

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Lorna Labyrinth - Swarm

[Creature Bio: Dire Rats]

[Danger Level: 01-04. Health: Very Low. Attack: Low. Defense: Low. Speed: Medium]

[Description: Dire Rats are fairly commonly spotted in underground tunnels and caverns with a plenty of moisture. Dire Rats are considered a mixed bag of sorts when it comes to the potential danger. A singular rat poses not much threat aside from possible infections, while a swarm is highly dangerous due to the amount of them. Cities often assign managing their population to local adventurers for low payment.]

The creatures emerged from the darkness, their presence casting an eerie shadow upon the chamber. These were no ordinary rodents; they were monstrous creatures, large enough to rival a dog in size. Their mangy fur, a sickly shade of gray and dark blood-red, clung to their emaciated bodies, as if barely holding on.

Huddled together, the dire rats created an illusion of a larger, more formidable swarm. Their movements were coordinated, as if driven by a collective, malicious intelligence. It was a tactic to intimidate their prey, to make their presence seem overwhelming and unstoppable. Their chipped and jagged teeth, tainted with the remnants of countless victims, gleamed ominously under the blue flames. It was their primary weapon, capable of inflicting painful and deep wounds. With a single bite, they could tear through flesh and bone, leaving behind a trail of suffering and agony.

The sound of their gnashing teeth and the sharp scratching of their claws filled the chamber, a chilling symphony of malice. The creatures looked relentless, driven by an insatiable hunger that could only be quenched by the taste of warm blood. Their eyes, tiny and bloodshot, burned with a feral gleam. They were windows to a primal instinct, a reflection of the unyielding hunger that consumed them. In their gaze, one could witness the ruthlessness of nature, the survival of the fittest personified.

Yasuline had a feeling that the creatures were an embodiment of chaos, a reminder that even in the darkest corners of the labyrinth, unimaginable horrors awaited. Their presence served as a warning to any who dared venture deeper, that the challenges they would face would be twisted, relentless, and unforgiving.

"Dire Rats." Anna whispered under her breath. Loud enough just for the princess to hear. She and the White Reaper stood very still in awkward positions. She felt Anna's hand on her, forcing her to stay as still as them. "They are notorious to living in dank places like sewers and murky caverns. Disgustingly covered in muck and just as nasty when they go on a feeding frenzy on whatever sorry sap gets caught by a swarm of them."

"What do we do? Fight them?" Yasuline asked, hoping she might get a excuse to use her new sword. But a look on the merchant's face clearly showed how insane such a suggestion was. Even exchanging a look with the White Reaper from how flabbergasted she was when the princess began to hover her hand over the handle of her sword that rested against her waist.

"Are you just a battle-junkie or something? You can't expect people to just fight off a swarm this big like they are common slimes."

"But...I have a sword." Yasuline's tone carried similarities to that of a child pleading for permission.

"I do not care. One sword will not be enough to take them down."

"What about potions?"

"Yasuline, enough." Anna snapped at her. Clearly annoyed at how she kept pushing for permission. But her patience wasn't the only one being tested. As Yasuline suddenly and without holding back exerts a outburst.

"Stupid rats! Why do you gotta be the kind of enemies that I can't even fight!"

The chamber erupted with a renewed frenzy. The dire rats swarm, their hunger unsatiated, surged forward with a vengeful determination. Their beady eyes glinted with a ferocious hunger as they closed in on their prey.


The White Reaper's sharp instincts kicked in, sensing movement in the shadows. Without hesitation, he grabbed Anna's arm and scoops up Yasuline, lifting them off their feet. A faint glow of green ripples over the floor.

[????? Skill has been activated.]

The White Reaper sprinted through the labyrinth's twisted passages, his footsteps echoing in the darkness. Anna and Yasuline clung to him, their hearts pounding in their chests. Fear surged through their veins, fueling their desperate flight.

The dire rats, driven by an insatiable thirst for blood, chased after the trio with relentless determination. Their claws scraped against the cold stone floors, their shrill squeaks reverberating through the narrow corridors.

The chase was a chaotic blur. The trio weaved through labyrinthine passages, their breaths ragged and labored. The air was thick with the scent of desperation and the sound of panting echoed off the ancient walls.

The White Reaper's movements were precise and agile, evading obstacles and maneuvering through the labyrinth with an uncanny grace. His eyes blazed with determination as he navigated the treacherous terrain, his sole focus on keeping his companions safe from the pursuing horde. Anna's heart raced, her adrenaline-fueled mind racing with thoughts of escape. Fear intermingled with a surge of determination, urging her to push forward despite the exhaustion threatening to overtake her. She glanced at Yasuline, their eyes meeting briefly, sharing a silent vow to survive this harrowing chase. Yasuline's face was a mix of fear and exhilaration, her adventurous spirit refusing to be dampened. She clung tightly to the White Reaper, her trust unwavering as she followed his every move. Her eyes flickered with a mix of terror and excitement, fueled by the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

The dire rat swarm, relentless in their pursuit, drew closer with each passing moment. Their gnarled claws scraped against the stone, their chittering growing louder and more frenzied. They were a persistent and terrifying force, their numbers seeming to multiply in the darkness.

With every step, the trio strained against their physical limits, their bodies pushed to the brink. The Princess's muscles burned with exertion, her strength waning but her resolve unwavering. Anna and Yasuline clung to the White Reaper, their trust in his ability to lead them to safety unshaken. The trio's hearts pounded in their chests as they raced through the labyrinth, their footsteps echoing through the ancient corridors. The distant sounds of the dire rat swarm grew closer, their relentless pursuit driving the adrenaline coursing through their veins.

"Damn, he really knows how to pull his own weight. What? Is your job a pack mule? If so, boy do I have a job offer for you." She says with a strange look on her face as she looks at the back of the White Reaper's head. The kind she made when Yasuline would catch her looking at coins that bystanders would have in their hands on the way to the Labyrinth. When it came to money and methods on getting more money, Anna was very keen on taking advantage of anything she could to get as much as she could. But from the way she talked, it didn't seem like she needed that much coin, but at the same time, she seemed to love getting as much of them as possible. It seemed like the White Reaper's strong stamina was something worth getting into her business.

Suddenly, the labyrinth opened up into a vast, open-air void. Darkness enveloped them, stretching endlessly in every direction. They found themselves standing on a network of intricately carved stone bridges that crisscrossed the void, leading off into the unknown. It was a disorienting sight—a bewildering expanse of choices, each bridge disappearing into the blackness.

"Oh hey, where did the wall and ceiling go?" Yasuline changed the subject. Strange enough, her voice no longer had that echo effect from when the soundwaves bounced back into their ears. In fact, it was clear. Nothing seemed to be around them, with the exception of the floor, was there to reflect their voices. Instead, what was around them was just pitch blackness.

"This is the Abyss of the Lorna Labyrinth. There's nothing here by those stone bridges that connect to other underground areas." Anna explains, "We must be careful to not lose our footing. One wrong move and we'll fall forever. Least, that is what people assume will happen. No explorer, not even the Adventure King knows if this Abyss has a bottom."

The trio darted across the bridge they were standing on, their footsteps echoing through the emptiness. Each bridge they encountered seemed identical, casting an eerie ambiance in the pitch-black void. They had no choice but to trust their instincts and forge ahead. As they sprinted, the sound of skittering claws and chattering teeth grew louder, reverberating through the void. The dire rat swarm was gaining on them, their hunger unyielding. Panic threatened to take hold, but they pressed on, their determination shining through the darkness.

The bridges beneath their feet seemed to stretch into oblivion, disappearing into the depths of the unknown. Each step was a gamble, the fear of misjudgment and a plunge into the abyss fueling their adrenaline-fueled run. With each turn they took, the bridges branched out in countless directions, a maze of stone paths suspended in nothingness. It was a test of agility and bravery, their every move uncertain, yet essential for their survival.

The White Reaper, ever silent, navigated the maze of bridges with uncanny grace, his movements fluid and precise. He led the way, his mystical blue flames casting a soft glow on the path ahead, providing a beacon of hope amidst the engulfing darkness. Anna and Yasuline followed closely behind, their eyes fixed on the White Reaper's coat, their lifeline in this bewildering labyrinth. Fear and determination intermingled within them as they darted across the narrow bridges, their hearts pounding with every step.

The dire rat swarm, relentless in their pursuit, scurried after them, their chattering growing louder with each passing moment. The cacophony of their claws scraping against stone sent shivers down their spines, urging them to move faster.

Time seemed to blur as they continued their harrowing chase. The bridges became a blur of stone and shadow, the void an endless abyss surrounding them. The dire rats' relentless pursuit fueled their exhaustion, but their will to survive propelled them forward.

"Ah man, they really are a lot of them. Can't we just find some big rock to throw at them?"

Anna's eyes widened, her mind racing to formulate a plan amidst the chaos. She gripped Yasuline's hand tightly and on the White Reaper's cloak, her voice determined but laced with urgency. "Zero, we need to keep moving! I have an idea!"

Yasuline waited for her to explain what the merchant's intentions was, but she only began making her move instead. Meanwhile, the White Reaper seemed to be aware of what it was as he started to help her sit on his shoulder instead while keeping her balance with just one arm grab. The strange body contortion slowed his speed. The swarm was starting to narrow the gap between them. The began to loosen up and covered the entire bridge behind them like a living shadow coming after them.

"Yasuline, what kind of potions do you have?"

"Oh, well, I think I just got the basic ones. I got a green one, orange one, blue one, and a purpleish one."

A spark of inspiration lit up Anna's eyes as she explained her plan. "A magic potion? Brilliant! Hand it over!" I think we can use some of those items to create a distraction, to buy us enough time to escape!"

Anna rummaged through her bag, her excitement mixing with a touch of nervousness. "Ah, yes! I have some flint and steel, and... here it is! A vial of highly flammable oil!" Anna's eyes gleamed with a mixture of satisfaction and relief. "Perfect! With those ingredients, we might be able to create a fire bomb. We can use it to create a diversion, allowing us to slip away from the swarm."

[Alchemist Class Skill: Fire Bomb, has been activated]

[Description: Using a unique mixture of gasoline and other chemicals, the liquid can be ignited to cause a minor explosion. Anything caused in the blast will be dealt fire damage. Can be considered a Fire Skill]

Working quickly, Anna guided Yasuline on how to combine the flint and steel with the flammable oil. The princess's hands trembled slightly with excitement and nerves, but she followed Anna's instructions with utmost focus. Within moments, the makeshift fire bomb was complete—a fragile glass container filled with a volatile mixture, ready to unleash its fiery chaos. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on their determined faces.

Anna's gaze met Yasuline's, a shared understanding passing between them. "When I give the signal, we'll throw the fire bomb in the opposite direction. It should draw the rats away from us. We must be ready to run, and run fast."

Yasuline nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She clutched the fire bomb tightly, its warmth a stark contrast to the cold, dark labyrinth that surrounded them. The weight of their escape plan settled upon their shoulders, a test of their resourcefulness and teamwork. As they continued through the labyrinth, the sound of the dire rat swarm grew nearer once again. The time for action was upon them. Anna's voice was firm as she addressed both Yasuline and the White Reaper.

"Ready... Now!"

With a swift motion, Yasuline hurled the fire bomb with all her might. It sailed through the air, leaving a trail of fiery arcs in its wake. The glass shattered upon impact, igniting the oil within and unleashing a blazing inferno. The dire rat swarm, drawn by the sudden burst of royal blue flames and the scent of burning oil, veered off in pursuit of the fiery distraction. Their chattering grew distant, fading into the labyrinth's depths as they pursued the illusory prey.

Seizing the opportunity, the trio sprinted forward, their footsteps echoing through the ancient corridors. The flames cast an eerie glow, illuminating their path as they raced away from the rat swarm, their hearts pounding with a mix of exhilaration and trepidation. The labyrinth seemed to stretch endlessly before them, its twists and turns challenging their resolve. But with the fire bomb as their catalyst, they continued to push forward, their determination unwavering.