

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Lorna Labyrinth - Fall

A chorus of startled cries filled the air as Yasuline and Anna plummeted through the darkness. Their bodies tumbled and twisted, weightless in the void. Panic threatened to consume them as they flailed in the abyss, desperately searching for something to hold onto.

The air rushed past them, the sound of the girl's collective screams echoing against the black walls that surrounded them. Fear gripped their hearts, their minds racing to comprehend the sudden turn of events. What awaited them at the bottom of this treacherous fall? Would they survive this unexpected plunge?

In the midst of the chaos, Yasuline fought to steady her thoughts. She reached out, grasping for the White Reaper's hand, finding solace in his presence amidst the chaos. The White Reaper's reflexes kicked in to aid the three. Grabbing the merchant, he starts preparing them, but curling their bodies up into a ball.

Yasuline didn't fight him at all and kept the pose until she felt the impact hitting the back of her shoulder. The pain stung but it was less than what she had expected, she simply rolled across the tough floor, feeling the bits of rocks pick at her body until the momentum died.

Anna was a tougher time to handle as she was more so fighting the White Reaper than even worrying about her falling. The White Reaper gave in and simply tucked her with him as he impacted the floor next.

As they slowly regained their bearings, they realized they were no longer in the labyrinth but in an entirely new realm. The abyss had transported them to an unknown place, far removed from the familiar city above. The air was thick with an otherworldly aura, and a sense of foreboding hung in the atmosphere.

Yasuline rose to her feet, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings. The ground beneath them was barren and treacherous, a stark contrast to the vibrant city they had left behind.

As the group dusted themselves off and regained their footing, Anna's frustration bubbled over. Her voice pierced through the commotion, an amalgamation of anger and irritation coloring her words, "Seriously!? Again!? Can't believe I'm back in this darn maze! What a load of bad luck! Which godbeast did I tick off this time!?"

Meanwhile, Yasuline's genuine excitement was impossible to contain. Her voice brimmed with a thrill that danced amid the chaos. "Check it out! We made it! Our adventure's finally starting! Can you believe it, Anna? The maze is all, 'Hey, come figure out my mysteries and trials!' It's like diving into one of those epic tales my dad tells every night!"

Anna shot Yasuline a glare, her vexation evident in the narrowing of her eyes. "You think this is a thrill? We're in the dark, not some cool farmer-turned-adventurer story! This is dangerous, not exciting! We can't even bolt back to the city at the first sight of danger even if we tried!"

Yasu's excitement took a hit from how genuinely upset Anna sounded. The princess takes a few breaths and her voice gets quieter in an attempt to calm Anna down. "Okay, I get where you're coming from, Anna. But maybe we can see it as a chance to show off how tough and smart we are. Together, we can totally handle whatever comes our way."

Anna huffed, her vexation persisting as they continued this back and forth, "Show off, huh? Well, I never asked for this adventure. I never planned to end up back in this maze. I just wanna find a way out and get rid of this craziness."

Amidst the tumult, the White Reaper stood silent and watchful, a beacon of calm amidst Anna's ire and Yasuline's excitement. Silence separated the trio as Anna stepped away frmo the group. Yasuline couldn't bring herself to simply just walk further into the labyrinth and leave Anna behind. She knew very well that this scenario only occurred because she persistently asked her to help her and the White Reaper. While the princess' back was turned away, Anna looked back at her. Seeing her lose her cheerful attitude enveloped a feeling of guilt onto the merchant. After a while, Anna's frustration simmered down. She took a deep breath, seeking a flicker of determination within her annoyance. "Look, I know we can't undo what went down, especially me. So, we gotta deal with this maze head-on and find a way out. Let's stick together and keep our eyes on the prize."

Yasuline's excitement bubbled up once more, her voice effervescent with anticipation. "Absolutely! We're totally gonna ace this maze and come out on top! I can feel it deep in my bones! My literal bones, Anna!"

Anna just muttered, "Of all the people in Lumines, why'd I get stuck down here with the one weirdo who's happy to be here."

As they embarked on their descent into the uncharted depths, a whirlwind of emotions swept through the trio—frustration, excitement, and unyielding determination. These feelings melded together, fortifying their resolve to navigate the labyrinthine pathways of the unknown. Amidst the turmoil and uncertainty of that moment, a common purpose bound them together: to conquer the trials that lay ahead and emerge from adversity stronger than before.

Their journey led them into an age-old chamber, its architectural intricacies cloaked in shadows and an unsettling chill that seemed to penetrate their very bones. The air hung heavy with the aroma of antiquity, as if the passage of time had been suspended within the chamber's confines. Towering stone walls surrounded them, their coarse surfaces adorned with faintly discernible hieroglyphs and meticulously carved designs. Remnants of an ancient civilization adorned the stones, their stories faded with the eons that had passed. Dim shards of moonlight filtered through narrow fissures, casting feeble beams that struggled to pierce the pervasive darkness. Beneath their feet, the floor bore the imprints of countless footsteps that had tread its surface in eras long gone by. Each step reverberated through the expanse of the chamber, echoing the weight of history and the wear of time. Weathered fissures marred the stone, silent witnesses to the gradual erosion of foundations once steadfast and strong.

As their eyes acclimated to the obscurity, the trio began to discern the subtleties of their surroundings. Above them, the ceiling soared to impossible heights, disappearing into a void of inky blackness. No matter how far they strained their sight, it was as if their gaze was consumed by an abyss unwilling to divulge its secrets.

The chamber stretched seemingly without end, its boundaries veiled in shadow. A disconcerting sensation of vastness enveloped them, as though they were being engulfed by the very heart of the earth. It was as if the chamber existed in an eternal state of darkness, untouched by even the faintest hint of illumination.

In the distance, their ears strained to catch any sound, but only silence greeted them. The absence of life within these ancient walls weighed heavily upon them, amplifying the sensation of isolation. It was a place where time stood still, where even the echo of their own voices seemed to fade into the void. Their footsteps reverberated through the chamber, bouncing off the cold stone walls and fading into the blackness ahead. The darkness seemed to devour their every sound, leaving behind an eerie silence that hung in the air, as if the room held its breath, waiting for something to awaken its secrets.

With trepidation and a mixture of curiosity, fear, and anticipation, the trio pressed on. Each step they took felt like an intrusion upon the ancient silence, as if disturbing the delicate equilibrium of this forgotten place. But driven by a relentless determination, they pushed forward, their resolve burning bright amidst the pervasive darkness.

They continued their exploration, navigating the labyrinthine depths of the ancient chamber, guided by a fragile thread of hope that somewhere within this stygian realm, they would find the answers they sought.

As they ventured deeper into the labyrinth, the oppressive atmosphere weighed heavily upon Anna. She let out a frustrated sigh, her voice tinged with annoyance. "I can't believe we're still stuck down here. How much longer until we find what we're looking for? This place feels like a never-ending nightmare."

Yasuline, on the other hand, felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The thrill of the unknown danced in her eyes, her voice filled with anticipation. "I'm thinking the same thing. Isn't it amazing, Anna? This labyrinth holds so many secrets, so much potential. I can't help but feel a sense of wonder and adventure."

Anna rolled her eyes, her frustration evident in her tone. "Wonder and adventure, huh? Well, pinky, let me tell you, I've had my fill of wonder and adventure in this place. It's all darkness, twists, and turns. I just want to find a way out of here."

Yasuline's smile wavered slightly, her excitement tempered by Anna's exasperation. "Come on Anna, we have to stay positive. The labyrinth is a test of our determination and courage. We'll find our way through it, I'm sure of it."

The White Reaper, diligently silent for the most part, observed the interaction with a contemplative gaze. His presence was a constant reminder of the dangers lurking within the labyrinth. He remained quiet, his thoughts hidden behind his enigmatic mask. Anna's irritation flared up as she replied, her voice laced with resignation. "I hope you're right, pinky. I really do. But every step we take feels like another step deeper into this never-ending abyss. I just want to make it out of here in one piece."

Yasuline's nervousness started to overshadow her excitement as the weight of the labyrinth's potential dangers settled upon her. She reached out to Anna, her voice softening with empathy.They continued their exploration, navigating the labyrinthine depths of the ancient chamber, guided by a fragile thread of hope that somewhere within this stygian realm, they would find the answers they sought.

As they ventured deeper into the labyrinth, the oppressive atmosphere weighed heavily upon Anna. She let out a frustrated sigh, her voice tinged with annoyance. "I can't believe we're still stuck down here. How much longer until we find what we're looking for? This place feels like a never-ending nightmare."

Yasuline, on the other hand, felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The thrill of the unknown danced in her eyes, her voice filled with anticipation. "I'm thinking the same thing. Isn't it amazing, Anna? This labyrinth holds so many secrets, so much potential. I can't help but feel a sense of wonder and adventure."

Anna rolled her eyes, her frustration evident in her tone. "Wonder and adventure, huh? Well, pinky, let me tell you, I've had my fill of wonder and adventure in this place. It's all darkness, twists, and turns. I just want to find a way out of here."

Yasuline's smile wavered slightly, her excitement tempered by Anna's exasperation. "Come on Anna, we have to stay positive. The labyrinth is a test of our determination and courage. We'll find our way through it, I'm sure of it."

The White Reaper, diligently silent for the most part, observed the interaction with a contemplative gaze. His presence was a constant reminder of the dangers lurking within the labyrinth. He remained quiet, his thoughts hidden behind his enigmatic mask. Anna's irritation flared up as she replied, her voice laced with resignation. "I hope you're right, pinky. I really do. But every step we take feels like another step deeper into this never-ending abyss. I just want to make it out of here in one piece."

Yasuline's nervousness started to overshadow her excitement as the weight of the labyrinth's potential dangers settled upon her. She reached out to Anna, her voice softening with empathy. "And you will! After all, you won't be alone this time. I'll be there with you, along with the W—, I mean, Zero

The White Reaper continues to support the girls and gives a nod in agreement with the princess' word.

Anna's frustration melted slightly as she glanced at her companions, her eyes reflecting a glimmer of hope. She nodded, a hint of determination rekindled within her."Yeah, yeah. Friends and all that song, right? I'll go along with it, for now." With their emotions intertwining, a mixture of excitement, nervousness, annoyance, and determination, the trio forged ahead, united in their quest to unravel the labyrinth's mysteries and emerge triumphant from its depths.

The White Reaper continues to support the girls and gives a nod in agreement with the princess' word.

As the group ventured deeper into the labyrinth, their footsteps echoing through the ancient corridors, a sudden hush fell upon them. Something had caught their attention, a faint sound that stirred the hairs on the back of their necks. They paused, their senses on high alert, straining to identify the source of the disturbance.

In the darkness, the White Reaper's eyes gleamed with a mysterious intensity. With a flick of his wrist, his coat erupted into a mesmerizing display of blue flames, casting an ethereal glow that illuminated their surroundings. The dim light danced on the stone walls, revealing intricate carvings and long-forgotten symbols.

And then they saw it. Before them, huddled in the shadows, a swarm of dire rats emerged from the depths of the labyrinth. Their beady eyes glimmered with malice as they fixed their gaze upon the trio. The air grew heavy with the stench of their presence, a mix of fur, decay, and a hunger that sent shivers down their spines.