

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Trials of the Adventure King - Courage

Anna's fear of the White Reaper ran deep, rooted in a mixture of uncertainty and dread. It was a fear that stemmed from the whispers and tales she had heard, the legends and rumors that painted him as a figure of both heroism and treachery. Those who crossed paths with the White Reaper spoke of his otherworldly abilities, his mysterious origins, and the darkness that seemed to cling to him like a shadow. The weight of his reputation pressed upon Anna's heart, filling her with an unease she couldn't fully comprehend. It was the fear of the unknown, of the potential dangers lurking beneath the surface of his enigmatic persona.

Each flicker of his blue flames, each silent movement he made, sent a shiver down her spine. She couldn't help but wonder what secrets he held, what past he carried, and what consequences their association with him might entail. The fear was not only for herself but for the safety of Yasuline and their shared journey into the labyrinth. It was a fear that gnawed at her, urging her to question her choices, to tread cautiously in the face of the unpredictable and mysterious entity that was the White Reaper.

As Anna's gaze fell upon the White Reaper, a torrent of fear cascaded through her being, leaving its mark on every inch of her trembling frame. Her eyes widened, mirroring the intensity of her terror, as they locked onto the figure before her. A veil of anxiety draped over her features, etching lines of worry on her forehead and causing her brows to furrow in distress. Her hands, clasping the cloak tightly, shook uncontrollably, betraying the fear that coursed through her veins. Every fiber of her being seemed to recoil, as if trying to retreat from the presence that stood before her. Her body tensed, as if ready to flee at any moment, yet she remained rooted to the spot, unable to tear her gaze away. It was as though the weight of her fear anchored her in place, trapping her in a web of apprehension. The apprehensive flicker in her eyes and the quiver in her lips spoke volumes, betraying the depth of her unease. The fear that radiated from her was palpable, an aura of trepidation that surrounded her like a cloak, consuming her thoughts and clouding her judgment.

As Yasuline recognized the fear engulfing Anna, she took a cautious step forward, her movements slow and deliberate, as if traversing a treacherous precipice. Her outstretched hand trembled slightly, a gesture of reassurance and comfort. But as she inched closer, the White Reaper, too, began to advance, a seemingly innocent step that caused Anna's panic to escalate. Her eyes widened further, her breath catching in her throat, and her body teetered precariously on the edge of the bridge. Time seemed to stretch in that agonizing moment as Yasuline's heart raced with urgency. With a surge of adrenaline, she lunged forward, her limbs moving in a blur, and managed to catch Anna just in time, her arms wrapping around her, preventing her from tumbling into the abyss below. The weight of Anna's trembling body pressed against her own, and Yasuline could feel the intensity of Anna's fear radiating through her every touch. It was a fragile moment suspended in time, their collective fear mingling in the air as Yasuline fought to steady them both, providing a lifeline in the face of overwhelming terror.

"White Reaper!" Yasuline's voice trembled with a mix of urgency and desperation, her eyes pleading for assistance. "Help us, please!"

The White Reaper's intentions were undoubtedly well-intentioned, but even the slightest movement he made sent waves of terror rippling through Anna's fragile state. His attempt to reach out to Anna caused her panic to intensify, her body convulsing within Yasuline's grip. She squirmed and twisted, her movements wild and uncontrolled, threatening to unbalance them both.

"No, no, don't touch me!" Anna's voice quivered with unbridled fear. Her wide eyes darted between Yasuline and the White Reaper, mirroring the internal chaos consuming her. She clung to Yasuline's arm, her nails digging into the fabric of her clothes.

Yasuline's heart pounded in her chest, torn between her own survival instinct and her desire to calm Anna. "Please, White Reaper," she pleaded again, her voice strained. "Stay still. Don't move. We need to find another way to help her."

Understanding the urgency, the White Reaper halted all movements, his body frozen like a statue. His eyes reflected a mix of concern and frustration, a silent acknowledgement of the predicament they found themselves in. They stood there in the darkness, the weight of Anna's panic threatening to pull them over the edge of the bridge and into the unknown depths below.

"Are you out of your mind!? That's the White Reaper!" Anna's voice trembled with a mix of fear and disbelief, her eyes fixed on the figure before them.

"I know who he is, but he isn't as bad as the stories make him out to be!" Yasuline's voice quivered with determination, her gaze unwavering as she defended the White Reaper.

"This is no time for jokes! Haven't you ever heard of all the dead he has brought to Atlas?" Anna's voice rose with a mix of anger and desperation. "The burned village where he was born. The village that got buried in the mountains. The Queen of the Lunaclaw murdered!"

Yasuline's voice wavered for a moment, but her resolve remained firm. "Yes, I heard...some of those...stories...but! He still...saved...my life! He has been helping me all this time! And he wants to help you too!"

Anna's eyes widened, her grip tightening on Yasuline's arm. "It's all a trick, Yasuline! He still has blood in his hands. He has tasted blood! That makes him dangerous. Who knows what he could be plotting for us. He could just be trying to gain your trust to lead you to a terrible death!"

Despite Anna's resistance, Yasuline's determination grew stronger. She couldn't bear the thought of letting her friend fall to her death. A surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins, temporarily dulling the pain in her arms. With newfound strength, she pulled again, expecting to fail and feel the pain return, but to her surprise, she gained traction. Step by step, she managed to retreat, pulling Anna with her, their safety slowly becoming more certain with each passing moment.

As Yasuline was desperately catching her breath and ignoring the pulsing aches of her arms for pulling Anna to safely, she could see the White Reaper was walking to them to offer them a hand. But...

"But..." Anna mumbled. For one second, she looked up, only to see the White Reaper continue to stand there. Not doing anything that could have triggered a reaction. But...

The fear still lingered.

"BUT HE'S THE WHITE REAPER, HE'LL KILL EVERYONE!!" Anna's voice echoed through the cavern, filled with a terror that reverberated deep within Yasuline's core. She had never heard such intense fear in anyone before, and she understood its origins all too well. From the moment she stepped foot in the castle, she was taught to fear and despise the White Reaper. The stories of his atrocities were etched into her mind, passed down from generation to generation. But in just a brief moment of meeting him, that fear had dissipated, replaced by a sense of trust and something more profound.

Yet, as Anna's panic reached its peak, Yasuline couldn't deny the validity of her friend's words. The weight of their conflicting emotions bore down on her, threatening to consume her. She questioned her own judgment, wondering if she had been too naive, too easily swayed by her encounter with the enigmatic figure.

"We have to jump." Anna's voice cut through the chaos, her words possessing a fleeting strength and clarity.

"Huh?" Yasuline's voice faltered, her mind struggling to comprehend the sudden declaration.

Before she could react, Anna leaped off the bridge, still clutching onto Yasuline's hand. The force of her weight pulled them both towards the edge, and Yasuline found herself helpless against the overpowering momentum. She teetered on the precipice, their bodies tilting closer to the edge, and the world around them seemed to blur into a chaotic whirlwind.

The familiar sensation of free fall enveloped Yasuline once more, that eerie weightlessness that defied the laws of gravity. It was a sensation she had grown accustomed to in the labyrinth, but this time, it carried with it a sense of uncertainty and trepidation. As they descended into the abyss, Yasuline's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with a jumble of conflicting thoughts.

"Again!?" Yasuline's mind seethed with frustration as she dangled precariously on the edge. Just as she was about to plunge into the abyss, her other arm was seized, a strong grip preventing her from plummeting into the unknown. Her eyes widened as she realized it was the White Reaper who had reached out to save her. However, the uncertainty lingered in her mind. How long could he hold on? How much longer before their combined weight overwhelmed him?

Meanwhile, on the other side, Anna pulled with a desperate fervor, her grip on Yasuline's hand unyielding. It was as if she had transformed into a primal force, driven by sheer survival instincts. Yasuline felt the relentless tugs on her body, each one adding strain to her already aching arms. But it wasn't just the physical strain that worried her. She feared for Anna's grip faltering, for her friend to slip away into the darkness below.

"Anna, you have to stop!" Yasuline's voice resonated with a mix of urgency and fatigue, the weight of the situation bearing down upon her. The strain on her muscles was becoming unbearable, but her primary concern was Anna's escalating panic. She knew that the desperation in her friend's voice stemmed from a place of fear and survival instincts overriding rational thought. It was a fight or flight response, and in this moment, Anna's entire being was focused on escaping the clutches of the White Reaper.

"No! We have to fall. Even if there's a less than one percent chance of survival, we have to risk it!" Anna's voice trembled with panic, her words laced with an almost primal determination. It was clear that rationality had taken a backseat to the overwhelming need to escape. Her mind, body, and soul were aligned in their singular goal: to break free from the clutches of the White Reaper, no matter the cost.

She grows frustrated. Anna is in complete panic. No matter how many times she tries to talk to her, Anna refuses to listen and insists they must run away, or in this case, die, to get away from the White Reaper. Leaving him completely unable to help. Yasuline was left to do something to fix this situation. But what? It's not like she was taught anything useful back at home. She tries thinking harder. All she has to herself is her memories.

Yasuline's mind raced with vivid memories as she hung precariously on the edge, her heart pounding in her chest. It reminded her of a time long ago when fear had gripped her with a vice-like intensity. She was just a young girl then, when a terrible storm ravaged the kingdom, unleashing its wrath upon the capital. The wind howled, the rain poured relentlessly, and lightning streaked across the sky as a menacing threat. The accompanying thunder reverberated through the night, ensuring that sleep eluded even the bravest souls.

In the midst of the chaos, Yasuline sought solace, huddling beneath a table somewhere within the castle walls, alone. Her father, a youthful Caliber, and other guards had rushed to the capital to aid the troubled residents from flooding, crumbled homes, and panicked dullbeasts. She pressed her small hands tightly over her ears, attempting to shut out the cacophony of the storm. Her eyes clenched shut, blocking out the frightening flashes of lightning. But with each deafening peal of thunder, an echo of her own yelp resounded through the halls, stirring her curiosity.

To her astonishment, it was her mother. Her mother, who had always been a pillar of strength and unwavering calm, now trembled in the face of the tempest. Yasuline's heart swelled with a mix of concern and determination. Her mother hailed from a village nestled high above the clouds, where storms were unheard of. The residents there lived above the weather phenomena that plagued those on the ground, with the sun being present constant in a void of blue. Witnessing her mother's fear, Yasuline felt an unbreakable bond, a shared vulnerability that called her to be by her side.

Crawling out from her hiding place, Yasuline moved towards her mother, her footsteps barely making a sound amidst the raging storm. Her mother remained oblivious to her approach, lost in the depths of her fear. With delicate care, Yasuline reached out and placed a gentle hand upon her mother's trembling form. She could feel the shivers coursing through her mother's body, yet even her touch failed to break through the grip of fear that held her captive.

[Conditions Met. Unlocking the Unique Skill Series: Miracle]

[A new Skill has been unlocked. NEW: Miracle Skill: Soul Cleansing has been learned.]

[Miracle Skill: Soul Cleansing has been activated]

[Description: The User is able to cleanse a target from high emotions or negative statuses that affect the mental state. Can be categorized as Psychic Skill or Light Skill.]

Closing her young, innocent eyes, the little princess could sense an invisible veil of fear enveloping her mother. Determined to protect her, she conjured an image in her mind—a powerful gust of wind that would whisk away the shadows of apprehension. Silently, she willed the clouding presence to dissipate, gently whispering, "Shoo, shoo, go away."

As the imaginary wind blew through her thoughts, the oppressive shroud began to scatter, and a sense of relief washed over her mother. The tremors coursing through her body gradually subsided, and Yasuline could feel her mother's fear diminishing with each passing moment.

"Yasuline?" Her mother's voice broke through the silence, beckoning the young princess to open her eyes. And when she did, she beheld her mother's face once more, free from the grip of fear. In that tender exchange, Yasuline's mother realized the power her daughter held within herself—the ability to alleviate the fears that haunted those she loved.

Reflecting on that pivotal moment, Yasuline now understood that she had conquered her own fear of storms. Though other fears still lingered within her, they no longer had the power to reduce her to a cowering state. She had discovered a resilience, a strength that blossomed from deep within her, helping her face the unknown with courage and determination. She and her mother never once feared storms.

[Miracle Skill: Soul Cleansing has been activated]

Despite the excruciating strain tugging at her arms, threatening to dislocate them from their sockets, Yasuline sought solace in a deepening sense of tranquility. With each breath she took, she immersed herself in a rhythmic pattern—inhaling through her nose, exhaling through her mouth. The simple act of regulating her breath became an anchor, a lifeline amidst the chaos. And the White Reaper, ever perceptive, synced his own breaths with hers, becoming a steady force of support in the tempest of their struggle.

Yet, persistently, Anna's desperate tugs continued, unyielding in her determination to drag them both into the abyss. But Yasuline, undeterred, tapped into the reservoir of strength that lay within her. Closing her eyes, she summoned an image of Anna, her mind's eye revealing the suffocating mists of fear that engulfed her friend's very being. Tentacles of anxiety reached out, attempting to ensnare Yasuline's arm, but they faltered and dissipated against an invisible shield of resilience.

With her focus firmly anchored, Yasuline breathed out, and with each exhale, she witnessed the clouds of fear being gently blown away, dispersing into nothingness. It was a delicate dance between breath and visualization, as the weight of Anna's pulls gradually lessened. She was finding the once-fear stricken girl to be calm, surrendering to the healing balm of Yasuline's presence.

When the final remnants of fear evaporated, Yasuline called out to Anna, her voice a gentle reassurance amidst the chaos that surrounded them. "Anna, we're going to pull you up."

Timidly, Anna responded, her voice trembling with remnants of apprehension. "O-okay."

In perfect harmony, the White Reaper commenced the task of drawing Anna back to safety. With measured strength, he orchestrated their ascent, inch by painstaking inch. And finally, the two were rescued from the perilous edge. Yasuline, overwhelmed with relief, wrapped her arms around Anna, who willingly reciprocated the embrace. The intensity that once defined their encounter with the White Reaper had been replaced by a profound sense of trust and understanding.

To ensure that no lingering doubts remained, Yasuline felt compelled to convey the truth she had discovered through her own experiences. Her voice, brimming with sincerity, resonated with the desire to quell Anna's fears. "Listen, I know everyone has painted the White Reaper as a terrifying monster. But he's genuinely a good person. He's saved my life countless times, even from actual assassins who sought to harm me. I promise you, he is not here to hurt you."

Her words, imbued with conviction, hung in the air, carrying the weight of her unwavering trust in the enigmatic figure known as the White Reaper.

Anna's gaze locked onto Yasuline's, her eyes searching for any hint of deception or hidden agenda. Yet, as her gaze shifted to the White Reaper, her body remained surprisingly calm, no longer recoiling in fear. Slowly, she nodded, her voice laced with a fragile vulnerability. "Okay. I'll... I'll trust you."

Yasuline's smile blossomed, a mix of relief and gratitude for Anna's willingness to believe in her words. Rising to her feet, she extended her hand to Anna, a gesture of support and solidarity. "Come on, let's get up."

As their hands connected, Anna allowed herself to be lifted, her tentative grip on trust strengthening with each passing moment. A long pause stretched far too long. Yasuline was still in that calming trance, going as long as she needed to be while Anna's mind seemed to be recollecting itself and her thoughts on the man of death that stood before her. A tickle of that fear from previous still lingered around her, but as she too repeated the breathing pattern, it evaporated and no longer did the White Reaper looked like the embodiment of death. A man with a skull for a head and a murderous stare in it's black voided eye sockets, he looked like how he was before. A apathetic man with strange clothing.

As they stood face to face, Anna's curiosity bubbled to the surface once more. She looked into Yasuline's eyes, a hint of determination in her voice. "So, the White Reaper, huh? Okay. But with that settled, I have to ask again..." Her gaze remained locked with Yasuline's, seeking answers. "Who are you?"

Yasuline's expression softened, understanding the importance of this question. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before responding with a mix of pride and vulnerability. "Oh. Well, I suppose since we're opening up to each other... Ahem! My name is Yasuline Mona Lights. I am the Princess of Lumines."