

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Trials of the Adventure King - Strength

The trio continued their journey through the labyrinth, their footsteps echoing softly in the dimly lit corridors. As they entered a grand chamber, a sense of wonder washed over them. It was a sight unlike anything they had ever witnessed before.

The chamber stretched out before them, vast and cavernous, its walls constructed from an otherworldly stone material that seemed to emit a gentle, ethereal glow. The stone shimmered with a myriad of colors, shifting seamlessly from hues of azure to violet, giving the chamber an almost dreamlike ambiance. The floor beneath their feet was smooth and polished, reflecting the soft glow of the walls, as if the chamber itself were alive.

At the heart of this magnificent chamber stood an awe-inspiring sight—a colossal sculpture of a humanoid giant, reaching toward the heavens with outstretched arms. The sculpture, intricately carved from the same enigmatic stone as the chamber, exuded an aura of power and majesty. Its features were exquisitely detailed, every muscle and sinew chiseled with meticulous precision. The giant's face was both serene and commanding, its eyes seemingly alive with an ancient wisdom.

As the trio approached the sculpture, they couldn't help but feel dwarfed by its immense presence. It stood as a testament to the skill and artistry of its creator, a true masterpiece in its right. The giant's fingers, each as long as a person, were adorned with delicate engravings, depicting mythical creatures and epic battles. The patterns seemed to come alive, shifting and intertwining as if the stories they told were being whispered through the ages.

The air within the chamber held a hint of something intangible—a mixture of reverence, wonder, and a touch of trepidation. The silence enveloped them, broken only by the soft sound of their breathing and the distant echoes of their footsteps. +

Yasuline's eyes widened in awe as they entered the grand chamber, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. The ethereal glow of the stone walls cast a mesmerizing aura, creating an atmosphere that felt almost surreal. Her adventurous instincts tingled, a feeling deep within her telling her that they were not alone in this majestic space. Her hand instinctively twitched, aching to grasp the hilt of her sword, ready to face whatever might reveal itself.

The towering humanoid giant sculpture dominated the chamber, its presence both imposing and captivating. Yasuline couldn't tear her gaze away from the intricate details that adorned its form—muscles, engravings, and patterns that seemed to come alive under the shifting colors of the stone. The sculpture's eyes seemed to meet hers, an ancient wisdom hidden within their depths.

As she stood before the colossal artwork, Yasuline felt a rush of emotions—the reverence that the chamber demanded, the wonder it inspired, and the undercurrent of trepidation that sent shivers down her spine. The grandiosity of the chamber fueled her determination, reminding her that they were here for a purpose—to uncover the truths that lay within.

Her grip on the hilt of her sword tightened, a silent acknowledgment of the potential challenges that awaited them. The air was charged with an intangible energy, a mixture of excitement and uncertainty that sent a thrill through her veins. Yasuline exchanged a quick glance with the White Reaper, a silent understanding passing between them.

With each step they took, Yasuline's curiosity grew, and her heart beat in sync with the rhythm of the chamber. This was a moment of convergence, where ancient mysteries and the present journey intersected. The grand chamber seemed to hold the promise of revelations that would test their resolve and push them to their limits. Yasuline's spirit burned brighter than ever as she ventured deeper, her hand still itching to grasp her sword, ready to face whatever challenges this mystical space had in store.

Anna discovers a plaque stuck onto the wall and begins reading it aloud, her voice boasted with echoes.

In the realm of peril and might, A challenge awaits, a fearsome sight. Behold the Protector's reign, A creature of stone, with power untamed.

Its massive form, a force to behold, With strength unmatched, its story unfolds. To prove thy worth, thy mettle tested, In combat fierce, a battle contested.

With sword in hand and heart aflame, Face the protector, let not fear claim. Strike with valor, thy spirit ablaze, Defeat the foe, deserving of praise.

Through brawn and courage, victory seeks, The trial of strength, thy path to peak. Claim triumph over this mighty stone, And let thy name forever be known.

Ysuline leans over to the White Reaper, "Psst, do you know what that means?"

"Something about fighting." Anna answered her. Though it seemed like a guess as she pondered to herself afterwards.

With a glimmer of mischief dancing in her eyes, Yasuline gracefully skipped toward the magnificent statue positioned at the heart of the grand chamber. The statue stood as a towering sentinel, an embodiment of majesty and authority that demanded both reverence and wonder. Its imposing form seemed to reach out to her, kindling an inexplicable connection to the imminent trials that lay ahead.

"Now then," Yasuline's voice rang out, a playful lilt accompanying her words, "how shall we kick off this initial trial? Perhaps a hearty kick is just the thing?" Her eyes shimmered with a fervent anticipation, as though she were poised to confront any challenge that dared cross her path.

Anna's voice quivered with concern, her words steeped in caution. "Hold on, Yasuline! Let's take a moment to ponder this, to strategize as a united front." She fervently hoped that invoking Yasuline's role as the "leader" would steer her away from impulsive choices. Yet, to her dismay, Yasuline's youthful impishness reigned supreme, and without a moment's hesitation, she unleashed a swift, forceful kick upon the statue.

The chamber plunged into an abrupt stillness, Yasuline's audacious act rippling through the air. Specks of dust waltzed within the pale illumination, conjuring an almost otherworldly ambiance. Anna's eyes widened, a tapestry of concern and intrigue weaving across her countenance. She braced herself for the enigmatic consequences borne from Yasuline's audacious maneuver, unsure of what destiny had been set into motion along the path they had chosen.

Creature Bio: Magistone Golem

Danger Level: 1 or 4.

Health: High.

Attack: High,

Defense: High,

Speed: Medium

Description: Golems made of a particular material exclusive to the Continent of the Dragos. The stone empowers the golem with magical properties with an invisible aura that boasts its stats to a noticeable amount, marking them the third deadliest variation of its kind. As always, Golems are a non-threat as long as its protected property is not interacted with.

In the realm of the Dragos, where ancient magic courses through the land, a formidable creation stands tall—a Magistone Golem. Crafted from a rare and exclusive material known as Magistone, these golems possess an awe-inspiring presence that strikes fear into the hearts of all who behold them.

Magistone, a substance found only in the depths of the Dragos Continent, is a marvel in itself. It is a fusion of crystalline minerals and ethereal essence, born from the convergence of raw magical energy and the earth's primal elements. The stone's surface shimmers with an otherworldly luminescence, casting an ethereal glow that seems to dance and flicker in an array of mystical hues.

The texture of Magistone is unlike anything seen before. Smooth to the touch, it exudes a coolness akin to polished marble, yet hints at the latent power contained within. Intricate veins of glowing energy ripple across the surface, pulsating with a vibrant luminosity that traverses the entire body of the golem. These veins act as conduits, channeling the magical energy within the stone to empower the golem's formidable abilities.

Standing tall and imposing, the Magistone Golem is a sight to behold. Its form is muscular and hulking, with broad shoulders and thick limbs that testify to its immense strength. The Magistone material has been expertly sculpted, creating intricate details that showcase the craftsmanship behind this formidable construct. The golem's body is adorned with etchings and symbols, reminiscent of ancient runes, which seem to come alive as the magical energy courses through them.

At the core of the golem, a pulsating core of pure magical energy can be glimpsed, emanating a faint, yet unmistakable, invisible aura. This ethereal veil envelops the creature, granting it heightened abilities and boasting its stats to a noticeable extent. The golem's movements are surprisingly agile, defying its massive size, as if it dances with the harmonious fusion of raw power and magical grace. As the Magistone Golem strides forward, the ground trembles beneath its weight, sending shockwaves through the very air. Each step resonates with a deep, resonant thud, reverberating through the souls of onlookers. Its eyes, glowing orbs of concentrated energy, radiate an intense and piercing light, reflecting the sheer force of its existence. In the Dragos Continent, the Magistone Golem stands as the pinnacle of magical constructs, a testament to the ancient art of imbuing stone with life and power. With its majestic presence and unparalleled strength, it reigns as the third deadliest variation of its kind, a formidable guardian and a force to be reckoned with in the realms of magic and warfare.

"That's uh... quite the imposing figure you have," Yasuline stammered, her steps growing smaller as she gingerly retreated.

With a subtle turn of its massive head, the Magistone Golem fixed its unyielding gaze upon its nearest target—Yasuline. Its colossal frame restricted its movements, preventing it from lowering its head, but the sheer intensity of its stare left no doubt that it was locked onto its quarry. Lifting one of its mighty arms, the golem poised itself to strike.

"It's a magic golem! Run!"

A resounding crash reverberated as the golem's enormous fist collided with the ground, precisely where Yasuline had stood just moments before. Anna's heart clenched with dread, her hands instinctively flying to cover her gaping mouth. Yet, her anxiety quickly ebbed away as her eyes caught the familiar glint of fire on the White Reaper's coat. With unparalleled swiftness, he had lunged forward to rescue the princess, enfolding her within his arms as they slid across the floor, propelled by the sheer force of the save.

"Talk about a close call," Yasuline remarked, her grip on the White Reaper unyielding.

"Are you both alright?" Anna's voice trembled with concern.

"We're perfectly fine!" Yasuline's voice resonated with unshakeable determination.

Their fleeting exchange was abruptly curtailed as the magistone golem unleashed its next maneuver—a sweeping arc of its arm aimed directly at the two intrepid adventurers. Sensing the impending peril, the White Reaper swiftly devised his next move.

With a burst of energy, he propelled himself into a sprint, gaining momentum with each stride. Yasuline remained composed, her eyes fixed on the approaching arm. As it grew closer and closer, the tension in the air became palpable. But just when it seemed that all hope was lost, the White Reaper leaped gracefully into the air, evading the golem's powerful strike with mere inches to spare. The rush of air was the only sensation that brushed against them, narrowly avoiding the devastating blow.

Their hearts pounding with adrenaline, the trio stood momentarily in awe of their narrow escape. The battle against the formidable Magistone Golem had only just begun, and they knew they had to press on with unwavering determination.

As the dust settled from their narrow escape, the White Reaper swiftly made his way towards Anna, gently transferring Yasuline back into her care. Yasuline blinked in surprise as she found herself momentarily left behind, watching the two of them closely. They observed with a mixture of concern and disbelief as the White Reaper turned his attention back to the imposing Magistone Golem, which stood steadfast at the center of the chamber, its intended targets now approaching it.

"He can't be serious about facing that magistone golem, can he?" Anna's voice quivered with a mix of worry and incredulity, unable to fully grasp the audacity of the White Reaper's intentions.

Yasu smugly smiles as if the disbelief was on her own skill, "Oh, he is never not serious. He is probably the greatest fighter in all of Atlas. Better put on a good showing in front of Anna! Or I'll make you fight in a dress next time!"

Undeterred by the overwhelming odds, the White Reaper positioned himself directly beneath the colossal golem. There, he stood resolute, seemingly undaunted by the towering presence and the formidable powers it possessed. It was a defiant stance, a testament to his unwavering determination.

As the towering Magistone Golem gathered its might for another earth-shaking onslaught, its colossal arm poised to descend in a devastating blow, the White Reaper demonstrated his unparalleled agility. He skillfully evaded the impending strike, gracefully leaping clear of danger's path. The chamber trembled as the golem's ferocious attack found its mark, sending shockwaves through the very ground beneath Yasuline and Anna. Cracks deepened and spread across the already weakened floor, exposing the familiar spot that had previously been a target. Yet, this time, the golem altered its strategy, adopting a neutral stance instead of attempting to sweep the nimble figure of the White Reaper.

In the midst of the tumultuous confrontation, Anna's comprehension dawned, and she vocalized her newfound insight. "I believe he's drawing its attention away from us. While he holds its focus, we should seek an avenue of escape." Yasuline's agreement was implicit, her understanding of their plan clear. Against the chamber wall, the two companions embarked on a methodical journey toward the chamber's opposite extremity, recognizing the necessity of unity to secure a swift exit.

Their advance was accompanied by recurrent tremors, the very ground quaking under the ongoing clash. The center of the chamber bore witness to the wear and tear inflicted by the relentless golem—cracks and fragments of shattered flooring attested to its immense might. Not content with targeting the floor alone, the golem unleashed its fury upon the walls, each mighty blow striving to crush its elusive adversary. Yet, the White Reaper remained an elusive specter, effortlessly sidestepping every onslaught with uncanny speed and precision. Amidst the spectacle, Yasuline's observant eyes discerned a subtlety—a periodic clenching of the White Reaper's right arm, a rotation of his shoulder, as if he battled residual discomfort.

"He's still feeling the aftermath of that dire rat attack," Yasuline mused, uncovering the source of his evident unease.

"Indeed, he must have employed a minor healing potion. A small mercy, but effective," Anna acknowledged, lauding the White Reaper's resilience despite the lingering wounds he bore.

As the relentless golem continued its relentless pursuit, driving the White Reaper towards a corner of the chamber, the realization dawned upon them that the golem possessed a certain level of intelligence. Golems, by nature, needed some degree of cognitive ability to understand and execute commands. However, this limited intelligence paled in comparison to the full comprehension and strategic thinking of a sentient being. Nevertheless, the golem's current actions seemed calculated, as if it were intentionally cornering its weakened opponent. It was a stark reminder that even a creature with minimal intelligence could exploit an advantage against a weakened foe.

"What can we do? Does it have any weaknesses?"

"Princess, we are talking about one of the most rare beings in Atlas. They should only be in the continent of the Dragos, not down in the surface, let alone the Labyrinth."

"Maybe we can make another of those firebombs of yours?"

"Do you even have any more potions with you?"

"I don't think so."

Climbing the arm of the rune golem in a desperate attempt to escape its advancing clutches, the White Reaper strained to maintain his balance. Despite his speed advantage, it was evident that his strength was waning. A cough escaped him as he landed, causing him to stumble momentarily. The toll of his recent encounters with the dire rats was taking its toll, sapping his vitality. The golem, fueled by its relentless purpose, closed in, inching ever closer to inflicting a fatal blow.

The golem's patience appeared to have reached its limit. Shaking its fist at the White Reaper, it then raised its colossal legs, stomping menacingly towards him. Each thunderous impact upon the floor caused the cracks to widen, connecting with existing fractures. Strange shapes emerged from these newly formed crevices, only to quiver and vanish. The room's dim lighting made it difficult for Yasuline to discern the fate of these ethereal shapes, but the White Reaper seemed to anticipate their presence, deftly evading them with nimble footwork as he dodged the golem's heavy swings.

Yasuline grew confused on the overall actions the White Reaper seemed to be performing. But something else she noticed that also drew her attention just as much as the action was.

"All he is doing is dodging." Yasuline says at first, but her eyes perk up. Something that catches the attention of Anna.

"What's up? You notice something?"

"Yeah, the floor." The princess points out the various cracks formed on the stone floor. As the actions between the golem and the White Reaper continue, the floor starts to break apart, revealing the underside to be a black abyss. The same abyss where one would fall to their doom.

With every step, both deliberate and intended to crush, the blackness spread across the floor. A sharp crack echoed in Yasuline's ears, drawing her attention to the floor. To her astonishment, she witnessed the middle section of the chamber vanish entirely, leaving behind a gaping abyss. The White Reaper momentarily balanced himself upon the golem's body, then leaped off, landing on the remaining patch of floor adjacent to the chamber's wall, opposite from Yasuline and Anna. Meanwhile, the rune golem, now teetering on the precipice, began its descent. Thanks to the glowing runes adorning its surface, Yasuline finally comprehended the true nature of their surroundings.

"Quick, hug the wall, it should at least be stable." Anna proclaimed and starts pushing Yasuline to safety.

The entire chamber was suspended over an unfathomable abyss, and the empty black spots scattered across the floor were nothing more than holes leading to oblivion. Yasuline realized that the White Reaper's objective was not to engage the golem in direct combat but to send it plummeting to its doom. As the rune golem approached its final moments, it seemed to display a final flicker of emotion. Yasuline could almost perceive a glance upward, accompanied by what seemed to be a thumbs-up gesture—an acknowledgment of their ingenious strategy in confronting their formidable adversary. With a newfound hope, she silently wished for the White Reaper's safety.

Anna stares at the vacant chamber in disbelief. "He actually defeated it," Anna uttered in a breathless whisper, awe evident in her voice.

"Of course," Yasuline responded, a radiant smile returning to her face. Both of them gazed at the White Reaper, who acknowledged their admiration with a monotone attempt at a V-for-victory gesture.