

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Trials of the Adventure King - Companions

Anna stood there, her eyes wide with realization, a mix of awe and disbelief washing over her features. How had she not connected the dots earlier? It was common knowledge, ingrained in everyone's minds. The princess's name was Yasuline, Yasuline Mona Lights. And her unmistakable pink hair, a striking resemblance to her mother's. Anna's hand instinctively flew to her cheeks, her palm connecting with her skin in a sharp slap, as if trying to jolt herself out of her own obliviousness.

Without hesitation, Anna dropped to her knees, her head bowing before Yasuline. The sudden display of deference caught Yasuline off guard, her eyes widening in surprise. "Eh!?"

"I apologize, your majesty," Anna's voice trembled with a mix of awe and embarrassment. "I have behaved pathetically in front of you! I should have recognized your true identity earlier."

Yasuline's heart sank as she witnessed Anna's reaction. She reached out, her voice filled with concern. "Please, Anna, there's no need for such formalities. I'm still the same friend who longs for adventure. Titles and positions shouldn't change that."

"But... you're the princess!" Anna's voice wavered, a hint of desperation seeping through her words. "I can't simply treat you as a commoner. I understand the importance of the roles and positions between commoners, nobles, and the royal family."

Yasuline's brows furrowed with a mixture of frustration and compassion. She looks over at the White Reaper for support. He simply gestures to her on a more gentle approach. She took a step closer to Anna, her hand gently resting on her shoulder. "Anna, I appreciate your respect, but I want you to understand that our friendship goes beyond titles and positions. I value you as a person, as my friend, not just as a subject."

"But, you see, I'm not here as a royal member of the Lights," Yasuline explained earnestly, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "I'm just Yasuline, a girl who has spent most of her life confined within the castle walls."

Anna's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and curiosity dancing within them. "Really? You were never allowed to leave the castle?"

Yasuline nodded, her expression tinged with both sadness and relief. "Yes, it was quite restrictive. I missed out on so much. But thanks to the arrival of the White Reaper, everything changed. He played a crucial role in granting me the opportunity to venture beyond those castle walls. And, as fate would have it, I also met you, my dear friend."

Anna blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of crimson that matched her vibrant hair. The realization that the princess considered her a friend sent a warm flutter through her heart. However, Yasuline couldn't resist teasing her newfound companion, her playful side shining through.

"Oh my, look at you blushing!" Yasuline teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Your cheeks are as red as your hair. You're absolutely adorable!"

Anna stammered, trying to defend herself, but Yasuline only continued to shower her with affection, nuzzling their faces together. The playful banter between them continued for a few minutes until Anna finally managed to regain her composure, the revelation of Yasuline's royal identity no longer overwhelming her.

"Well, okay then," Anna replied, her voice more composed. "Now that I know I'm leading the Princess and the White Reaper down to the Labyrinth, what's our plan?"

Yasuline's eyes sparkled with determination. "Our plan remains the same. We must explore the depths of the Labyrinth and locate the missing adventurers, ensuring their safe return."

Anna nodded, a sense of purpose filling her. "Right, then. Shall we set forth on our journey?"

Yasuline smiled, her hand reaching out to grasp Anna's. "Absolutely. Together, we'll face whatever challenges lie ahead. Adventure awaits, my friend."

As they continued walking down the bridge, Yasuline decided to recount some of the events that had unfolded back at the castle, eager to share her experiences with Anna. She began by describing her initial encounter with the enigmatic figure known as the White Reaper, detailing how he had saved her from the clutches of the notorious Hellfire Gang.

"Can you believe it? The Hellfire Gang resurfaced, even though everyone thought they were done for after that raid," Yasuline exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of astonishment and concern.

Anna raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "So, what happened? What did Caliber say about them?"

Yasuline sighed, frustration evident in her tone. "Caliber mentioned something cryptic before I fell asleep. He hinted that the gang was attempting to complete some ominous task, but he refused to elaborate further when I pressed for more information. That's why he's so infuriating!"

Anna nodded in understanding, her mind swirling with questions. "And the White Reaper? Did he shed any light on the situation?"

Yasuline's gaze shifted towards the White Reaper, who was lighting their path with his mystical blue flames. The makeshift torch they had fashioned had been lost amidst their encounter with the dire rats, and now the White Reaper's flames illuminated the surroundings more effectively. It was a powerful and haunting sight, but one that carried the weight of his reputation.

"He didn't reveal much either," Yasuline admitted, a tinge of frustration in her voice. "But I suppose it's understandable. That blue flame is forever associated with the White Reaper, and he must have his reasons for keeping certain things hidden."

As they reached the end of the bridge, the trio found themselves standing in a cavernous section of the Labyrinth. However, Yasuline's attention was drawn to a ladder protruding from the side of the bridge, leading downward.

"Look, there's a ladder here!" Yasuline pointed out excitedly, noticing the metal rungs sticking out from the bridge's side before the stone pattern abruptly ceased, giving way to a more earthen structure.

Anna pondered their options, contemplating their next move. "If we go down, we might delve even deeper into the Labyrinth, but there's a chance we might find an exit if we keep going straight. What do you think, Yasuline?"

A mischievous grin crossed Yasuline's face. "Just call me Yasuline. Or, if you prefer, you can call me Leader!"

"Really?" Anna's eyes widened in surprise.

"Of course! It's nice to be reminded of my role in this group," Yasuline declared with a hint of pride.

Anna chuckled, genuinely amused. "So, I guess I'm the brains of the operation, huh? Since I talk and supposedly know what I'm talking about?"

Yasuline nodded playfully, leaning against the White Reaper, who lazily struck a pose, flashing a victory sign. "Exactly! You're our brains, and our muscle and main fighter here is the White Reaper. We make a pretty great team, don't we?"

The labyrinth seemed to stretch endlessly before them, its dark corridors winding and twisting in every direction. With Yasuline leading the way, the trio embarked on their exploration, their footsteps echoing ominously through the labyrinthine passages.

As they ventured deeper, the air grew heavy with an unsettling silence, broken only by the sound of their own breaths. Each step they took was accompanied by a sense of anticipation, as if the very walls of the labyrinth were watching their every move.

Yasuline's instincts guided them, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Anna, with her newfound role as the group's strategist, analyzed the layout of the labyrinth, searching for clues and patterns that could lead them to their goal. The White Reaper, ever vigilant, his presence shrouded in mystery, kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, ready to defend them from any lurking threat.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled, sending shockwaves through their bodies. A section of the floor gave way, revealing a gaping chasm below. Yasuline's quick reflexes saved them from certain doom as she leaped back, pulling Anna and the White Reaper away from the crumbling edge. Stones cascaded into the abyss, disappearing into the darkness below.

Breathing heavily, their hearts pounding with adrenaline, they realized how close they had come to disaster. With newfound caution, they continued their journey, stepping carefully, testing each surface before proceeding. The labyrinth seemed determined to challenge them, its crumbling floors and falling stones serving as treacherous obstacles at every turn.

Yet, the trio pressed on, undeterred by the labyrinth's attempts to thwart their progress. They moved as a cohesive unit, relying on each other's strengths and instincts. Yasuline's courage and determination, Anna's strategic thinking, and the White Reaper's unwavering presence provided them with the resilience to face whatever lay ahead.

The labyrinth seemed to taunt them, its twisting corridors leading them in circles, offering dead ends and false paths. But they persisted, their determination fueled by their shared goal and unyielding friendship. The walls of the labyrinth whispered ancient secrets, the air growing thicker with mystery and intrigue.

And so, they continued their perilous journey, navigating through the labyrinth's treacherous terrain, barely avoiding crumbling floors and falling stones. Every step brought them closer to their destination, but the challenges seemed to multiply, testing their resolve at every turn. Yet, their bond remained unbreakable, their trust in each other unwavering, as they forged ahead, ready to face whatever trials awaited them in the labyrinth's depths.

After what felt like an eternity of navigating the labyrinth, the trio came upon a magnificent stone door adorned with intricate carvings and symbols. It stood before them like a sentinel, guarding the secrets that lay beyond. The door's surface shimmered with a subtle iridescence, as if it held the essence of countless stories waiting to be unraveled.

Yasuline's eyes widened in awe as she traced her fingers along the elaborate engravings. The carvings depicted scenes of valiant warriors battling mythical creatures, their determination and bravery immortalized in stone. At the center of the door, a prominent inscription caught their attention. It read, "The Trials of the Adventure King."

"The Adventure King." Yasuline repeats.

Anna exclaims a strange noise of excitement, much to the princess' surprise. She didn't hesitate on going ahead to example the door further.

"Is this really it?" She can be heard saying to herself. She continued to ramble, but it was too hard of hearing.

Curiosity ignited within the group as they realized the significance of this door. It seemed to offer a challenge, an opportunity for anyone daring enough to prove themselves worthy. Yasuline's heart raced with excitement as she contemplated the trials that awaited them. Anna's analytical mind was already abuzz, deciphering the cryptic symbols and searching for clues. The White Reaper's gaze remained steady, his expression inscrutable, as if he held ancient knowledge of what lay beyond the door.

"This feels, very different from the rest of the stuff we come across," Anna comments as her eyes wandered around their surroundings, noticing that the atmosphere changed drastically as well.

As they examined the door, they noticed the exquisitely crafted handles, adorned with gilded patterns that seemed to dance under the flickering torchlight. The handles, shaped like mythical beasts, were cold to the touch, sending a shiver down their spines. Yasuline gripped one handle, while the White Reaper grasped the other, their hands intertwining with the intricate design.

With a collective breath, they exerted their strength, pushing against the resistance of the door. Slowly, it creaked open, revealing a passage that seemed to stretch into infinite darkness. A gust of cool air rushed past them, carrying with it a faint whisper, almost indiscernible. The words echoed in their ears, originating from within the depths of the door:

"Hear ye, noble adventurers, for the Adventure King beckons thee,

To embark on a journey, where trials and glory intertwine to see.

In realms unseen, where courage is tested and legends unfold,

I present to thee challenges, tales of valor yet untold.

From the hallowed halls of time, these trials have emerged,

Crafted with purpose, where destiny is forged.

Each trial shall test thy strength, thy wisdom, thy will,

A true test of character, an opportunity to fulfill.

Should thou face my protector, a creature of might,

Conquer it with valor, emerge from the daunting fight,

And the spoils of victory shall be thine to claim,

Strength and power bestowed upon thy name.

Venture into the realm of intellect, where puzzles thrive,

Solve them with wit and cunning, let thy brilliance arrive.

For those who prevail, the treasures shall be grand,

Knowledge and insight, the rewards at hand.

In the darkest chamber, where shadows dance in glee,

Thy willpower shall be challenged, but fear not, for thee,

For those who defy death's call, a reward awaits,

Unyielding resolve, as courage elevates.

Beyond these trials lie tales of triumph and fame,

Whispered by the winds, carried by the flame.

So gather thy spirit, with hearts brave and true,

Embark on this quest, and let thy dreams come into view.

For the Adventure King, I offer thee this chance,

To write thy own legend, to partake in this grand dance.

So step forth, valiant souls, embrace the call,

And may the rewards of these trials be yours, one and all."

"These trials. They seem to be impressive and such, but it doesn't seem like anyone has been here but us."

"It IS inside the labyrinth. Trust me, many people have tried to find this place."

"It's that famous?"

"More like the Adventure King had announced it as a challenge for all the adventurers in the world. I was there," She took a deep breath, reminiscing the time she saw the Adventure King last.

Anna clicks her tongue and folds her arms, "Can you imagine, Yasuline?" Anna's voice quivered with anticipation. "The Adventure King, renowned for his legendary exploits, had the audacity to hide his treasures within these very trials. It's as if he beckoned to the bold and fearless, whispering, 'Come forth, seekers of my gold and glory.'"

As Anna finished explaining the Adventure King's trials, her excitement radiated through her words. Yasuline listened intently, her eyes widening with each revelation. The notion of hidden treasures and the chance to prove herself as the Adventure King sparked a fire within her. Thoughts of grandeur and the possibilities that lay ahead danced in her mind.

"Yes, Anna! This is the opportunity we've been waiting for!" Yasuline exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of determination and eagerness. "To follow in the footsteps of the Adventure King and claim his legacy, it's a dream come true!"

The trials awaited, and they were ready to face them head-on. With cautious steps, they ventured into the passage, the door closing behind them with a resounding thud. Their hearts beat in unison, anticipation mingling with a mixture of apprehension and excitement.

As they walked deeper into the unknown, the torchlight flickering and casting elongated shadows on the stone walls, they couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline. They were on the threshold of something extraordinary, embracing the challenge set before them by the legendary Adventure King.