

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Yasu, the Adventurer - Yasu

As Yasuline prepared for her journey, she was presented with a carefully crafted adventurer outfit by one of the maids. It was definately the same outfit from the market that she had obtained for herself, but it was stitched back up from the rips it likely endured during the attack and also appeared to have some modifications to it.

The ensemble exuded a sense of both practicality and elegance, designed to withstand the rigors of the road while reflecting Yasuline's vibrant spirit.

The outfit consisted of a form-fitting tunic in shades of forest green, adorned with intricate embroidery along the edges. It was made from a durable yet comfortable fabric, allowing for ease of movement during her travels. The tunic featured a high collar, providing protection against the elements, while still allowing her to maintain a regal air.

Over the tunic, a long, flowing cape draped gracefully, its vibrant red color catching the eye. The cape, attached at the shoulders, was accented with delicate patterns reminiscent of blooming flowers and swirling vines. It symbolized the season of spring, reflecting Yasuline's lively and adventurous nature.

To complement the cape, a long red scarf was provided, designed to be wrapped around her neck and cascading down her back. The scarf served both as a fashionable accessory and a practical addition, providing an extra layer of warmth when needed and adding a touch of flair to her appearance.

In a thoughtful and sentimental gesture, the maid also presented Yasuline with a makeshift cape that once belonged to her father. It stuck out from the rest of the pieces of the fabric, but the history it has ensured it's importance to the princess. It was a precious relic, a reminder of his own adventures and the strength and resilience he possessed. The cape, neatly folded, was now repurposed as a decorative sash, wrapped around Yasuline's waist, symbolizing the legacy and bond she shared with her father.

Completing the ensemble were sturdy yet stylish leather boots, designed for long journeys and varying terrains. They were embellished with intricate lacing and adorned with small metal accents, adding a touch of elegance to her footwear while ensuring durability and practicality.

As Yasuline examined her adventurer outfit in the mirror, she felt a surge of excitement and determination. The attire encapsulated her newfound role as an explorer, blending functionality with a hint of royal elegance. It was a visual representation of her transition from princess to adventurer, and she wore it with pride.

With her cape, scarf, and the cape-sash, Yasuline embraced her father's spirit and carried a piece of him with her on her quest. She knew that this outfit would not only provide protection and comfort but also serve as a symbol of her purpose and the connection she had with her family.

As she adjusted her attire, Yasuline couldn't help but smile, feeling ready to embark on her adventure, to face the challenges and discoveries that awaited her beyond the castle walls. With her adventurer outfit as a visual manifestation of her resolve, she stepped out of her chambers, her heart filled with anticipation and the promise of new horizons.

Yasuline's parents beamed with pride as they witnessed their daughter's transformation into an adventurer. Her father nodded approvingly at her playful twirl, his pink beard shimmering in the sunlight.

"That's right, dear," he chuckled, "that old cape holds a touch of magic that will watch over you. It served me well in my own adventures, and now it's time for it to protect you on yours."

Her mother, with a serene smile, stepped forward and gently placed a hand on Yasuline's shoulder. "Indeed, my love. We have each bestowed our blessings upon you. The cape carries your father's strength and resilience, while the other items contain the love and well-wishes of those who care for you. They will serve as reminders of the support you have, even when you're far from home."

Yasuline's eyes welled up with gratitude, and she embraced her parents tightly. "Thank you, both of you. This means everything to me. I feel so blessed to have such amazing parents."

Her father ruffled her hair affectionately. "You've always been our adventurous spirit, Yasu. It was only a matter of time before you spread your wings and embarked on your own journey. We have faith in you, and we know you'll make us proud."

Her mother joined in the embrace, her voice filled with warmth. "Remember, our love will always be with you, no matter where you go or what challenges you face. You carry the strength and resilience of your heritage within you. Trust in yourself, and you will overcome any obstacle."

Yasuline wiped away a tear, a mixture of emotions swelling within her. She felt the weight of her parents' support and the belief they had in her abilities. With their blessings and the unique outfit they had prepared for her, she knew she was ready to face the unknown.

Taking a step back, Yasuline straightened her adventurer attire, feeling a surge of determination coursing through her veins. "I won't let you down, Mom, Dad. I'll make sure to return safely and with stories to share."

Her parents shared a knowing look, their eyes filled with unwavering confidence in their daughter. "We have no doubt about that, Yasu," her father said, his voice filled with pride.

As Yasuline turned to leave, her parents watched her with a mix of love and anticipation. They knew that this was her time to shine, to discover her own path and make her mark on the world.

Yasuline's eyes widened in surprise as she watched her father, the king, hold the runeblade in his hands. The blade seemed to resonate with his touch, as if acknowledging its former owner. She had always wondered about the origins of the weapon and its connection to her family, and now, her father's words confirmed her suspicions.

"Ha! Look at this old thing, still holding up well despite all the dust it's collected over the years," the King exclaimed with a playful smirk, as he grabbed the runeblade and began examining it.

"You... you used to wield the runeblade, Dad?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

The king nodded, his gaze fixed on the intricate engravings on the blade. "Yeah, Yasu. Back in the day, before I became the king, I was an adventurer like you. The runeblade was my trusty sidekick during those times. It helped me out in countless battles and became a symbol of my strength and determination."

Yasuline couldn't help but chuckle at her father's comment. It was refreshing to see him in such high spirits, reminiscing about his past adventures. She watched him closely, her eyes filled with curiosity and admiration for the man who stood before her.

"So, Dad, what kind of battles did you fight with this blade?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine interest.

The King's eyes sparkled with nostalgia as he recalled his daring escapades. "Oh, Yasu, this blade has seen it all! From slaying fearsome great beasts to facing off against notorious bandits. It was my trusty companion during countless quests and helped me overcome some of the toughest challenges."

Yasuline leaned in, her excitement growing. "Tell me more, Dad! I want to hear all about your adventures."

Her father chuckled, his gaze fixed on the intricate engravings adorning the runeblade. "Well, there was this one time when I ventured into the treacherous Forest of Shadows. The blade guided me through the darkness, and together, we vanquished the malevolent creatures lurking within. It was quite the adventure, let me tell you."

It sounded like the two would go on if it wasn't for her mother who let out a cough to halt such a derailment from occurring. "I think your two escorts are waiting for you now Yasuline. They said to meet up with you at the main entrance of Lux.

The king handed the runeblade to Yasuline, a nostalgic smile on his face. "Take good care of it, Lil' Sprout. It holds a special place in my heart, and now it's going to help you on your journey."

Yasuline, her heart filled with a mix of excitement and determination, looked at her father and spoke with conviction. "I promise, Dad, I'll wield the runeblade with honor and carry on your legacy. I won't let you down."

Her father's smile widened, pride evident in his eyes. "I know you won't, Yasu. You've got the strength, the courage, and the spirit of adventure. Now go, embark on your journey, and make your mark upon the world."

"And you're not just carrying his legacy, but mine as well. Mind your manners and take care of yourself out there. Don't make your mother worry, so send plenty of letters to us about your story."

With a final round of hugs and well-wishes, Yasuline bid farewell to her parents and Caliber, ready to set forth on her grand adventure. As she walked towards the main doors of the castle, her grip tightened around the hilt of her mythril sword, the azure glow reflecting her determination.

As Yasuline stepped through the grand doors and laid her eyes on the bustling city street, her heart skipped a beat. The familiar sight of the cheering crowd filled her with a sense of awe and gratitude. It was a stark contrast to the quiet confinement she had experienced within the castle walls for so long.

The cheers of the crowd resonated in her ears, growing louder with each step she took. She glanced at the faces of the townspeople, their eyes gleaming with excitement and pride. They stood at the sides of the street, creating a pathway for her, their beloved princess, to pass through.

Her eyes scanned the cheering crowd, recognizing familiar faces that she had grown up with. They were now smiling, applauding her, and expressing their joy at seeing her step outside the castle's confines. It was a moment she had longed for, a moment that symbolized her freedom and the beginning of her own journey.

As she walked down the center of the street, the cheers seemed to envelop her, filling her with a surge of energy and determination. The warmth of their support and love washed over her, and she couldn't help but smile back at them, her heart brimming with gratitude.

She felt a newfound sense of responsibility and purpose. The realization struck her that she was not only embarking on a personal adventure but also carrying the hopes and dreams of her people. The weight of their expectations spurred her forward, fueling her determination to make them proud.

Yasuline's steps became more confident, her shoulders squared, and her gaze focused on the horizon. The city street stretched before her, a pathway to endless possibilities and untold adventures. With each step, she embraced the cheers of the crowd, their love and belief in her propelling her forward. The princess was no longer confined within the castle walls. She was free to explore, to seek her own destiny, and to carve a path that would make her kingdom and her family proud.

As the cheering subsided into a chorus of well wishes and hopeful whispers, Yasuline continued her walk, the sound of her footsteps echoing with determination. She was no longer just a princess; she was an adventurer.

As Yasuline spotted Anna amidst the gathered crowd, a wide grin spread across her face. She couldn't contain her excitement and immediately called out to her friend.

"Anna?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. Anna, with her signature red hair, quickly made her way to the front, shyly waving at Yasuline. Before they knew it, they were engulfed in a warm hug, their friendship evident in their embrace.

"Glad to see you made it out of there, Pinky," Yasuline teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Pssh, still going to call me that after I saved the kingdom?" Anna retorted with a smirk.

Yasuline chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You may be a hero, but you're still the kind of girl who would leap before thinking."

Anna shrugged, a mischievous grin forming on her lips. "Hey, I'm still here, aren't I?"

Yasuline nodded, a mix of pride and fondness in her gaze. "Yeah, but not for long. Where are you off to?"

Anna's expression turned slightly secretive. "Umm, I don't know if I can even say. It's a super important quest my dad gave me."

Yasuline's curiosity was piqued, and she leaned in, her voice filled with anticipation. "Sounds important, befitting a hero. Well, it's convenient that I'm heading out of Lux as well."

Yasuline's excitement couldn't be contained as she exclaimed, "Oh, really?"

Anna nodded, a hint of excitement in her eyes. "Yup, got something to do, but I should be back in a couple of weeks. Maybe we might bump into each other, but otherwise, once you're back, we can do something else together. Hopefully, not falling into any more death traps."

Yasuline laughed, her voice filled with genuine amusement. "Sounds like a plan! I'll make sure to come back in one piece, and then we'll have some real adventures."

The two friends exchanged one last hug before parting ways temporarily, "Watch your back out there, Yasuline," The princess simply nods knowing that their paths would cross again in the future.

Yasuline approached the main gates of the capital, her attention drawn to the sight before her. The man in black, true to his charismatic nature, was surrounded by a group of women who seemed completely enthralled by his presence. His hands seemed to have a mind of their own, playfully repositioning themselves on their bodies, much to their delight. Nearby, the smaller boy was engrossed in play, enjoying the company of the children accompanying the women.

Amidst the commotion, the man in black noticed Yasuline's arrival and flashed her a charming smile. "Now now, sugar," he called out, his voice filled with playful charisma. "I promise to come back and sweep you all off your feet once again. But alas, duty calls, and I must earn the coin I've got. It shouldn't take too long, though."

Yasuline couldn't help but mess with the atmosphere, appreciating his confident yet lighthearted demeanor. "Take your time, but don't keep me waiting too long," she replied, her voice filled with a mix of amusement and anticipation.

That drew the man's attention and he bids farewell to his temporary admirers and rejoined Yasuline's side, ready to embark on the journey that awaited them, a quick call out the boy called Angel, and they seemed set.

Yasuline took a deep breath as she stepped outside the grand gates of the capital, her heart filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The air felt different here, carrying a hint of freedom and possibility. She glanced back at the towering walls of the city, the place she had called home for so long, and felt a pang of nostalgia.

With each step she took, the landscape unfolded before her eyes. The lush fields stretched out, adorned with vibrant flowers dancing in the gentle breeze. The scent of fresh earth and wildflowers filled her nostrils, rejuvenating her senses. It was a stark contrast to the confined corridors and structured routine she had known within the castle walls.

Yasuline's gaze swept across the horizon, taking in the rolling hills and distant mountains. The vastness of the world outside the capital beckoned to her, inviting her to explore its mysteries and forge her own path. She felt a surge of determination welling up within her, ready to face the challenges and embrace the unknown.

As she continued walking, a smile graced Yasuline's lips as each step placed, she grew more confident in her ability to navigate this new world and fulfill the quest that lay ahead.

"Alright, just keep acting natural until we reach that lone tree up on the hill there," the man in black whispered to Yasuline, his gaze fixed ahead. Even the child by his side walked with a newfound seriousness, mirroring his companion's demeanor. Gone were their carefree expressions, replaced by a vigilant and cautious aura.

Confusion flickered across Yasuline's face as she replied, "Um, okay then." She couldn't shake off her curiosity, wondering what awaited them at the solitary tree. Their behavior, once relaxed and lighthearted, had transformed into something guarded and wary.

Step by step, Yasuline tried to maintain a natural stride, though the air around them felt charged with anticipation. She stole occasional glances at the man in black, hoping for an explanation, but his focus remained fixed on their destination.

The lone tree loomed closer, its branches stretching skyward, seemingly reaching for the secrets held beyond their grasp. It stood as a silent sentinel, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their journey. Yasuline's heart quickened as they approached, aware that something significant awaited them beneath its sheltering canopy.

Finally reaching the tree, the man in black turned to Yasuline, his voice low and serious, "Princess, we've arrived. Prepare yourself for what lies ahead. This is where our true journey begins."

Yasuline nodded, a mix of anticipation and trepidation swirling within her. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself for the unknown that awaited beneath the tree's shade. In that moment, she realized that the path she had chosen would lead her to uncharted territories, both thrilling and daunting.

There, leaning against the tree, was someone Yasuline never expected to see—the White Reaper. His presence sent a shiver down her spine, but she noticed he faced away from the capital, ensuring his identity remained hidden. It was a clandestine meeting, known only to those involved.

"Well, she's finally out of that place," the man in black remarked, reverting to his casual and forward tone. He seemed unfazed by the Reaper's presence.

"We back, we back!" Angel chimed in, his enthusiasm evident as always.

The White Reaper nodded silently, his attention shifting to Yasuline. Slowly, he pulled back his hood, revealing his face—a sight she had never witnessed before. Her unease deepened, uncertain of what to expect from this enigmatic figure.

"O-oh wow, don't tell me they work for you," Yasuline blurted out, her nerves getting the better of her. The Reaper responded with a gesture indicating that her assumption was not entirely accurate. Fortunately, the man in black was too preoccupied with Angel climbing all over him to hear her remark.

"Well then, here's to us traveling together," Yasuline declared, extending her hand to formally initiate their companionship. The White Reaper nodded in agreement, accepting her hand for a firm shake.

"Yay, we get to travel with Yasu!" Angel cheered, his innocent excitement contagious.

Yasuline turned her head towards Angel, blinking in surprise. "Yasu? You mean me?"

"Yeah, Angel has trouble with long names," the man in black explained, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Hmm, Yasu. I like it. Okay, I'll be Yasu. Yasu the Adventurer," she mused, embracing her new moniker with a sense of excitement.

The White Reaper nodded in approval and revealed, "In that case, my name would be Naxiro. It's a shortened version of my full name—Naxelence Zero Dark. I look forward to this adventure with you, Yasu."

The journey ahead felt both exhilarating and uncertain, but with their newfound companionship, Yasu and Naxiro stood ready to face whatever awaited them, embarking on a path that would shape their destinies.