

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Day of Rebirth - Swordplay

Yasuline's agile and playful nature took center stage as she swiftly kicked off her heels, her nimble feet carrying her through the castle halls with remarkable speed. Her movements were a graceful dance, her steps purposeful yet light as she weaved effortlessly between furniture and obstacles. Not a single cookie or sweet fell from the tray she carried, a testament to her dexterity and focus.

Her trek led her to an open window, its inviting frame a portal to the world beyond. Yasuline's eyes glinted with determination as she surveyed the distance between herself and the window. With the confidence of someone intimately familiar with the layout of the castle, she deftly maneuvered around furniture, using each piece as a stepping stone to ascend higher.

Her ascent was a symphony of athleticism and finesse, her movements a testament to her strength and agility. The world outside beckoned to her, a realm of possibilities waiting to be explored. Inch by inch, Yasuline closed the gap between herself and the open window, her heart racing with exhilaration.

And then, with a final burst of energy, Yasuline's fingers gripped the windowsill. With a triumphant grin, she hoisted herself up and through the window, her gaze met by the endless expanse of the kingdom beyond. The wind whispered promises of adventure, carrying with it the sweet scent of freedom and exploration.

In this moment, suspended between the castle and the world outside, Yasuline's spirit soared.

Yasuline's nimble form glided over the rooftops and windowsills, her movements fluid and deliberate as she navigated her way southward from the castle. Each surface became a canvas for her agile prowess, her body a symphony of controlled grace as she effortlessly negotiated the terrain. The world around her seemed to blur as she focused on her path, her determination unwavering.

As she continued her short trek, Yasuline's keen senses led her to an open porch area that beckoned like a hidden oasis amidst the castle's structures.

Amidst the serene expanse of the open area, Yasuline's discerning eyes caught glimpses of whimsy and playfulness that seemed delightfully out of place. The spot, a canvas of elegance and refinement, bore the unexpected touches of a mischievous spirit. Pillows and blankets were strewn about haphazardly, creating a cozy nook that contrasted with the room's polished decor. It was as if the spot itself had been transformed into a haven of youthful imagination.

Upon closer inspection, Yasuline's playful additions came into focus. Broken swords, once instruments of valor and might, now lay scattered about with a sense of lighthearted abandon. Their mismatched pieces seemed to form a puzzle of tales untold, a testament to a spirited endeavor that had likely unfolded in the secrecy of this room.

And then there were the sword hilts, an eclectic array that adorned the space like art installations. Yasuline's fascination with the different designs and materials was evident, each hilt a reflection of her curiosity and desire to engage with the world beyond her royal confines. They were tokens of her adventurous spirit, each one representing a potential journey, a lesson learned, or a challenge conquered.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Yasuline's fingers closed around the hilt of a broken sword. Gripping it firmly, she swung the blade in an exaggerated arc, her movements a playful mimicry of the heroic tales her father often regaled her with at bedtime. The sword sliced through the air with a whoosh, her imagination bringing the world of adventure to life within the confines of the open area.

"En garde, you scoundrels!" Yasuline proclaimed with a theatrical flourish, her voice infused with a hint of bravado as she engaged in her playful enactment. Her pink hair swirled around her as she lunged forward, her makeshift sword striking the air with a series of calculated moves.

She parried imaginary foes with swift strikes and twirls, her body moving with grace and precision. Her laughter danced through the room, a melody of joy that echoed off the walls and mingled with the rustle of pillows and blankets. The room seemed to come alive with the energy of her imagination, each movement a brushstroke in a vivid tableau of adventure.

"Ha! Take that, you vile creatures of the unknown!" Yasuline exclaimed, punctuating her playful performance with a triumphant stance. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of determination and lightheartedness, her youthful spirit infusing the room with an undeniable sense of vitality.

As Yasuline's imaginary battle reached its climax, her breath came in exhilarated gasps. With a final flourish, she lowered her makeshift sword and chuckled to herself, a satisfied grin on her face. The secret area was her stage, and in this impromptu enactment, she had transported herself to the heart of her father's legendary tales.

Yasuline's playful enactment was abruptly interrupted by a resounding roar of cheers that echoed through the air. Curiosity piqued, she peered over the edge of the open area, her eyes widening as she beheld a scene of lively activity below. The courtyard had transformed into a training ground, a vibrant tableau of knights armored in an array of gear, some clad in sturdy plate, others in padded cloth.

A mixture of excitement and anticipation rippled through the ranks as the knights readied themselves for what seemed to be a special event. Yasuline's gaze followed the collective focus of the group until it settled upon a figure who stood out amidst the throng. Caliber, the Kingdom's champion and captain of the Royal Guard, had taken the field.

The cheers of the knights were a symphony of admiration and camaraderie, their excitement palpable as they exchanged jests and playful banter. Yasuline's lips curved into a knowing smile as she observed the scene unfold below.

"He's taken up the challenge, huh?" Yasuline mused to herself, her voice carrying a blend of amusement and respect. She had witnessed Caliber's prowess firsthand, his skill and strength renowned throughout the kingdom. The knight who considered themselves strong was about to face a formidable opponent, and Yasuline couldn't help but anticipate the outcome with a mixture of intrigue and mild amusement.

Her eyes tracked the two figures as they squared off, the challenger brimming with determination, Caliber a pillar of unwavering confidence. Yasuline's heart swelled with a touch of pride as she watched her father's champion embody the very essence of valor and skill. She knew that the mock battle would likely be a testament to Caliber's mastery, a showcase of his dedication to his craft.

As the clash of blades and the resounding clang of metal rang out, Yasuline leaned forward, her attention fully captivated by the spectacle below. The courtyard had become a stage for the dance of combat, a display of discipline and artistry that spoke to the heart of the knight's code. No matter how many times she watches, she can't get enough of the thrill of battles.

Then, something metallic flew up from the air from the surface below. A commotion begins to brew, catching the princess' attention. As she investigates, she finds that one of the knights is clutching the area between their neck and shoulder, on the ground, a broken blade of a sword.

It seemed like during the prattling, one of the guards went too far and tried to swing one strike at Caliber to finally get a win. But his instance kicked in and he deflected the attack without holding back using his own sword. With his strength and that sword, it was easy to break any other weapon.

"How deep is the cut?" Caliber asks, with a worried look on his face. Likely believing to be heavily responsible for the injury.

"Not that deep, I'll be fine. A simple trip to the Healing Mages will patch it up." The soldier exclaimed. But Caliber had already stopped listening and began preparing for something.

Paladin Class Skill: Divine King's Touch, has been activated

Description: A powerful Healing Skill that is on par of the top healing skill from the Cleric Class. Can be classified as Light Magic Skill or Healing Skill.

The man's body begins omitting a glow of soothing yellow. His hand extends toward the man and the glow begins to concentrate in his palm.

The glow then shifts from Caliber to the soldier, nearly in the blink of an eye, the cut flesh on his shoulder begins to merge back into place and the blood from the wound evaporates into the glow.

Skills. They are the building block of power in the world. They are abilities and powers bestowed upon them all by the creators of the world, the godbeasts. They range from special attacks, magic, or other categories where normal people without special training or blessings could use.

"Masterful swordsmanship and healing magic that has the church folk turning green with envy. Oh, that's just our Champion, showing off as usual," Yasuline muttered wistfully, meloncholy tinging over her words. She wished circumstances would unfold to reveal the other side of Caliber, the more interesting aspect of him she had yet to witness. The hidden strength that was said to envelop his sword in a radiant light, extending its reach and might. The Power and Skills that earned him the title of Champion.

With a resigned sigh, Yasuline made her way back to her cherished secret spot, a place where her aspirations and curiosity flourished. There, surrounded by her whimsical additions and the remnants of her playfulness, she embarked on a different kind of journey – one that took place within herself.

As Yasuline stood still in the serene atmosphere of the room, her focus turned inward. Her heart beat with anticipation as she delved into the depths of her being, searching for the elusive power that lay dormant within her. It was a power that had yet to reveal itself, a skill that remained shrouded in mystery.

While others seemed to possess innate skills from birth, Yasuline's own talents had remained a puzzle. She had never been informed of her Combat Class, a rite of passage that most undertook at a certain age. It was a void in her understanding, an unanswered question that lingered in the recesses of her mind.

With determination in her eyes, Yasuline began to channel her focus, allowing the stillness of the room to envelop her. She closed her eyes and embraced the quiet, her breaths steady and deliberate. It was a moment of introspection, a communion with the unknown, as she sought to unlock the potential that had eluded her for so long.

Combat Classes, an intricate web that weaves a person's innate power into a distinct path. Yasuline's brow furrowed as she reflected on the enigma that lay before her. In the world she inhabited, countless classes existed, each representing a unique avenue of strength and ability. The realm was alive with magic, special skills, and the more traditional forms of physical prowess. But Yasuline, despite her royal lineage, had been left in the shadows when it came to the knowledge and training that others seemed to possess.

The lack of guidance and instruction had left her adrift, her potential a canvas of uncertainty. She pondered the spectrum of possibilities, her heart heavy with the frustration of a puzzle unsolved. Magic, the art of wielding unseen forces, was beyond her grasp – her senses could barely detect its faintest presence within her. Raw strength, the kind that determined warriors were known for, eluded her as well, leaving her feeling disheartened and aimless.

Unlike her companions and peers within the castle, Yasuline lacked insight into her true nature, her specialty in the realm of Combat Classes. It was a void that echoed her deepest frustrations, a reminder of her uncharted path and the potential that remained tantalizingly out of reach.

With a determined exhale, Yasuline shifted her focus, allowing her thoughts to drift away as her body took over. The rhythmic sound of her swings filled the air, each movement an expression of her longing for clarity and purpose. She swung the blade with renewed vigor, each motion a release of pent-up energy and uncertainty.

Time passed in a blur as Yasuline lost herself in the dance of her own making. The sun's shifting position, its light casting elongated shadows across the room, served as a silent reminder of the passage of time. She sensed the strain in her arms, a testament to her relentless practice and the determination that fueled her efforts.

Finally, as the realization settled in that she had lost herself in her training, Yasuline let her arms lower, the blade resting at her side. Her chest rose and fell with exertion, her body damp with the sheen of effort. Yet, amid the fatigue, there was a spark of resolve in her eyes. The frustration that had clouded her mind earlier had given way to a renewed sense of purpose.

With a contented sigh, Yasuline settled onto a comfortable arrangement of blankets and pillows, her thoughts meandering freely as she indulged in the sweets she had brought with her. As the flavors danced on her palate, she let her imagination wander, envisioning the possibilities that awaited her beyond the castle walls. The capital city held a tantalizing array of experiences, and Yasuline's mind was alight with plans.

"Definitely going shopping," she mused aloud, her voice carrying a mixture of excitement and anticipation. Weapons of her own, a chance to finally wield instruments of her choosing without the limitations of broken blades. The prospect of uncovering her true Combat Class through appraisal intrigued her as well – a key that might unlock the mystery of her abilities.

Yasuline's mind toyed with the idea of a potential affinity for magic, a latent power that could hold the answers she sought. Her eyes narrowed slightly in thought, her expression one of contemplation and curiosity. Magic had always been a realm of fascination, and the thought of tapping into its arcane wonders filled her with a blend of intrigue and apprehension.

Her musings were abruptly interrupted, however, as a sudden realization hit her like a jolt. A string of self-directed curses escaped her lips as her memory delivered a swift reminder – she had forgotten to bring something to drink. It was a small oversight, yet it left her feeling chagrined as she scolded herself for the omission.

Psychic Magic Skill, Spirit Projection, has been activated.

Description: A mystical skill that enables the caster to transcend their physical form and project their consciousness into the ethereal realm. By detaching their spirit from their body, the caster gains the ability to explore the world as an intangible entity, interacting with the spirit realm and gathering information from distant or hidden locations. The caster's body remains in a vulnerable state during projection, requiring protection to prevent harm or disturbance.

In the midst of her self-imposed scolding, a scene unfolded that took Yasuline by surprise. Her mother, the embodiment of grace and calm, materialized before her in an otherworldly display. Hovering in the air with hands on her hips, her expression a blend of maternal concern and gentle reproach, the queen gazed down at Yasuline with an unwavering gaze.

Yasuline's eyes widened in astonishment, her heart skipping a beat as she found herself face to face with her mother's disapproving yet endearing visage. The gravity of her mother's presence was palpable, a reminder of the bonds that tied them together and the unspoken lessons that only a mother's gaze could impart.

With a sheepish grin, Yasuline couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "Well, I guess I really did forget something important."

Yasuline's mother gazed down at her with a knowing expression, her eyes reflecting a blend of curiosity and amusement. "And where, my dear, did those blankets and pillows come from?" she inquired, her tone gently probing.

Yasuline's lips curled into a playful grin as she responded, her imagination in full swing. "Oh, you know, Mother," she began, her voice carrying a conspiratorial lilt. "Massive birds must have flown through the window and decided to leave me a cozy surprise. It's all part of their secret plan, I'm sure."

Her mother's chuckle filled the air, a soft melody of maternal affection. "Ah, I see. Those must be some quite extraordinary birds, indeed."

As the conversation continued, Yasuline's mother turned her attention to the passage of time, describing the moment and the sun's position in the sky. Yasuline nodded along, her focus captured by her mother's words. A sense of peacefulness settled over her as the reality of the present moment washed over her.

However, amidst the tranquility, a sudden realization struck Yasuline like a bolt of lightning. Her eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat as the distant echo of her father's voice reached her ears. Her father, the king, was in the midst of delivering his speech, a proclamation that held immense significance for the kingdom. And she was not there, for the finale where she would greet the civilians. The same ones she intends to befriend and craft relationships with.

The gravity of the situation hit her like a wave, and Yasuline's playful demeanor gave way to a mixture of concern and regret. Her eyes widened, her voice laced with disbelief as she muttered to herself, "The speech... I completely forgot."

As the echoes of her father's voice lingered in the air, Yasuline's gaze shifted back to her mother. With a mixture of urgency and determination, she met her mother's gaze and declared, "I need to go, Mother. I can't miss this."