

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Lorna Labyrinth - Ambush

The trio, finally out of immediate danger, found a moment to catch their breath and gather their wits. They sat down on a worn stone ledge, their backs against the cool, moss-covered wall of the labyrinth. Anna let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders sagging with the weight of the recent chase.

Yasuline's eyes scanned their surroundings, taking in the eerie beauty of the labyrinth's design. The walls were ancient, adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to tell tales of forgotten heroes and lost civilizations. Faint rays of light filtered through narrow cracks, casting a mysterious glow on the labyrinth's winding paths. "Can you believe it?" Yasuline murmured, her voice filled with awe and exhaustion. "The design of this labyrinth is both fascinating and treacherous. It's like a labyrinth within a labyrinth."

Anna, her brows furrowed in contemplation, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. It's as if the labyrinth itself is alive, constantly shifting and challenging those who dare to venture within its depths. No wonder so few have ever made it out."

The White Reaper, ever the enigmatic presence, remained silent, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of further danger. His focus was unwavering, his keen instincts always at the ready. As the others took in their surroundings, the labyrinth seemed to whisper secrets to them—whispered secrets of ancient mysteries and hidden treasures. But it also whispered warnings, cautioning them of the perils that awaited them deeper within.

Anna let out a frustrated sigh, breaking the silence. "This labyrinth is infuriating. It seems to mock us at every turn, with its twisting paths and deceptive illusions. But we can't let it defeat us. We have to press on."

Yasuline, her eyes filled with determination, nodded. "You're right, Anna. We've come this far, and we can't turn back now. We'll overcome every challenge this labyrinth throws at us. Together."

A sense of camaraderie enveloped them, binding their resolve. They were a team, united by their shared goal and the unyielding spirit that burned within each of them. The labyrinth may be unforgiving, but they were determined to uncover its secrets and fulfill their purpose. In that moment, as they caught their breath and absorbed the labyrinth's atmosphere, they knew they had grown stronger. The chase had tested their mettle, but it had also strengthened their bond. They were ready to face the labyrinth's next trial, knowing that their unity and resilience would guide them through the darkest of paths.

The trio caught their breath in the labyrinth's embrace, their minds shifted to the next course of action. Once they came across a good spot to rest, the soft flickering of the White Reaper's mystical flames providing a dim illumination to their conversation.

Yasuline, her eyes filled with determination, spoke first. "Now that we have settled down here, We should start out quest on finding those missing adventurers. They're counting on us. It's our duty to rescue them and bring them back to safety."

Anna crossed her arms, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I understand your sentiment, Yasuline, but we also have to consider our own survival. This labyrinth is treacherous, and getting out of here alive should be our top priority."

The White Reaper stood silently, his presence commanding attention. Though his face remained hidden behind his mask, his stance conveyed a sense of caution and pragmatism.

Yasuline's voice grew more passionate as she defended her stance. "I can't abandon those adventurers in need, Anna. We can't just turn a blind eye to their plight. They're relying on us, just as I relied on you both when we first entered this labyrinth."

Anna sighed, her voice tinged with concern. "I understand your heart is in the right place, Yasuline, but we have to be realistic. This labyrinth is unforgiving. Venturing deeper might lead us to our demise. We need to think of the bigger picture."

Her arms folded under her chest that repeatedly swayed up and down from the heavy breathing. Each breath only rejuvenated her annoyance on the fact she was back in the labyrinth and even deeper than she was before. She knew she was lucky to have escaped the first time. But the chances of leaving now is minimal. And there was two reasons why.

"There is no point in rescuing these adventurers if we can't even escape Lorna on our own. We must focus on finding a way out. Then, you can crawl back down here and find them. Without me, no amount of coin will convince me otherwise."

Yasuline's brows furrowed as she grappled with the conflicting priorities. "I can't bear the thought of leaving them behind, Anna. I know the risks, but we're stronger together. We have a chance to make a difference! We need to find them and then together, our chances on escaping will rise for sure!"

Anna, knowing no other words would convince this girl simply shook her head.

The White Reaper broke the tension with a clap. Anna and Yasuline turned their attention to the White Reaper. They fell into contemplative silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

After a moment, Anna spoke, her tone softened. "Yasuline, I understand your desire to save those adventurers. We're taking a big risk. We'll search for them, but we won't lose sight of our own safety. We'll remain vigilant and assess the situation as we go."

Yasuline's eyes brightened, gratitude filling her voice. "Thank you, Anna. I know it won't be easy, but together we can find a way to save them and find our own path to freedom."

In an instant, the atmosphere shifted. The White Reaper's arm shot up, commanding attention and demanding silence. The trio froze, their hearts pounding in anticipation. Silence enveloped them, heightening their senses, as if time itself held its breath.

Then, a faint sound reached their ears, a delicate pitter-patter echoing through the labyrinth's depths. The sound danced in the air, a tantalizing tickle that drew their attention. It was the sound of something approaching, something unknown.

Anna's body tensed, and her eyes widened with a mixture of fear and determination. She swiftly rose from her seat, instinctively seeking solace and protection in the presence of the White Reaper. She pressed herself against him, seeking comfort and safety amidst the uncertainty.

Yasuline mirrored Anna's reaction, her own instincts kicking in. Her eyes darted in the opposite direction, scanning the darkness, her hand firmly gripping the hilt of her blade. A wave of excitement surged through her, a mix of adrenaline and anticipation, as she braced herself for whatever may come.

A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Yasuline's lips, her excitement barely contained. It was a thrill she couldn't deny, a surge of anticipation that electrified her. The unknown stirred within her, a adventurer's spirit ready to face any challenge head-on. "It's terror time again." The princess says quietly to her allies.

The trio stood united, their body language a reflection of their emotions. Anna sought shelter, seeking protection in the White Reaper's presence. Yasuline, on the other hand, faced the unknown, her grip on her blade revealing her readiness to confront any threat.

Though their expressions differed, a shared determination burned in their eyes. They were prepared to face whatever awaited them, together. In that moment, the silence and the subtle pitter-patter in the air were met with a resolute silence, an unspoken agreement to confront their fears and overcome the challenges ahead.

As the trio stood on the narrow bridge, a sense of unease settled over them like a heavy shroud. The air around them seemed to darken, carrying an ominous presence that sent chills down Yasuline's spine. She couldn't help but feel that a lurking shadow prowled just beyond the safety of their illuminated circle.

The bridge they traversed was precarious, its width barely accommodating the three of them side by side. Yet, the unsettling noises that reached their ears seemed to originate from somewhere far off the edge of the bridge, adding to the tension that hung in the air.

Yasuline's voice broke the silence, laced with concern. "Do you think it's a dire rat?"

Anna shook her head, her eyes scanning the darkness beyond their immediate sight. "It's hard to say. We know so little about what lies in these depths. But dealing with one dire rat alone would already be a challenge. Their bites can inflict random poison effects if left untreated."

Yasuline's bravado masked a hint of nervousness. "Well, easy enough. Just don't get bitten, right?"

A cackling sound echoed through the labyrinth, the scraping of stone against stone, followed by a soft thud that reverberated through the bridge. The unknown threat had landed on their path, directly targeting them.

Anna sought refuge behind the White Reaper, gripping onto his cloak as her shield. Yasuline, driven by determination, leaned forward on her foot, preparing to confront their adversary head-on.

The anticipation reached its peak as the source of the disturbance finally emerged from the shadows. Another dire rat came into the light, its grotesque appearance surpassing their expectations. It loomed larger than anticipated, a menacing figure ready to engage in battle.

"Ew, it looks even more disgusting up close," Yasuline couldn't help but comment, her disgust mingled with a spark of defiance.

Unfazed by their presence, the dire rat continued its relentless advance. Each step it took only intensified Anna's fear, prompting her to seek shelter behind the protective stance of the White Reaper. His defensive posture, instinctually oriented towards safeguarding the princess, left Anna with no choice but to forcefully pull him back to her, ensuring her own protection.

Frustrated by the hesitation that seemed to linger in the air, Yasuline's patience wore thin. Determination flashed in her eyes as she took matters into her own hands. With a resolute grip on the hilt of her sword, she swiftly drew the weapon from its sheath, the metallic blade glinting in the dim light. Two hands firmly clasped around the handle, she prepared herself for what lay ahead.

A charging roar erupted from Yasuline's lips, a battle cry that echoed through the labyrinth's depths. She propelled herself forward, closing the distance between her and the looming foe with remarkable speed. Fear and doubt were replaced by a surge of adrenaline, fueling her every move.

Anna's voice pierced through the chaotic atmosphere, her tone laced with concern and urgency as she called out Yasuline's name. The princess's impulsive act had caught her off guard, leaving her momentarily startled and unable to react in time.

But Yasuline pressed on, unwavering in her resolve. Her footsteps resonated with determination as she confronted the dire rat head-on. The clash between human and beast became imminent, the air crackling with anticipation as their paths collided.

Yasuline's sword descended with determined force, aimed at the looming dullbeast. However, her strike proved too slow, a fraction of a second behind the creature's agile reflexes. With surprising nimbleness for its size, the fat creature leaped backward, evading the impending blow.

The dullbeast's movements were swift, its body contorting with a predatory grace. In the blink of an eye, it transformed from the defensive posture to a poised position, ready to retaliate. Its beady eyes gleamed with a sinister glint, filled with an instinctual determination to defend itself.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Yasuline's veins as she realized her attack had been thwarted. She instinctively braced herself, prepared to defend against the imminent counterstrike. The air crackled with tension as the dullbeast, no longer on the defensive, prepared to unleash its own ferocious assault. She gripped her sword tighter, her knuckles turning white, readying herself for the impending clash.

"No way!" Yasuline's exclamation rang out, a mix of disbelief and determination. She pushed her body to its limits, summoning every ounce of strength to propel herself into a defensive position, bracing for the impending impact of the dire rat's attack.

The world around her blurred as adrenaline surged through her veins. In a split second, Yasuline's instincts kicked in, guiding her body to react with great speed. She twisted her torso, angling it just enough to minimize the rat's chances of inflicting a devastating blow. Her arms moved in a swift defensive arc, raising her sword as a shield, aiming to intercept the dire rat's claws and teeth.

A heart-stopping clash of steel and fur erupted as the dullbeast's attack met Yasuline's resolute defense. The force of the impact reverberated through her body, threatening to knock her off balance. Yet, she held firm, muscles straining under the strain of the encounter. The stench of the creature's hot breath filled the air as its jaws snapped shut inches from Yasuline's face. She could feel the rush of displaced air, the sharpness of its teeth mere centimeters from her skin. Every fiber of her being screamed with the knowledge that the slightest misstep could lead to disastrous consequences.

In the midst of the life-and-death struggle, an unexpected force tugged at the back of Yasuline's outfit, yanking her away from the clutches of the dire rat. Startled and bewildered, she turned her gaze to the side, only to find the enigmatic figure of the White Reaper swiftly passing by her. Time seemed to momentarily stand still as the White Reaper extended a limb towards the vicious creature, its gnarled fingers closing around the rat's wriggling form. The scene unfolded like a macabre dance, the Reaper's grip akin to that of a needy parasite, gripping the dire rat with an iron resolve.

Yasuline's shock transformed into a mix of relief and awe as she witnessed the White Reaper's unexpected intervention. The mysterious figure had come to her aid, his actions defying her previous perception of his aloof nature. His presence, albeit unexpected, offered a glimmer of hope in the midst of their perilous encounter.

Behind the White Reaper, Anna swiftly moved to catch Yasuline, her arms outstretched, ready to provide support and ensure her safety. The merchant's eyes held a mixture of concern and determination as she guided the princess away from the ongoing struggle. The grip of the cloak that had previously kept them close was released, a sacrifice made to ensure Yasuline's rescue.

Yasuline's heart raced, her mind filled with a mixture of gratitude and confusion. The tableau before her, with the White Reaper fending off the dire rat and Anna at her side, was a testament to the unlikely alliance that had formed in the face of danger. Driven by a surge of determination, Yasuline propelled herself forward, her muscles tensed and ready for action. With each step, her heart pounded in her chest, fueling her resolve to vanquish their relentless foe. The weight of her sword in her hands brought her a sense of reassurance and purpose.

As she closed in on the skirmish, Yasuline's grip on her sword tightened, her knuckles turning white. The anticipation electrified the air around her, every fiber of her being focused on the imminent strike. With a primal cry, she brought her blade down with all her might, the metal slicing through the air with a resolute determination.

The sound of steel meeting flesh reverberated through the narrow confines of the labyrinth. Yasuline could feel the resistance as her sword cleaved through the thick fur of the dire rat, severing its connection with the White Reaper's arm. The creature convulsed in response to the strike, its contorted form twisting and writhing in a futile attempt to escape its impending fate. With a final twitch, the dire rat succumbed to its injuries, its lifeless body falling limply onto the bridge. Yasuline's breaths came in heaving gasps, the adrenaline coursing through her veins like a wild current. A mixture of relief and satisfaction washed over her as she beheld the still form of their fallen adversary.

Her eyes shifted to the White Reaper, his presence a silent pillar of strength amidst the chaos. In that moment, their unity was palpable, their shared victory a testament to their unwavering determination. With a subtle nod, the White Reaper affirmed the culmination of their efforts, the dire rat's threat vanquished and their path forward cleared.

A flicker of movement caught Yasuline's attention as the White Reaper, a figure shrouded in mystery and power, swept the lifeless creature off the bridge. Its descent into the abyss below marked the final act, removing any trace of their encounter with the dire rat. In the depths of the labyrinth, out of sight became out of mind.

With a surge of triumph coursing through her veins, Yasuline couldn't contain her jubilation. She clenched her fist tightly, her knuckles turning white, and let out an exuberant cheer. Her body quivered with a mixture of adrenaline and pride as she hopped in place, a victorious smile spreading across her face. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she extended two fingers, forming a triumphant "V" sign in the air.

"Take that, Caliber! How do you like me now?" Yasuline exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of satisfaction and playful taunting. The joy of her first battle won washed over her, empowering her with a sense of accomplishment. She reveled in the moment, relishing the sweet taste of victory.

Beside her, the White Reaper stood silently, his enigmatic gaze fixed upon Yasuline. His nod, subtle yet profound, served as an acknowledgment of her achievement. It was a gesture that spoke volumes, expressing his quiet admiration for her courage and skill.

Yasuline's expression shifted from exuberance to concern as she noticed the state of the White Reaper's arm, which had borne the brunt of the dire rat's vicious assault. Sympathy welled up within her, and she reached into her pack, retrieving a small vial emitting a faint, soothing green glow.

"Ah, that looks bad," Yasuline remarked, a note of worry tinging her voice. "But fear not! I had the foresight to prepare a healthy potion just for moments like these." Her voice laced with a touch of smugness. With a flourish, she presented the vial to the White Reaper, her eyes gleaming with confidence. He accepted it graciously, the gratitude evident in his movements.

With a careful hand, he allowed a few drops of the healing potion to trickle onto his wounded arm, the liquid seeping into the cuts like a soothing balm. The potent elixir wasted no time in its work, its magical properties accelerating the healing process. Yasuline watched in awe as the cuts gradually faded, the damaged flesh regenerating before her eyes.

The White Reaper, now armed with a dry cloth, gently wiped away the remnants of the wounds, leaving behind nothing but unblemished skin. The transformation was remarkable, as if the injuries had never occurred. Yasuline's pride swelled, a testament to her resourcefulness and foresight.

Yasuline's satisfaction from their recent victory quickly faded as she noticed the change in Anna's expression. Her once triumphant smile transformed into a look of concern and curiosity. She turned her gaze towards Anna, her eyes widening at the sight that met her.

Anna stood there, her hands tightly clutching a cloak, her knuckles turning white from the force. The fabric twisted and contorted in her grasp, as if she was attempting to wring the life out of it. Her eyes were wide, filled with a mix of fear and disbelief, while her trembling lips struggled to form words that barely escaped as a faint muttering.

Yasuline's heart skipped a beat as realization dawned upon her. The White Reaper, standing there with his mystical blue flames still illuminating the surroundings, was now exposed in all his enigmatic glory. The realization hit her like a thunderbolt, sending a chill down her spine.

"It's him," Anna finally managed to utter, her voice feeble and devoid of the strength it had possessed just moments ago. The words hung in the air, heavy with implications. Yasuline's mind raced, trying to comprehend the significance of Anna's revelation. "The White Reaper."