

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Yasu, the Adventurer - Victory

As Yasuline slowly emerged from the depths of her dream, a gentle smile lingered on her lips. It had been a pleasant vision, one filled with triumph and fulfillment. But as consciousness seeped back into her, the reality of her room surrounded her, and she opened her eyes to a familiar sight.

The first thing she noticed was the absence of the looming threat she had anticipated in seeing once again.. There were no daggers hanging above her head, no sense of impending danger or the deep purple of night. It was a relief that washed over her, allowing her to relax and savor the tranquility of the moment.

However, her peaceful awakening was abruptly interrupted by a loud shout, cutting through the serenity of her room. Startled, she blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the sudden shift in atmosphere. Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, she felt the presence of two figures rushing to her bedside, their warmth enveloping her in an embrace filled with love and affection.

Her sluggish mind struggled to process the situation as she was pulled into their loving arms. Gradually, recognition dawned upon her, and she realized that it was her parents who had come to greet her. Her father, the king, and her mother, the queen, held her tightly, their expressions a mix of relief and joy.

"Yasuline! Oh, thank the heavens you're safe!" her mother exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. "We were so worried. It's a miracle you're unharmed."

Tears of both relief and happiness welled up in Yasuline's eyes as she returned their embrace, clinging to the warmth and reassurance they offered. It was a rare moment of pure love and connection, a respite from the trials and uncertainties that had plagued her life.

"I'm here, Mom. I'm safe," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "I... I missed you. Feels like it's been forever since I last saw you."

Her father's voice, filled with pride and tenderness, joined the conversation. "You have always been strong, my daughter. We have never doubted your courage, even in the face of adversity."

Yasuline's heart swelled with the weight of their words, she couldn't stop the tears from pouring out. At that moment, she felt their love from them. And the experience they had seemed to only tighten the family together further.

As the embrace slowly eased, Yasuline gazed into her parents' eyes, her smile radiating with a newfound strength, knowing she was not alone. She had her family by her side, a pillar of support and unconditional love. And with their warmth filling her heart, she was ready to face whatever came her way with unwavering determination and the knowledge that she was loved.

"Let us go, you must be quite famished." Her mother says gently, still cooing over seeing her precious daughter.

"Oh, did I wake up in time for breakfast?"

"Afraid not. But, we thought best to just have our breakfast late for you."

On cue, her stomach began rumbling. Such a well-timed alarm only got them to laugh. Yasuline was unable to find her adventuring clothes, nor her runeblade or the mythril sword. But her stomach only made her dismiss the idea to search for them. Going with one of the sundresses she enjoys.

The royal family made their way down the hall, their steps deliberate and measured. The daylight streaming through the windows revealed the extent of the damage caused by the intense battle. Cracked walls, broken furniture, and scorch marks marred the once pristine corridors of the castle. The signs of the fierce fight were evident, a stark reminder of the turmoil they had endured.

As they walked, the workers of the castle hurried past them, engrossed in their tasks. They were busy repairing the damage and restoring order, their footsteps echoing in the halls. Although they were preoccupied with their duties, they still found moments to offer quick greetings and blessings to their rulers, a testament to their loyalty and dedication.

The king, queen, and princess acknowledged their subjects with nods and brief smiles, grateful for their hard work. It was heartening to see the castle bustling with activity, the resilience of their people shining through in the face of adversity.

Yasuline glanced at her parents, the shared concern evident in their eyes. They were determined to rebuild and restore, to ensure that their kingdom regained its strength and prosperity. The princess felt a sense of responsibility and determination welling up within her, knowing that she had a role to play in the recovery process.

The royal family walked together, their hands entwined, forming a united front. Their footsteps were synchronized, echoing through the grand hallway as they moved forward. The king's strong grip reassured his wife and daughter, a symbol of protection and guidance.

Yasuline looked up at her parents, their faces etched with determination. Her mother's gaze was unwavering, her eyes filled with a mix of strength and compassion. The queen's hand gently squeezed Yasuline's, conveying a silent message of love and support.

They continued their slow pace, taking in the scene around them. The workers' efforts were a testament to the resilience and unity of their kingdom. Even in the face of adversity, they stood strong, ready to rebuild and move forward.

Yasuline recognized a good majority of them, mainly from their faces during the events in that fateful night. She felt relieved to see them all well.

"Is everyone still here?" She asked.

"Oh, you mean the maids, guards, and such. Hmm, I would say a good amount of them have returned to work. There are still some that have not though. And that's perfectly fine. They still need to ensure their families back home."

"No one got hurt though, right?"

"None that have been reported. So any injuries were fairly minor."

As they reached the end of the hall, the royal family shared a brief moment of silence, their expressions filled with a mix of gratitude and determination. They were united in their purpose, ready to face the challenges ahead and rebuild their kingdom with unwavering resolve.

There, in the grand hall, stood a peculiar sight—a large gap in the wall that formed the entrance to the room. The remnants of the door frame revealed the aftermath of the intense battle that had taken place. Yasuline's gaze lingered on the damaged structure, memories flooding back of the confrontation with the mastermind behind the repeated attacks on the castle.

Inside the hall, a sturdy roundtable stood prominently, adorned with an array of tantalizing dishes. The plates were filled with steaming delicacies, their aroma wafting through the air, enticing Yasuline's senses. Her stomach growled in response, a reminder of her appetite.

With a mixture of hunger and anticipation, Yasuline found herself a seat and settled down, unable to resist the temptation of the feast before her. She took her first bite, savoring the burst of flavors that danced on her tongue. The food was indeed freshly made, a testament to the dedication of the castle's culinary staff.

"Shhhooo, goood." She says with heavenly delight.

As the delicious morsels satisfied her hunger, Yasuline's pace quickened. She became fully engrossed in her meal, her focus solely on the delectable dishes in front of her. With each bite, her enthusiasm grew, and a frenzy of feeding ensued. A stack of empty dishes quickly formed in front of her, evidence of her voracious appetite.

The joyful clatter of cutlery and the delightful mingling of flavors filled the hall. Yasuline reveled in this moment of indulgence, her worries momentarily forgotten as she embraced the simple pleasure of good food. It was a well-deserved respite, a moment to replenish her energy and find solace in the familiar comfort of a satisfying meal.

Amidst the flurry of activity, the grand hall seemed to come alive with warmth and contentment.

"Oh huh, do be more careful, you are getting your dress all dirty with stains and crumbs." Yasuline merely continues to eat, but slowly as her mother dociles over her and tries to clean the mess.

Once she was done, Yasuline's mother took a sip of her drink, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "You always were a messy girl. Remember that time, Yasuline, when you tried to sneak out of the castle dressed as a kitchen maid?"

Yasuline's face turned beet red and messy from jelly, and she laughed sheepishly. "M-mom, do we have to bring that up? I thought I was being so sneaky!"

Her father joined in the laughter, shaking his head. "Ah, yes. I recall finding you with flour all over your face and a broom in your hand, trying to blend in with the castle staff. You were determined to explore the world beyond those walls."

Yasuline's mother chuckled. "And the time you tried to tame that wild horse in the royal stables? I still remember the stable master's face when he found you hanging on for dear life!"

Yasuline grinned, leaning back in her chair. "Hey, it wasn't my fault that horse had a wild streak! I was just trying to prove that I could handle anything."

Her father raised an eyebrow playfully. "That one was the mildest one of them all! But anything, huh? Does that include negotiating peace treaties with neighboring kingdoms?"

Yasuline rolled her eyes, feigning exasperation. "Well, maybe not yet, but who knows? But I already know what I want to be, and when I am, I'll have you both so proud of me!"

Her mother nodded with a smile. "We've always been proud of you. You have the spirit and determination of our both, my dear. Just remember to keep a level head and listen to others."

Yasuline's father leaned back in his chair, his voice filled with pride. "Yes, we're proud of the woman you've becoming, Yasuline. You've grown into a strong and compassionate leader, just like we always hoped."

Yasuline's cheeks flushed with warmth as she looked at her parents. "Thank you, Mom, Dad. I couldn't have done it without your love and support. You've always believed in me, even when I doubted myself."

Her mother reached across the table, placing a hand on Yasuline's. "We'll always believe in you, my dear. You are our greatest joy and our legacy. Together, we'll continue to protect our kingdom and create a brighter future."

Yasuline smiled, her eyes sparkling with love and gratitude. "Thanks."

And with that, they clinked their glasses together, celebrating their bond and the shared journey that lay ahead.

As the discussion continued, Yasuline couldn't help but steal glances at the newly arranged seats. And then, as if guided by an unseen hand, a figure made their way to the table and took a seat. They appeared separate from the royal family, yet somehow they belonged, sitting among them without drawing any attention.

Intrigued and uncertain, Yasuline's curiosity grew. So too, did the number of guests at their table.

Seated to her left was a man dressed in exquisite robes, his posture exuding elegance. He looked to be a charismatic man with a magnetic smile. He possesses a charming face with warm brown eyes that seem to sparkle with mischief. His dark brown hair is styled in a suave manner, adding to his debonair appearance. Impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, exuding both charm and sophistication. His body language is relaxed and engaging, captivating the attention of those around him.

Across from Yasuline sat a woman, adorned in an intricately embroidered gown. A poised and elegant woman with a regal aura. She has piercing blue eyes, framed by a cascade of chestnut curls that fall gracefully around her face. She is dressed in a flowing gown of deep green, adorned with intricate embroidery and delicate lace. Her movements are graceful, and her posture exudes confidence and authority.

Next to the Countess was a man with a strong and commanding presence. A distinguished man of noble stature. He possesses a strong jawline and piercing gray eyes that reflect his keen intellect. His salt-and-pepper hair is neatly styled, and his beard is impeccably trimmed. He is dressed in a tailored suit of royal blue, exuding an air of sophistication.

In the corner, a young woman sat quietly, wearing simple yet refined clothing. A statuesque woman with a commanding presence. Her features are striking, with sharp cheekbones and piercing green eyes that exude confidence. Her ebony hair is intricately styled, and she wears a luxurious gown adorned with exquisite jewelry. The woman carries herself with poise and grace, each movement deliberate and measured.

Lastly, a jovial man with a twinkle in his eye occupied a seat near Yasuline's father. He was a distinguished elderly gentleman with a gentle demeanor. His face is adorned with a neatly trimmed white beard and kind, twinkling eyes that radiate wisdom. His silver hair is neatly combed back, adding to his refined appearance. Viscount Oswald is dressed in a tailored dark suit, exuding a sense of timeless elegance. His body language is calm and composed, reflecting his years of experience and wisdom.

Caliber, still bearing the scars of the recent battle, stepped into the scene. The room fell into a hushed silence as all eyes turned towards him, their gazes shifting from surprise to curiosity. His voice firm yet filled with a touch of weariness as he began, "I apologize for my late arrival, but urgent matters demanded my attention. I trust that the meal has been enjoyable thus far."

Yasuline whispered to her father, "Uh, dad, what is this?"

"Oh, did I forget to mention? We are having a roundtable meeting during breakfast."
