had daydreamed about in the confines of the castle. Now, those dreams were becoming a reality, and the prospect both thrilled and terrified her. Leaving the safety and familiarity of the castle meant stepping into the unknown, facing challenges and adversities she had only read about. But Yasuline knew deep down that she was ready. Her adventurous spirit burned within her, her determination and resilience honed through years of yearning for more. The fact that her father was entrusting her with this mission, recognizing her potential, fueled her resolve. She wiped away her tears, a determined smile gracing her lips.

With renewed purpose, Yasuline set about gathering the necessary supplies and making the logistical arrangements for her departure. Her mind buzzed with anticipation, her heart filled with a newfound sense of purpose. As she packed her belongings, she couldn't help but steal glances at the letter her father had handed her, a tangible reminder of the faith he had placed in her. In that quiet chamber, Yasuline allowed herself a moment to reflect, to feel the weight of the emotions that coursed through her. It was a mixture of joy, gratitude, and a touch of melancholy. For as much as she longed to explore the world, a part of her couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at leaving behind the comfort and familiarity of the castle, even if only temporarily.

But she knew deep within her heart that this was the path she was meant to tread. It was time to embark on her own adventure, to make her mark on the world, and to honor her father's trust. With a determined resolve, Yasuline wiped away the last traces of tears from her cheeks and emerged from her chambers, ready to embrace the challenges and wonders that awaited her beyond the castle walls.